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Created June 21, 2018 08:12
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k8s shortcuts
def klo(){
kubectl logs -f $1
def kli(){
kubectl logs -f $1 -c git-init
def kpv(){
kubectl get pv --all-namespaces $@
def kpvc(){
kubectl get pvc --all-namespaces $@
def kconn(){
kubectl exec -it $1 sh
def fwdtls(){
kubectl port-forward $1 8443:8443
def fwd(){
kubectl port-forward $1 8080:8080
# Use with caution
copy_secrets() {
if [ $# -lt 1 ]
echo "Usage: copy_secrets <from_namespace> <to_namespace> <secToCopy1> <secToCopy2> ."
for sec in ${@:3}
echo "$sec"
kubectl get secret $sec --namespace $1 -o json | jq --arg v "$2" '.metadata.namespace = $v' | kubectl create -f -
def knpl(){
kubectl describe netpol
function docker-ips() {
docker ps | while read line; do
if `echo $line | grep -q 'CONTAINER ID'`; then
echo -e "IP ADDRESS\t$line"
CID=$(echo $line | awk '{print $1}');
IP=$(docker inspect -f "{{ range .NetworkSettings.Networks }}{{ .IPAddress }}{{ end }}" $CID);
printf "${IP}\t${line}\n"
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