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Last active December 15, 2023 14:25
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  • Save EtherZa/5be6dee35219525cc9b305e86143ea69 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EtherZa/5be6dee35219525cc9b305e86143ea69 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
git filter to smudge/clean secrets stored in .ini
# Swap secrets for placeholders on commit/restore
# Copy this file to ~/scipts/
# chmod +x ~/scripts/
# Create ~/scripts/secret.ini
# populate with key=value
# ensure last key/value pair has a line break.
# empty lines, section headings and lines starting with # or ; are excluded
# Add fiters to git (drop --global for a single repo)
# git config --global filter.redact.smudge "~/scripts/ smudge ~/scripts/secrets.ini"
# git config --global filter.redact.clean "~/scripts/ clean ~/scripts/secrets.ini"
# Add files to process to .gitattributes
# *.json filter=redact
# *.env filter=redact
# *.yml filter=redact
# To remove filters
# git config --global --unset filter.redact.smudge
# git config --global --unset filter.redact.clean
# Check if the correct number of arguments is provided
if [ "$#" -ne 2 ]; then
echo "Usage: $0 <clean/smudge> <config_file>"
exit 1
# Exist if the file does not exist
if [ ! -e "$config_file" ]; then
echo "$config_file not found"
exit 2
# mac - use gsed instead of sed
# if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then
# sedcmd="gsed"
# fi
declare -A mapArr
# Use process substitution to avoid subshell
while read -r bash_code; do
eval "$bash_code"
done < <(
awk -F '=' '/^[[:space:]]*[^#\[;[:space:]].*[[:space:]]*=[[:space:]]*[^[:space:]]+[[:space:]]*/ {
key = $1
value = $2
# Trim leading and trailing whitespace
gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/, "", key)
gsub(/^[[:space:]]+|[[:space:]]+$/, "", value)
# Escape quote for print
gsub(/"/, "\\\"", key)
gsub(/"/, "\\\"", value)
# Escaoe / for sed replacement
gsub(/\//, "\\/", key)
gsub(/\//, "\\/", value)
# Use print to generate Bash code for populating mapArr
print "mapArr[\"" key "\"]=" "\"" value "\""
}' "$config_file"
if [[ "$1" == "smudge" ]]; then
# For smudge, sort by descending value length to avoid clashes
# Create an mapArray of keys
# Sort the keys based on the corresponding values' lengths
IFS=$'\n' sorted_keys=($(
for key in "${keys[@]}"; do
echo "${#mapArr[$key]} $key"
done | sort -k1,1nr | cut -d ' ' -f 2-
for key in "${sorted_keys[@]}"; do
sedcmd+=" -e \"s/\[${key}\]/${value}/g\""
elif [[ "$1" == "clean" ]]; then
for key in "${!mapArr[@]}"; do
sedcmd+=" -e \"s/${key}/\[${value}\]/g\""
echo "Usage: $0 <clean/smudge> <config_file>"
exit 1
eval "$sedcmd"
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EtherZa commented Dec 1, 2023

Clean/smudge configurations can also be applied to a collection of repositories separated by folder.

~/.gitconfig - apply config per parent path

[includeIf "gitdir/i:c:/Git/aa/"]
    path = c:/Git/aa/.gitconfig

c:/git - common redact script


.gitattributes - which files to apply redact to

*.json text filter=redact
*.env text filter=redact
*.yml text filter=redact

.gitconfig - override global .gitattributes location and add filter

    attributesFile = c:/Git/aa/.gitattributes

[filter "redact"]
    clean = c:/Git/aa/ clean c:/Git/aa/redact.ini
    smudge = c:/Git/aa/ smudge c:/Git/aa/redact.ini

.redact.ini - secrets to smudge/clean

[Service Bus]
azure_svb_namespace=[add secret here]
azure_svb_sharedAccessKeyName=[add secret here]
azure_svb_sharedAccessKey=[add secret here]

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