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Created August 16, 2014 14:57
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Modo script to toggle between normal Shading Styles and a 'XRay-hacked' one.
# VERS: beta4
# DATE: March 11, 2014
# MADE: Cristobal Vila,
# USES: To toggle between normal Shading Styles and a 'XRay-hacked' one.
# First of all, assign this script to a keymap, ie 'numeric-8'.
# When pressing '8' you will enter in a 'new of shading style', shaded, transparent,
# and with 100% opaque wireframes that you can see through surfaces.
# This is in fact a 'dirty hack' based on Advanced OpenGL, creating a semitransparent
# temporal Material with a custom color and properties.
# Press '8' again to 'exit' from this XRay state and you will return to standard
# 'Shade' style (I choose to go back to 'Shade' because 90% of times
# when you want or need to use XRay, you will be at Modeling stages).
# If you forgot to press '8' to 'exit' from XRay-state and press '4' to return back
# to standard Shade, or any other shading style (something that will occurs for sure),
# you will see that the 'soft-blue-greyed' material remains there. Don't worry: press '8'
# again and you will disable XRay, removing the temporal Material (*)
# (*) There is one exception: if you change directly from 'XRay' to standard 'Wireframe',
# forgeting to disable XRay, all seems to be fine (but XRay material is here anyway).
# If you press again '8' on this case, you will return to XRay, and not disable it.
# There is a complementary script '' to change level
# of Transparency on the fly, and a 'eterea_xraymat_toggle_keymaps.CFG' where you can
# modify your preferred keymaps for all.
myActualShading = lx.eval('view3d.shadingStyle ?')
# This script will create a new 'XRAYMAT' custom Material, placing it at top of Shader Tree.
# This means that we would loose all Shader Tree SELECTIONS (bad if we are working on ST).
# We will (1) Store all selections in a List, (2) Deselect all, and (3) Recover that selection at end.
# There is an exception: if we already have a 'XRAYMAT' AND is selected, we need to deselect it to avoid errors.
# Attempts to query if a material called 'XRAYMAT' is selected.
# If it doesn't exist and/or is not selected, a silent error will occurs:
xraySelected = lx.eval('query sceneservice txLayer.isSelected ? {XRAYMAT}')
# We've got here so the material 'XRAYMAT' exists AND is selected. Let's deselect it:
if xraySelected == 1:
lx.eval('select.subItem {XRAYMAT} remove')
# Now lets create a LIST with other selected elements in ShaderTree (if any):
myPrevSelected = []
n = lx.eval( "query sceneservice txLayer.N ?" )
for i in xrange(n): # xrange is faster than range(0,n) and you don't have to specify a lower bound of 0. It will default to 0
if lx.eval1("query sceneservice txLayer.isSelected ? %s" % i):
myID = lx.eval1("query sceneservice ? %s" % i)
myPrevSelected.append (myID) # Store the ID here, as the index may not point to the same thing if you've made changes
lx.eval("select.subItem %s remove" % myID)
# Next step is to check if a Material named 'XRAYMAT' exists of not
# Attempts to get the ID of a material named 'XRAYMAT'. If it doesn't exist, a silent error will occurs:
lx.eval('query sceneservice advancedMaterial.ID ? {XRAYMAT}')
# We've got here so the material 'XRAYMAT' exists.
xrayExistence = 'yes'
# If the silent error occurs, the material 'XRAYMAT' doesn't exist:
xrayExistence = 'nope'
# Lets define a Function to Remove XRAYMAT:
def remove_XRAYMAT():
lx.eval('select.item {XRAYMAT} set :advancedMaterial')
lx.eval('select.drop item polyRender')
# OPTION A. We HAVE a previously created 'XRAYMAT' material.
# This means that we are in 'XRay Mode' OR we passed from XRay to Standard Styles without disabling XRay:
if xrayExistence == 'yes':
# If we are in Advanced OpenGL this means that:
# 1. We are in XRay mode and we want 'toggle' to exit from it. Or...
# 2. ...we passed directly from XRay to simple AdvOGL, and nothing occurs (because in fact, XRay = AdvOGL)
if myActualShading == 'advgl':
lx.eval('view3d.wireframeAlpha 0.1 active')
lx.eval('view3d.shadingStyle shade')
# There is an exception for Wireframe. If we didn't toggle XRay (to exit) and passed directly to Wireframe,
# then we will return again to XRay, since this is more straightforward:
elif myActualShading == 'wire':
lx.eval('view3d.shadingStyle advgl')
# For all other case, remove XRAYMAT, pass to Shade and return back to default 0.1 wire transparency:
lx.eval('view3d.wireframeAlpha 0.1 active')
# OPTION B. We DON'T HAVE a previously created 'XRAYMAT' material.
# This is where we created the semitransparent material. Change these parameters to create a custom one:
renderitem = lx.eval('query sceneservice ? 0')
lx.eval('shader.create advancedMaterial')
lx.eval(' "XRAYMAT" advancedMaterial')
lx.eval('texture.parent %s -1' %renderitem)
lx.eval(' advancedMaterial$diffAmt 1.0') # Diffuse Amount
lx.eval(' advancedMaterial$diffCol {0.60 0.65 0.70}') # Diffuse Color
lx.eval(' advancedMaterial$specAmt 0.3') # Specular Amount
lx.eval(' advancedMaterial$rough 1.0') # Diffuse Roughness
lx.eval(' advancedMaterial$tranAmt 0.2') # Transparency
lx.eval('view3d.shadingStyle advgl') # Important to make wires visible through surfaces
lx.eval('view3d.wireframeAlpha 1 active') # Important to make wires visible through surfaces
lx.eval('select.drop item advancedMaterial')
lx.eval('select.drop item polyRender')
# We recover all that was previously selected in Shader Tree from our 'myPrevSelected' List.
for id in myPrevSelected:
lx.eval("select.subItem %s add" % id) # Better to use "add" since "set" would replace the current selection with this thing alone.
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