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Created September 4, 2010 18:54
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16:18 -!- Irssi: #catalyst: Total of 271 nicks [39 ops, 0 halfops, 4 voices, 228 normal]
16:18 -!- Channel #catalyst created Thu Mar 10 12:31:50 2005
16:18 -!- Irssi: Join to #catalyst was synced in 1 secs
16:19 < EvanCarroll> I ported the test suite for Catalyst::Plugin::Params::Nested to use Catalyst::Test from
Test::MockObject (which is removed from Catalyst proper, and doesn't currently build properly)
16:19 < EvanCarroll> However, I'm having one problem wit Catalyst::Test remaining: [error] No default action defined
16:19 < EvanCarroll> anyone know how to kill that silly warning
16:19 < EvanCarroll> I've ensured the namespace in my root controller is ''
16:20 < EvanCarroll> still no joy.
16:23 <@dhoss> anyone seen this? Use of uninitialized value $storedpassword in string eq at
/Users/admin/perl5/lib/perl5/Catalyst/Authentication/Credential/ line 86.
16:29 < EvanCarroll> dhoss: you realize, thats the part that has the security issue right?
16:30 < EvanCarroll> dhoss: I assume thats password type 'hashed'
16:31 < EvanCarroll> anyway, that just means that the userobject doesn't have anything for the password_field
16:32 * dhoss figuerd it out
16:37 < buu> Oh hey, you're back.
16:38 < EvanCarroll> not really.
16:38 < buu> Is this merely an illusion?
16:41 < EvanCarroll> Yes, I blend into the white background of your putty on windows 7.
16:41 < EvanCarroll>
16:41 < EvanCarroll> Who ever wants to commit that or something, it makes CPPN work again
17:04 < EvanCarroll> does bobtfish use irc?
17:08 <@BinGOs> that would be t0m
17:09 < EvanCarroll> t0m: updated rt issue
17:09 < EvanCarroll>
Day changed to 04 Sep 2010
10:46 -!- Irssi: Join to #catalyst was synced in 1 secs
10:46 < EvanCarroll> Did anyone get a chance to look over that patch I submitted for CPPN?
11:08 < EvanCarroll>
11:09 < denny> is there a list of 'good enough' version numbers to get a recent Catalyst app working? I'm assuming it will
need dbic after the moosificiation, for instance.
11:09 < denny> I could just put my version numbers into the makefile, but it will probably work with older than that
11:14 <@castaway> dbic moosification?
11:14 <@castaway> enotexists
11:14 < EvanCarroll> denny: just use catalyst 5.8, that's the moosified version.
11:38 -!- mode/#catalyst [+o aristotle] by GumbyNET5
11:45 < diocles> Hi. Is there a "good" way of doing navigation menus? I've found WWW::MenuGrinder but it's looking pretty
11:46 < DaTa> <frameset>
11:46 * DaTa ducks and covers
11:46 < diocles> /o\
11:47 < diocles> ...and the WWW::MenuGrinder docs suggest I should ping hobbs at this point.
11:48 < diocles> Wait, there's also an example. That could be useful. Why are all the useful bits at the *end* of the pod? :)
12:03 <@Khisanth> because you are supposed to read everything
12:04 <@Khisanth> but menu generators are probably in the same category as form handlers
12:05 <@castaway> diocles: cos writing POD sanely is *hard*
12:05 <@castaway> and no doubt improvements are welcome
12:05 <@castaway> .oO( s/POD/Docs/)
12:07 < diocles> Yeah, form handlers. :/
12:09 <@Khisanth> there is also CatalystX::Menu::Tree
12:23 < diocles> Khisanth: Mmm, that's more like what I was imagining - having attributes for the path and title.
12:23 < diocles> I'll go and mull it over. Thanks.
12:24 <@Khisanth> well it depends on which direction you want to go
12:24 <@Khisanth> some people want a centralized thing to edit
12:24 <@Khisanth> other want to declare the menus at the same place as the actions
12:24 <@Khisanth> otoh you can have both :)
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