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Created November 15, 2012 14:19
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Node.js Javascript / CoffeeScript Stack Trace Obj with line from code
StackObjError = require "stack_trace_with_line_from_code"
first_func = ->
second_func = ->
console.log JSON.stringify(new StackObjError().stack)
"where": "second_func",
"file": "/home/user/test/",
"row": "49",
"col": "41",
"code": " return console.log(JSON.stringify(new StackObjError().stack));"
"where": "first_func",
"file": "/home/user/test/",
"row": "51",
"col": "12",
"code": " return second_func();"
"where": "Object.<anonymous>",
"file": "/home/user/test/",
"row": "54",
"col": "3",
"code": " first_func();"
"where": "Object.<anonymous>",
"file": "/home/user/test/",
"row": "105",
"col": "4",
"code": "}).call(this);"
{ "where": "Module._compile", "file": "module.js", "row": "449", "col": "26" },
"where": "",
"file": "/opt/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/lib/coffee-script/coffee-script.js",
"row": "83",
"col": "25",
"code": " return mainModule._compile(compile(code, options), mainModule.filename);"
"where": "compileScript",
"file": "/opt/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/lib/coffee-script/command.js",
"row": "177",
"col": "29",
"code": " return, t.options);"
" at fs.stat.notSources.(anonymous function) (/opt/local/lib/node_modules/coffee-script/lib/coffee-script/command.js:152:18)"
CoffeeScript = require "coffee-script"
_ = require "underscore"
fs = require "fs"
coffeeFile2js = _.memoize (filename) ->
CoffeeScript.compile \
fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf-8")
jsFile = _.memoize (filename) ->
fs.readFileSync(filename, "utf-8")
StackObjError = ->
err = Error.apply @, arguments
@__defineGetter__ "stack", ->
#console.log err.stack
_(err.stack.split(/\n/)[3..-1]).map (trace) ->
if matches = trace.match /at ([^\(]+) \(([^:]+):(\d+):(\d+)\)/
#console.log "file #{matches[2]}, line #{matches[3]}, col #{matches[4]}"
trace =
where: matches[1]
file: matches[2]
row: matches[3]
col: matches[4]
if fs.existsSync trace.file
trace.code = (
if trace.file.match /\.coffee/
coffeeFile2js trace.file
else if trace.file
jsFile trace.file
).split(/\n/)[trace.row - 1]
StackObjError:: = new StackObjError()
StackObjError::constructor = StackObjError
StackObjError::name = "StackObjError"
module.exports = StackObjError
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