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Eugene Eugeny

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def refresh(self):
# update the dropdown here
Eugeny /
Last active December 27, 2015 11:39
from ajenti.api import plugin
from ajenti.plugins.main.api import SectionPlugin
from ajenti.ui import on, p, UIElement
from ajenti.ui.binder import Binder
class Test (SectionPlugin):
def init(self):
self.title = 'Controls 2'
import os
import re
import time
import subprocess
import ajenti
from ajenti.api import *
from ajenti.api.http import *
from ajenti.plugins import manager
r=function(a,b){$('input,textarea').each(function(i,e){ $(e).val( $(e).val().replace(new RegExp(a, 'g'), b) ); });}; r('Lime', 'Black')
$ tar xvf se-ajenti-0.1.tar.gz
Debugging stunnel problems in Ajenti:
0. Disable SSL in ajenti:
change "ssl": { "enable": true to false in /etc/ajenti/config.json
service ajenti restart
1. Regenerate the certificate
ajenti-ssl-gen hostname -f
cert = /etc/ajenti/ajenti.pem
foreground = yes
pid =
accept =
connect =
eugeny@eugeny-thinkpad ~> ssh df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda1 9.4G 4.1G 4.9G 46% /
eugeny@eugeny-thinkpad ~> ssh df -h
Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on
/dev/xvda1 4.5G 3.7G 647M 86% /
/dev/xvdb1 40G 18G 20G 47% /data
eugeny@eugeny-thinkpad ~/tmp/b> find ..
eugeny@eugeny-thinkpad ~/tmp/b> find .. | grep -v pyc