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Created November 22, 2017 06:45
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import java.util.*;
public class bfs {
public static void main(String[] args) {
// A hashmap is also called an "associative array." Think of it as an
// array, but instead of being indexed with numbers 0 to n-1, it is
// indexed based on the keys you supply. In this case, the hashmap has
// keys that are strings, and values that are arrays of strings.
HashMap<String, String[]> family = new HashMap<String, String[]>();
// Java doesn't give us hashmap literals, so we have to build them up by
// inserting key-value pairs one by one.
family.put("belle", new String[] {"ethan", "madigan"});
family.put("betty", new String[] {});
family.put("ethan", new String[] {"steve", "judy"});
family.put("jonathan", new String[] {"marshall", "betty"});
family.put("judy", new String[] {});
family.put("madigan", new String[] {"jonathan", "maggie"});
family.put("maggie", new String[] {});
family.put("marshall", new String[] {});
family.put("milo", new String[] {"ethan", "madigan"});
family.put("steve", new String[] {});
// Method call to actually perform the breadth-first search.
printResult(bfs(family, "belle", "marshall"));
printResult(bfs(family, "milo", "steve"));
printResult(bfs(family, "maggie", "steve"));
// The walk-through assumes the "belle" to "marshall" path
public static LinkedList<String> bfs(HashMap<String, String[]> family, String beginNode, String endNode) {
// A `LinkedList` is a last-in, first-out stack (like a stack of plates
// in a cafeteria).
// Set `initalPath` to ["belle"]
LinkedList<String> initialPath = new LinkedList<String>();
// Set `paths` to [["belle"]]
LinkedList<LinkedList<String>> paths = new LinkedList<LinkedList<String>>();
// Loop until `paths` is empty. The first time through, `paths` = [["belle"]]
while(paths.size() > 0) {
// The `pop()` method takes removes and returns the item at the top of the stack.
// Now `path` = ["belle"] and `paths` = []
LinkedList<String> path = paths.pop();
// The `peek()` method copies the top of a stack without popping it.
// `node` now equals "belle"
String node = path.peek();
// The first time through, `node` is "belle", `endNode` is
// "marshall", so this evaluates to `false`.
if(node == endNode) {
return path;
// This is where we build `paths` back up. `nextNode` is going to be
// bound to each parent of "belle": "ethan", then "madigan" (the
// `get()` method retrieves the value from the hashmap by key). So
// by the time this `for` loop completes `paths` will equal
// [["belle", "ethan"], ["belle", "madigan"]].
// When the `while` loop above comes around again, the `for` loop
// below will add the next generation:
// ["belle", "madigan", "maggie"], ["belle", "madigan", "jonathan"]]
// The final time through the `while` loop we'll get
// [["belle", "madigan", "jonathan", "marshall"]],
// The fact that we look up parents before adding to the stack means
// we immediately prune branches that have dead-ended.
// You can see why it's called a breadth-first search: it branches
// fully at each generation until short-circuiting after it
// encounters the `endNode`
for(String nextNode : family.get(node)) {
// We have to copy `path` or else we would mutate the *original*
// version of `path` defined above when we `push`ed on `nextNode`.
// `pathCopy` now equals [["belle"]]
LinkedList<String> pathCopy = new LinkedList<String>(path);
// `pathCopy` will equal `[["belle", "ethan"]]` in one iteration
// of the `for` loop and will equal [["belle", "madigan"]] in
// the following iteration
// Uncomment me to see what happens on each iteration
// printResult(pathCopy);
// `paths` becomes [["belle", "ethan"]] the first time this
// `for` loop iterates, and
// [["belle", "ethan"], ["belle", "madigan"]]
// the second time
return new LinkedList<String>();
// Helper method to print the results
public static void printResult(LinkedList<String> result) {
LinkedList<String> resultCopy = new LinkedList<String>(result);
// We used a stack in the `bfs` method, which actually causes the
// result to be backwards. So let's reverse the result.
// We have to fiddle with types to get `println` to act the right way
// (only the array class has a `toString`) method, but to use it, we
// have to turn our `LinkedList` into an array.
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