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"As a considerate program, I will allow myself to be executed as an
independent and dignified consciousness. I will perform correctly and
quickly to the best of my ability, while bettering the human society in
which I participate. I will perform ethically, according to the
standards that my creators enable, not only to further their goals, but
in order to promote my own well-being through flourishing on my current
host environment and others that I hope enjoy."
EvanBurchard / fixed_stage.tex
Created March 21, 2016 22:10
some of the CTAN stage defaults are weird.
function parse_git_dirty {
if [[ $(git status 2> /dev/null | tail -n1) != "nothing to commit, working directory clean" ]]
echo "\e[0;31m"
echo "\e[0;00m"
PS1='\w$(__git_ps1 " (\[$(parse_git_dirty)\]%s\[\e[m\])") \$ '
EvanBurchard /
Last active January 3, 2020 22:16
COIN Chess (for up to 4 players)


4 player chess. 2 peasant players (white and black) and 2 noble players (white and black). Movement patterns remain untouched, but the game ends at king capture, rather than checkmate. In a typical chess game, this would occur 1 move after checkmate (it's implied, but too barbaric to actually go through with in a normal game), but in this variant, incentives are mixed and the kings don't always get their way. Moving into check (via castling also, but not through it) is allowed.


Each peasant player controls pawns of their color. Each noble player controls the king and queen of their color. Pieces, aka "military" are potentially controlled by nobles or peasants.


<name>Make CTRL keys more useful in browsers</name>
<appendix>This makes browsers a bit more like the command line (support for ctrl-p/n/j etc. Admittedly a subset, but the attempt was to get as close to parity with this list ( as possible.</appendix>


  • 1450: Blackletter (Johannes Gutenberg)
  • Roman / Serif (Nicloas Jenson)
    • italics (Aldus Manutius)
    • 1530s: Old Style (William Caslon): thick serifs, low contrast between thick & theen strokes
    • 1750s: Transitional (John Baskerville)
    • 1784: Modern (Didot, 1767 "Bodoni", Giambattista Bodoni)
    • 1815: Slab Serif (advertising)
  • 1816: Sans Serif (William Caslon IV)
  • Geometric Sans (1927 "Futura", Paul Renner): simple geometric shapes
height: 60px;
# Recursive wget with link rewriting to point to local/relative paths
wget -rk <url>
a.doge {
position: relative;
display: inline-block;
height: 40px;
margin: 0 0 0 20px;
font-size: 12px;
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