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Last active July 14, 2021 21:41
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local RNG =
local Table = {}
-- Returns true if the table contains the specified value.
Table.contains = function (tbl, value)
return Table.indexOf(tbl, value) ~= nil -- This is kind of cheatsy but it promises the best performance.
-- A combo of table.find and table.keyOf -- This first attempts to find the ordinal index of your value, then attempts to find the lookup key if it can't find an ordinal index.
Table.indexOf = function (tbl, value)
local fromFind = table.find(tbl, value)
if fromFind then return fromFind end
return Table.keyOf(tbl, value)
-- Returns the key of the specified value, or nil if it could not be found. Unlike IndexOf, this searches every key in the table, not just ordinal indices (arrays)
-- This is inherently slower due to how lookups work, so if your table is structured like an array, use table.find
Table.keyOf = function (tbl, value)
for index, obj in pairs(tbl) do
if obj == value then
return index
return nil
-- ONLY SUPPORTS ORDINAL TABLES (ARRAYS). Skips *n* objects in the table, and returns a new table that contains indices (n + 1) to (end of table)
Table.skip = function (tbl, n)
return table.move(tbl, n+1, #tbl, 1, table.create(#tbl-n))
-- ONLY SUPPORTS ORDINAL TABLES (ARRAYS). Takes *n* objects from a table and returns a new table only containing those objects.
Table.take = function (tbl, n)
return table.move(tbl, 1, n, 1, table.create(n))
-- ONLY SUPPORTS ORDINAL TABLES (ARRAYS). Takes the range of entries in this table in the range [start, finish] and returns that range as a table.
Table.range = function (tbl, start, finish)
return table.move(tbl, start, finish, 1, table.create(finish - start + 1))
-- ONLY SUPPORTS ORDINAL TABLES (ARRAYS). An alias that calls table.skip(skip), and then takes [take] entries from the resulting table.
Table.skipAndTake = function (tbl, skip, take)
return table.move(tbl, skip + 1, skip + take, 1, table.create(take))
-- ONLY SUPPORTS ORDINAL TABLES (ARRAYS). Selects a random object out of tbl
Table.random = function (tbl)
return tbl[RNG:NextInteger(1, #tbl)]
-- ONLY SUPPORTS ORDINAL TABLES (ARRAYS). Merges all the given tables together. Very fast compared to standard table.join
Table.joinArray = function (...)
local tbls = {...}
local size = 0
local at = 1
for i = 1, #tbls do
size += #tbls[i]
local newTbl = table.create(size)
for i = 1, #tbls do
local tbl = tbls[i]
table.move(tbl, 1, #tbl, at, newTbl)
at += #tbl
return newTbl
-- A slower variant of table.joinArray which supports dictionaries.
Table.join = function (...)
local tbls = {...}
local newTbl = {}
for i = 1, #tbls do
for index, value in pairs(tbls[i]) do
newTbl[index] = value
return newTbl
-- ONLY SUPPORTS ORDINAL TABLES (ARRAYS). Removes the specified object from this array.
Table.removeObject = function (tbl, obj)
local index = Table.indexOf(tbl, obj)
if index then
table.remove(tbl, index)
-- ONLY SUPPORTS ORDINAL TABLES (ARRAYS). Iterates through the given table and returns all instances from which the given predicate function returns true as an array.
Table.where = function (tbl, predicate)
local result = table.create(#tbl)
for i = 1, #tbl do
local object = tbl[i]
if (predicate(object)) then
table.insert(result, object)
return result
-- ONLY SUPPORTS ORDINAL TABLES (ARRAYS). Iterates through the given table and returns the first occurrence from the table from which the given predicate function returns true. Returns default otherwise.
Table.first = function (tbl, predicate, default)
for i = 1, #tbl do
local object = tbl[i]
if (predicate(object)) then
return object
return default
-- ONLY SUPPORTS ORDINAL TABLES (ARRAYS). Iterates through the given table, and counts the amount of elements that meet the given requirement as defined by the predicate.
Table.count = function (tbl, predicate)
local count = 0
for i = 1, #tbl do
local object = tbl[i]
if (predicate(object)) then
count += 1
return count
-- ONLY SUPPORTS ORDINAL TABLES (ARRAYS). Iterates through the given table, and runs the transformer function on all elements, populating a new table with the given data rather than modifying the original table.
-- If the transformer returns nil, it will be removed from the table.
Table.transform = function (tbl, transform)
local newTbl = table.create(#tbl)
local actualIndex = 1
for i = 1, #tbl do
local element = tbl[i]
local newElement = transform(element)
if newElement == nil then continue end
newTbl[actualIndex] = newElement
actualIndex += 1
return newTbl
-- ONLY SUPPORTS ORDINAL TABLES (ARRAYS). Removes all elements from the given table who cause predicate to return TRUE.
Table.removeWhere = function (tbl, predicate)
for i = #tbl, 1, -1 do -- Reverse so removal isn't messing things up
local element = tbl[i]
if predicate(element) == false then
table.remove(tbl, i)
return tbl
-- ONLY SUPPORTS ORDINAL TABLES (ARRAYS). Returns a shallow copy of this table, which is a copy of all first level entities by reference.
Table.shallowCopyArray = function (tbl)
local newTbl = table.create(#tbl)
for i = 1, #tbl do
newTbl[i] = tbl[i]
return newTbl
-- Supports dictionaries. Returns a shallow copy of this table, which is a copy of all first level entities by reference.
-- Prefer shallowCopyArray for ordered lists with no gaps and numeric indices, as it will be much faster
Table.shallowCopy = function (tbl)
local newTbl = {}
for index, value in pairs(tbl) do
newTbl[index] = value
return newTbl
-- ONLY SUPPORTS ORDINAL TABLES (ARRAYS). Returns a new table containing the identical elements to the given table, but in reverse order.
Table.reverse = function (tbl)
-- TODO: Can I use table.move here?
local newTbl = table.create(#tbl)
for i = 1, #tbl do
local obj = tbl[i]
newTbl[(#tbl - i) + 1] = obj
return newTbl
return setmetatable(Table, {__index = table})
-- Return the custom Table library, and use the default Roblox "table" variable as the fallback, which allows overriding table
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