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Last active April 24, 2024 15:18
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Rex - Redux like state manager based on rxjs and immer


Rex is a Redux-like state management library that is reactive and immutable out of the box. It's just a tiny wrapper lib on top of RxJS and immer.

Creating a store

To create a new store you call the createStore function with a reducer and its initial state.

There is no need to supply a default case in your reducer, and the reducer shouldn't return anything.

import { ReducerAction, createStore } from "@evanion/rex";
import { Draft } from "immer";

interface UserState {
  data: User | null;
  loading: boolean;
  loaded: boolean;
  error?: string;

enum UserAction {
  FetchUserInit = "FETCH_USER_INIT",
  FetchUserSuccess = "FETCH_USER_SUCCESS",
  FetchUserError = "FETCH_USER_ERROR",
  ResetUser = "RESET_USER",

type UserStoreActions =
  | ReducerAction<UserAction.FetchUserInit, { id: string }>
  | ReducerAction<UserAction.FetchUserSuccess, User>
  | ReducerAction<UserAction.FetchUserError, Error>
  | ReducerAction<UserAction.ResetUser, null>;

const initialState = {
  data: null,
  loading: false,
  loaded: false,

function reducer(state: Draft<UserState>, action: UserStoreActions) {
  switch (action.type) {
    case UserAction.FetchUserInit:
      state.loading = true;

    case UserAction.FetchUserSuccess: = action.payload;
      state.loading = false;
      state.loaded = true;
      delete state.error;

    case UserAction.FetchUserError:
      state.loading = false;
      state.error = action.payload;

    case UserAction.ResetUser:
      state.user = null;
      state.loading = false;
      state.loaded = false;
      delete state.error;

export const userStore = createStore(reducer, initialState);

Consuming the store

To listen to updates to a store, you can to subscribe to it:

const onStoreChange = (state) => {
  console.log("State have changed", state);

const subscription = userStore.subscribe(onStoreChange);

// when you want to stop subscribing to the store, you call unsubscribe

Dispatching an action

To dispatch an action call the stores dispatch action:


Listening to specific actions

You can easily listen for specific actions to perform other operations and then dispatch a new action with that result

const actionSub = userStore.on(UserAction.FetchUserInit, async (payload) =>
    .then((res) => res.json())
    .then((res) => res.body)
    .then((usr) => userStore.dispatch(UserAction.FetchUserSuccess, usr))

// when you want to stop listening for the action, unsubscribe

This way, you can listen to an action in one store and dispatch an action in another store based on that action and its payload.

const actionSub = userStore.on(UserAction.FetchUserInit, (payload) => {
  orderStore.dispatch(OrderAction.FetchUserOrdersInit, { userId: });

Using in react

Using the store in react is relatively simple:

const useUser = () => {
  const [userState, setUserState] = useState({});

  useEffect(() => {
    const sub = userStore.subscribe(setUserState);
    return () => sub.unsubscribe();

  return userState;

It's even easier if you use the provided useStore hook:

function ListUsers(){
  const {state, dispatch} = useStore<UserState, UserActions>(userStore)
  const fetchUser = (id:string) => dispatch(USerAction.FetchUserInit, id);

  return (
      <button onClick={fetchUser('5abd7c')}>Get User</button>
        {JSON.stringify(state, null, 2)}


If you want to consume the state or action streams, their observables are directly available

userStore.state$.subscribe((state)=>console.log('state change', state))
userStore.action$.subscribe((action)=>console.log('action dispatched', action)).
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react';
import { createStore } from './store';
import { ReducerAction } from './types';
type Store<
State extends Record<string, unknown>,
Action extends ReducerAction<string, unknown>
> = ReturnType<typeof createStore<State, Action>>;
* Let's you consume the state in a store, and dispatch actions to it.
export function useStore<
State extends Record<string, unknown>,
Actions extends ReducerAction<string, unknown>
>(store: Store<State, Actions>) {
const [state, set] = useState<State>(store.state$.value);
* Dispatch an action to the store.
function dispatch<
Action extends Actions['type'],
Payload extends Actions['payload']
>(type: Action, payload: Payload) {
store.dispatch(type, payload);
useEffect(() => {
const sub = store.subscribe(set);
return function cleanup() {
}, [store]);
return { state, dispatch };
import { Draft, produce } from 'immer';
import { BehaviorSubject, Subscription } from 'rxjs';
import { ReducerAction } from './types';
export function createStore<
State extends Record<string, unknown>,
Action extends ReducerAction<string, unknown>
>(reducer: (state: Draft<State>, action: Action) => void, initialState: State) {
const dispatching$ = new BehaviorSubject(false);
const action$ = new BehaviorSubject({
type: 'INIT' as unknown as Action['type'],
payload: null as unknown as Action['payload'],
const state$ = new BehaviorSubject(initialState || ({} as State));
function dispatch(type: Action['type'], payload?: Action['payload']): void {
if (dispatching$.value)
throw new Error("Can't dispatch while store is dispatching");
const newState = produce<State>(state$.value, (draft) =>
reducer(draft, { type, payload } as Action)
// If current and next states are the same, we don't update the state
if (state$.value !== newState) state$.next(newState);
action$.next({ type: type, payload });
function subscribe(callback: (state: State) => void): Subscription {
if (dispatching$.value)
throw new Error("Can't subscribe while store is dispatching");
return state$.subscribe(callback);
function on(
action: Action['type'],
callback: (payload?: Action['payload']) => void
): Subscription {
if (dispatching$.value)
throw new Error("Can't subscribe while store is dispatching");
return action$.subscribe((latest) => {
if (latest.type === action) callback(latest.payload);
return {
import { Draft } from 'immer';
export type ReducerAction<ActionType extends string, Payload = any> = {
type: ActionType;
payload: Payload;
export type State<S = Record<string, unknown>> = Draft<S>;
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