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Created February 21, 2020 14:08
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config {
# If inverse sync is enabled, the plugin will run this command to add a player to a in-game group
addGroupCommand="lp user %player% parent add %group%"
commands {
# Commands that should be run once a player linked his accountSupports %player%
"give %player% stone 1"
# Commands that should be run once a player unlinked his accountSupports %player%
"We'll miss you, %player%!"
# The URL of the database that MBDiscordLink should store links
# If this is enabled, the plugin will sync in the inverse direction: has discord role -> get in-game group. If enabled, the format of roles-to-sync SHOULD be group-name=role-id, and addGroupCommand and removeGroupCommand must be set! "default" can't be used.
# Should the plugin link players to their Discord account?
# Discord role given to linked users
messages {
# Message sent to the Discord user if his account is already linked
already-linked="You're already linked! Use /unlink in-game if you wish to unlink your account!"
# Message sent to the player when he executes the link commandSupports %botname% and %code% (the random confirmation code)
link-code-message="&aSend a message to &6%botname%&a containing the code &b%code%&a to complete your link!"
# Message sent to the player once he linked his accountSupports %user%
linked-successfully="&aSuccessfully linked with %user%!"
# Message sent to the Discord user unce he linked his accountSupports %player%
linked-successfully-discord="Successfully linked with %player%!"
# Message sent to the user if his account isn't linked
"not_linked"="&cYou have no linked acccounts!"
# Message sent to the player when he unlinks his accountSupports %player%
unlink-message="&aYou just unlinked from your discord account!"
# Message sent to the user/player when the target user/player is not linked
whois-not-linked="This user/player is not linked!"
# Message sent to the player, in-game, when using /whois <other player>
whois-player="&a%player%&7's Discord user: &b%user%"
# Message sent to the user, in Discord, when using !whois @User
whois-user="%user%'s Minecraft nickname: %player%"
# If inverse sync is enabled, the plugin will run this command to remove a player from a in-game group
removeGroupCommand="lp user %player% parent remove %group%"
# Interval between every role sync check, in seconds
# Set to 0 to disable. The minimum value is 15 seconds
# A key-value list with roles that should sync with in-game groups
# The format is "<in-game permission node>"="discord-role-id"
roles-to-sync {
# Should the plugin sync the Discord nicknames of linked users with their in-game names?
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