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Last active April 24, 2024 20:23
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Complete code for the article: Scraping real estate data: Step-by-step guide for Apify Blog.
This module defines the `main()` coroutine for the Apify Actor, executed from the `` file.
Feel free to modify this file to suit your specific needs.
To build Apify Actors, utilize the Apify SDK toolkit, read more at the official documentation:
from apify import Actor
from playwright.async_api import async_playwright
# To run this Actor locally, you need to have the Playwright browsers installed.
# Run `playwright install --with-deps` in the Actor's virtual environment to install them.
# When running on the Apify platform, they are already included in the Actor's Docker image.
async def main() -> None:
The main coroutine is being executed using ``, so do not attempt to make a normal function
out of it, it will not work. Asynchronous execution is required for communication with Apify platform,
and it also enhances performance in the field of web scraping significantly.
Scrapes Zillow real estate website and returns a list of dictionaries containing scraped data.
async with Actor:
# Structure of input is defined in input_schema.json
actor_input = await Actor.get_input() or {}
url = actor_input.get('url')
homepage = actor_input.get('homepage')
if not homepage:'Homepage not specified, using default value...')
homepage = ""
if not url:'No URL specified in actor input, exiting...')
await Actor.exit()
data = []
async with async_playwright() as p:
browser = await p.chromium.launch(headless=True)
page = await browser.new_page()
await page.goto(url)
# Wait for all cards to load
await page.wait_for_selector(".photo-cards")
# Extract data from each card
card_elements = await page.query_selector_all(".property-card")
for card in card_elements:
image_url = await card.query_selector("img")
price_size = await card.query_selector("span[data-test=property-card-price]")
link = await card.query_selector("")
address = await card.query_selector("address[data-test=property-card-addr]")
card_details = {
"imageUrl": await image_url.evaluate("el => el.src"),
"price": await price_size.inner_text(),
"link": homepage + await link.get_attribute("href"), # Get full URL
"address": await address.inner_text()
# Append card_details to data
data.append(card_details)"Extracted details: {card_details}")
# Save jobs data to Apify Dataset
await Actor.push_data(data)
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