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Created February 16, 2023 16:12
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Angular Material context menu trigger
import { ConnectedPosition, FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy } from '@angular/cdk/overlay'
import { Directive, HostListener, Input } from '@angular/core'
import { MatMenuPanel, _MatMenuTriggerBase } from '@angular/material/menu'
import { fromEvent, merge } from 'rxjs'
// @Directive declaration styled same as matMenuTriggerFor
// with different selector and exportAs.
selector: `[matContextMenuTriggerFor]`,
host: {
'class': 'mat-menu-trigger',
exportAs: 'matContextMenuTrigger',
export class MatContextMenuTrigger extends _MatMenuTriggerBase {
private lastMouseEvent: MouseEvent | null = null
// Duplicate the code for the matMenuTriggerFor binding
// using a new property and the public menu accessors.
get menu_again () {
set menu_again (menu: MatMenuPanel) { = menu
// Override _handleMousedown, and call super._handleMousedown
// with a new MouseEvent having button numbers 2 and 0 reversed.
_handleMousedown (event: MouseEvent): void {
this.lastMouseEvent = event
super._handleMousedown(new MouseEvent(event.type, Object.assign({}, event, { button: event.button === 0 ? 2 : event.button === 2 ? 0 : event.button })))
// Override _handleClick to make existing binding to clicks do nothing.
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-empty-function
_handleClick (): void { }
// Create a place to store the host element.
private hostElement: EventTarget | null = null
// Listen for contextmenu events (right-clicks), then:
// 1) Store the hostElement for use in later events.
// 2) Prevent browser default action.
// 3) Call super._handleClick to open the menu as expected.
@HostListener('contextmenu', ['$event'])
_handleContextMenu (event: MouseEvent): void {
this.lastMouseEvent = event
this.hostElement =
if (event.shiftKey) return // Hold a shift key to open original context menu. Delete this line if not desired behavior.
ngAfterContentInit () {
// Can't just override a private method due to how the lib is compiled
this['_setPosition'] = (menu, positionStrategy: FlexibleConnectedPositionStrategy) => {
let positions: ConnectedPosition[] = []
super['_setPosition'](menu, {
withPositions: (p) => {
positions = p
if (this.lastMouseEvent) {
positionStrategy.setOrigin({ x: this.lastMouseEvent.clientX, y: this.lastMouseEvent.clientY })
// The complex logic below is to handle submenus and hasBackdrop===false well.
// Listen for click and contextmenu (right-click) events on entire document.
// If this menu is open, one of the following conditional actions.
// 1) If the click came from the overlay backdrop, close the menu and prevent default.
// 2) If the click came inside the overlay container, it was on a menu. If it was
// a contextmenu event, prevent default and re-dispatch it as a click.
// 3) If the event did not come from our host element, close the menu.
private contextListenerSub = merge(
fromEvent(document, 'contextmenu'),
fromEvent(document, 'click'),
).subscribe(event => {
if (this.menuOpen) {
if ( {
const target = as HTMLElement
if (target.classList.contains('cdk-overlay-backdrop')) {
} else {
if (target !== this.hostElement) { this.closeMenu() }
// When destroyed, stop listening for the contextmenu events above,
// null the host element reference, then call super.
ngOnDestroy () {
this.hostElement = null
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