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Last active December 27, 2016 18:13
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Save Eterea/9df25da1b68b230170ec20d4e6b648cd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
MODO-Python hack to solve the problem when your handles for Move, Scale, Rotate, appears giant or dwarf when seeing from your Camera.
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# VERS: 1.0
# DATE: December, 27 - 2016
# MADE: Cristobal Vila,
# USES: This is hack to solve the problem when your handles for Move, Scale, Rotate,
# appears giant or dwarf when looking through your Camera.
# It calculates the distance from Camera to the center of selection and use this value to
# change the Target Distance on Camera, automatically.
# For the moment it only works for Components (TO DO: work with any selected Item/s)
# ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
import lx
import math
# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Query selection mode
def fn_selmode(*types):
if not types:
types = ('vertex', 'edge', 'polygon', 'item', 'pivot', 'center', 'ptag')
for t in types:
if lx.eval('select.typeFrom %s;vertex;edge;polygon;item;pivot;center;ptag ?' %t):
return t
# Dialog with advices in case of wrong selection mode or nothing selected
def fn_dialogAdvice():
lx.eval('dialog.setup info')
lx.eval('dialog.title {Eterea Fix Handles From Camera}')
lx.eval('dialog.msg {Use when your handle appears giant or dwarf when looking through your Camera.\n\
For the moment you can only work in Vertex, Edge or Poly Mode.\n\
Works with these handles: Move, Rotate, Axis Rotate, Scale, Uniform Scale and Transform.}')
# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# If not in edge or poly mode, launch dialog with advices
mySelMode = fn_selmode()
allowedModes = ['vertex', 'edge', 'polygon']
if mySelMode not in allowedModes:
# If nothing is selected, launch dialog with advices
dic_comp = {'edge': 'edges', 'polygon': 'polys'}
components = lx.evalN('query layerservice %s ? selected' % dic_comp[mySelMode])
if len(components) == 0:
# Check which transform handle is active (if any) to recover it at end. It must be an easier and direct method for this...
myActiveTool = []
if lx.eval('tool.set TransformMove ?') == 'on':
myActiveTool = 'TransformMove'
elif lx.eval('tool.set TransformScale ?') == 'on':
myActiveTool = 'TransformScale'
elif lx.eval('tool.set TransformUScale ?') == 'on':
myActiveTool = 'TransformUScale'
elif lx.eval('tool.set TransformRotate ?') == 'on':
myActiveTool = 'TransformRotate'
elif lx.eval('tool.set Transform ?') == 'on':
myActiveTool = 'Transform'
elif lx.eval('tool.set xfrm.rotate ?') == 'on':
myActiveTool = 'xfrm.rotate'
# Query Current Layer and be sure to select it on Item List. Query also the meshItem, to return back later
currentLayer = lx.eval1('query layerservice layer.index ? main')
mainFGlayer = lx.eval1('query layerservice ? fg')
lx.eval('select.subItem {%s} set mesh;locator' % mainFGlayer)
myCurrentMesh = lx.eval('query sceneservice selection ? mesh')
# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
# Query Bounding Box of selected components using external script '' by Farfarer
boundBox = lx.evalN('ffr.getbbox ? world') # Get world space boundBox as (+X, +Y, +Z, -X, -Y, -Z)
# Calculate average (arithmetic mean) of resulting coords to get the Center for that Bounding Box
def average(numbers):
return float(sum(numbers)) / max(len(numbers), 1)
avgX = average([boundBox[0], boundBox[3]])
avgY = average([boundBox[1], boundBox[4]])
avgZ = average([boundBox[2], boundBox[5]])
myTargetPos = (avgX, avgY, avgZ) # This is the average/center position for selected components
lx.out('myTargetPos:', myTargetPos)
# Calculate world position for last active Camera selected in our 3D viewport (if any)
myCam = lx.eval('view3d.cameraItem ?')
if myCam:
myCamPos = lx.eval('query sceneservice camera.worldPos ? %s' % myCam)
lx.out('myCamPos:', myCamPos)
# Calculate distance from Camera to selected stuff using Pythagoras Theorem
ABX = myTargetPos[0] - myCamPos[0]
ABY = myTargetPos[1] - myCamPos[1]
ABZ = myTargetPos[2] - myCamPos[2]
AB_distance = math.sqrt(ABX**2 + ABY**2 + ABZ**2) #Pythagoras Theorem
lx.out('Distance:', AB_distance)
myTarget = AB_distance*0.35 # Direct experience reveals that using 'distance*0.35' gives a more balanced size for handles
# Apply this value to our Camera Target Distance
lx.eval('select.item %s' % myCam)
lx.eval('query layerservice layer.index ? selected')
# Since it's very probable that our camera is locked, check it first
lockStatus = lx.eval(' locator$lock ?')
# If not locked for sure ('off') then we can proceed to change target distance
if lockStatus == 'off':
lx.eval(' camera$target %s' % myTarget)
# If locked for sure ('on') or 'maybe' ('default'), change temporarily to 'off', apply myTarget and recover previous state
lx.eval(' locator$lock off')
lx.eval(' camera$target %s' % myTarget)
lx.eval(' locator$lock %s' % lockStatus)
# Return back to our original mesh item, selection mode and active tool
lx.eval('select.item %s set' % myCurrentMesh)
lx.eval('query layerservice layer.index ? selected')
lx.eval('select.typeFrom %s' % mySelMode)
lx.eval('tool.set %s on' % myActiveTool)
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