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Last active May 18, 2021 07:11
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  • Save EugeneDraitsev/3d19c6ba3ed5770492128e393514047c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save EugeneDraitsev/3d19c6ba3ed5770492128e393514047c to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
const drawBoard = (queens = []) => {
let field = ''
queens.forEach((queenColumn) => {
queens.forEach((_, column) => {
field += column === queenColumn ? 'Q' : '.'
field += '\n'
return field
const getRowSafePosition = (map, row, lastCheckedPosition = 0) => {
for (let column = lastCheckedPosition + 1; column < map.columns.length; column++) {
if (
!map.columns[column] &&
!map.rightDiag[row + column] &&
!map.leftDiag[row - column + map.columns.length - 1]
) {
return column
return -1
const updateMap = (map, row, column, occupied = true) => {
map.columns[column] = occupied
map.rightDiag[row + column] = occupied
map.leftDiag[row - column + map.columns.length - 1] = occupied
const backtrackSolveNQueens = (n, fixedQueen) => {
if (n === 1) {
return 'Q\n'
const fixedRow = fixedQueen.row
const startQueens = new Array(n)
.map((x, index) => (index === fixedRow ? fixedQueen.col : x))
const map = {
columns: new Array(n).fill(false),
rightDiag: Array.from(new Array(n * 2).fill(false)),
leftDiag: Array.from(new Array(n * 2).fill(false)),
updateMap(map, fixedRow, fixedQueen.col)
const queens = startQueens.slice()
const firstLine = fixedRow ? 0 : 1
const lastLine = fixedRow === queens.length - 1 ? queens.length - 2 : queens.length - 1
let isFirstIteration = true
let topRow = firstLine
// let operations = 0
while (
(isFirstIteration || queens[firstLine] !== -1 || queens[lastLine] !== -1) &&
topRow <= lastLine
) {
isFirstIteration = false
// top operation
// operations++
const currentTopColumn = queens[topRow]
const nextTopColumn = getRowSafePosition(
currentTopColumn, // currentPosition === -1 ? 0 : currentPosition,
if (currentTopColumn !== -1) {
updateMap(map, topRow, currentTopColumn, false)
if (nextTopColumn !== -1) {
updateMap(map, topRow, nextTopColumn)
queens[topRow] = nextTopColumn
if (nextTopColumn === -1) {
if (topRow === fixedRow) {
} else {
if (topRow === fixedRow) {
return drawBoard(queens, fixedQueen)
// Systematic search
const addQueen = (map, row, column) => {
map.rows[row] = column
map.columns[column] = row
const rightDiag = map.rightDiag[row + column]
const leftDiag = map.leftDiag[row - column + map.rows.length - 1]
const rightDiagQueens = map.rightDiag[row + column].length - 1
const leftDiagQueens = map.leftDiag[row - column + map.rows.length - 1].length - 1
rightDiag.forEach((attackRow) => {
const attackColumn = map.rows[attackRow]
const leftAttack = map.leftDiag[attackRow - attackColumn + map.rows.length - 1].length - 1
map.attacks[attackRow] = rightDiagQueens + leftAttack
leftDiag.forEach((attackRow) => {
const attackColumn = map.rows[attackRow]
const rightAttack = map.rightDiag[attackRow + attackColumn].length - 1
map.attacks[attackRow] = rightAttack + leftDiagQueens
map.attackSum = map.attacks.reduce((a, b) => a + b)
const removeQueen = (map, row) => {
const column = map.rows[row]
map.rows[row] = -1
map.columns[column] = -1
map.rightDiag[row + column] = map.rightDiag[row + column].filter((r) => r !== row)
map.leftDiag[row - column + map.rows.length - 1] = map.leftDiag[
row - column + map.rows.length - 1
].filter((r) => r !== row)
const rightDiag = map.rightDiag[row + column]
const leftDiag = map.leftDiag[row - column + map.rows.length - 1]
const rightDiagQueens = map.rightDiag[row + column].length - 1
const leftDiagQueens = map.leftDiag[row - column + map.rows.length - 1].length - 1
rightDiag.forEach((attackRow) => {
const attackColumn = map.rows[attackRow]
const leftAttack = map.leftDiag[attackRow - attackColumn + map.rows.length - 1].length - 1
map.attacks[attackRow] = rightDiagQueens + leftAttack
leftDiag.forEach((attackRow) => {
const attackColumn = map.rows[attackRow]
const rightAttack = map.rightDiag[attackRow + attackColumn].length - 1
map.attacks[attackRow] = rightAttack + leftDiagQueens
map.attackSum = map.attacks.reduce((a, b) => a + b)
const swapRow = (map, rowA, rowB) => {
const colA = map.rows[rowA]
const colB = map.rows[rowB]
removeQueen(map, rowA)
removeQueen(map, rowB)
addQueen(map, rowA, colB)
addQueen(map, rowB, colA)
const isSwapOk = (map, rowA, rowB, swapHistory) => {
const colA = map.rows[rowA]
const colB = map.rows[rowB]
const emptySwaps = swapHistory.filter((x) => x.length === 0).length
if (colA === -1) {
return false
const prevDiagonals = {
rightA: rowA + colA,
leftA: rowA - colA + map.rows.length - 1,
rightB: rowB + colB,
leftB: rowB - colB + map.rows.length - 1,
const newDiagonals = {
rightA: rowA + colB,
leftA: rowA - colB + map.rows.length - 1,
rightB: rowB + colA,
leftB: rowB - colA + map.rows.length - 1,
const prevAttacks =
map.rightDiag[prevDiagonals.rightA].length +
map.rightDiag[prevDiagonals.rightB].length +
map.leftDiag[prevDiagonals.leftA].length +
map.leftDiag[prevDiagonals.leftB].length -
const newAttacks =
map.rightDiag[newDiagonals.rightA].length +
map.rightDiag[newDiagonals.rightB].length +
map.leftDiag[newDiagonals.leftA].length +
if (newAttacks >= prevAttacks + emptySwaps) {
return false
let isRowsSelfAttacked = false
if (map.rightDiag[newDiagonals.rightA].length >= 1) {
isRowsSelfAttacked =
map.rightDiag[newDiagonals.rightA].filter((row) => {
const col = map.rows[row]
return map.leftDiag[row - col + map.rows.length - 1].length === 1
}).length >= 2
if (map.rightDiag[newDiagonals.rightB].length >= 1 && !isRowsSelfAttacked) {
isRowsSelfAttacked =
map.rightDiag[newDiagonals.rightB].filter((row) => {
const col = map.rows[row]
return map.leftDiag[row - col + map.rows.length - 1].length === 1
}).length >= 2
if (map.leftDiag[newDiagonals.leftA].length >= 1 && !isRowsSelfAttacked) {
isRowsSelfAttacked =
map.leftDiag[newDiagonals.leftA].filter((row) => {
const col = map.rows[row]
return map.rightDiag[row + col].length === 1
}).length >= 2
if (map.leftDiag[newDiagonals.leftB].length >= 1 && !isRowsSelfAttacked) {
isRowsSelfAttacked =
map.leftDiag[newDiagonals.leftB].filter((row) => {
const col = map.rows[row]
return map.rightDiag[row + col].length === 1
}).length >= 2
return !isRowsSelfAttacked
const findSwap = (map, swapHistory, fixedRow) => {
const attackValues = Array.from(new Set(map.attacks)).sort((a, b) => b - a)
const rowsByAttackValues = =>
map.attacks.reduce((acc, rowAttacks, row) => {
if (rowAttacks === attacks && row !== fixedRow) {
return acc
}, []),
for (const attackedRows of rowsByAttackValues) {
for (const rowA of attackedRows) {
for (const rowB of map.columns.filter((x) => x !== -1)) {
const isPairExcluded = swapHistory.some(
([a, b]) => (a === rowA && b === rowB) || (b === rowA && a === rowB),
if (rowB !== rowA && rowB !== fixedRow && !isPairExcluded && map.attackSum !== 0) {
if (isSwapOk(map, rowA, rowB, swapHistory)) {
swapRow(map, rowA, rowB)
return [rowA, rowB].sort()
return []
const putRowOnTheBestPosition = (map, fixedRow) => {
const row = map.rows.indexOf(-1)
const rowAttacks = new Array(map.rows.length).fill(Infinity).map((x, column) => {
if (map.columns[column] !== -1) {
return x
const rightDiagAttacks = map.rightDiag[row + column].length
const leftDiagAttacks = map.leftDiag[row - column + map.rows.length - 1].length
return rightDiagAttacks + leftDiagAttacks
const minAttackValue = Math.min(...rowAttacks)
const minAttackColumn = rowAttacks.indexOf(minAttackValue)
addQueen(map, row, minAttackColumn)
if (minAttackValue > 0) {
findSwap(map, [], fixedRow)
const solveNQueens = (n, fixedQueen) => {
// basic setup
const fixedRow = fixedQueen.row
const fixedCol = fixedQueen.col
const maxChecksAmount = n * n * 1000
const map = {
rows: new Array(n).fill(-1),
columns: new Array(n).fill(-1),
rightDiag: new Array(n * 2).fill(1).map(() => []),
leftDiag: new Array(n * 2).fill(1).map(() => []),
attacks: new Array(n).fill(0),
attackSum: 0,
addQueen(map, fixedRow, fixedCol)
// generate field
for (let row = 0; row < n; row++) {
if (row === fixedRow) {
// eslint-disable-next-line no-continue
putRowOnTheBestPosition(map, fixedRow)
// balancing map
let checks = 0
const swapHistory = []
while (map.attackSum !== 0 && checks < maxChecksAmount) {
const swapped = findSwap(map, swapHistory, fixedRow)
if (swapHistory.length > 16) {
swapHistory.splice(0, 1)
if (map.attackSum) {
return ''
return drawBoard(map.rows)
solveNQueens(1000, { row: 1, col: 2 })
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