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Created December 5, 2017 13:20
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eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify$ cd pizza3/
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ gulp
[16:43:07] Using gulpfile ~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/gulpfile.js
[16:43:07] Starting 'hint-js'...
[16:43:07] Starting 'hint-tasks'...
[16:43:07] Starting 'fonts'...
[16:43:07] Starting 'assets'...
[16:43:07] Starting 'img'...
[16:43:07] Starting 'site-js'...
[16:43:07] Finished 'site-js' after 5.23 ms
[16:43:07] Starting 'js'...
[16:43:07] Finished 'js' after 8.62 μs
[16:43:07] Starting 'css'...
[16:43:07] Finished 'css' after 1.35 ms
[16:43:07] Starting 'partials'...
[16:43:07] Starting 'homepage-logos-data'...
[16:43:07] Starting 'logo-page-template'...
[16:43:07] Starting 'logo-pages-logos-data'...
[16:43:07] Finished 'fonts' after 30 ms
[16:43:07] Finished 'logo-page-template' after 143 ms
[16:43:08] Finished 'assets' after 744 ms
[16:43:08] Finished 'hint-js' after 1 s
[16:43:08] Finished 'hint-tasks' after 1.08 s
[16:43:08] Starting 'hint'...
[16:43:08] Finished 'hint' after 98 μs
[16:43:08] Finished 'partials' after 1.12 s
[16:43:08] Starting 'license'...
[16:43:08] Finished 'license' after 70 ms
[16:43:08] Finished 'logo-pages-logos-data' after 1.25 s
[16:43:08] Starting 'logo-pages'...
[16:43:08] Finished 'homepage-logos-data' after 1.53 s
[16:43:08] Starting 'homepage'...
[16:43:08] Finished 'img' after 1.65 s
[16:43:08] Starting 'prod-assets'...
[16:43:08] Finished 'prod-assets' after 54 μs
[16:43:08] Finished 'homepage' after 111 ms
[16:43:09] Finished 'logo-pages' after 809 ms
[16:43:09] Starting 'content'...
[16:43:09] Finished 'content' after 43 μs
[16:43:09] Starting 'default'...
[16:43:09] Finished 'default' after 43 μs
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ npm run build
npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-101-generic
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "run" "build"
npm ERR! node v4.2.6
npm ERR! npm v3.5.2
npm ERR! missing script: build
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at:
npm ERR! <>
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/npm-debug.log
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ npm start
npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-101-generic
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "start"
npm ERR! node v4.2.6
npm ERR! npm v3.5.2
npm ERR! missing script: start
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at:
npm ERR! <>
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/npm-debug.log
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ npm install
npm WARN No repository field.
npm WARN No license field.
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ gulp dev
[19:02:13] Using gulpfile ~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/gulpfile.js
[19:02:13] Starting 'hint-js'...
[19:02:13] Starting 'hint-tasks'...
[19:02:13] Starting 'fonts'...
[19:02:13] Starting 'assets'...
[19:02:13] Starting 'img'...
[19:02:13] Starting 'partials'...
[19:02:13] Starting 'homepage-logos-data'...
[19:02:13] Starting 'logo-page-template'...
[19:02:13] Starting 'logo-pages-logos-data'...
[19:02:13] Finished 'fonts' after 23 ms
[19:02:13] Finished 'logo-page-template' after 69 ms
[19:02:13] Finished 'assets' after 225 ms
[19:02:13] Finished 'hint-js' after 309 ms
[19:02:13] Finished 'hint-tasks' after 349 ms
[19:02:13] Starting 'hint'...
[19:02:13] Finished 'hint' after 20 μs
[19:02:13] Finished 'partials' after 365 ms
[19:02:13] Starting 'license'...
[19:02:13] Finished 'license' after 33 ms
[19:02:13] Finished 'logo-pages-logos-data' after 426 ms
[19:02:13] Starting 'logo-pages'...
[19:02:13] Finished 'homepage-logos-data' after 579 ms
[19:02:13] Starting 'homepage'...
[19:02:13] Finished 'homepage' after 67 ms
[19:02:13] Finished 'img' after 650 ms
[19:02:13] Starting 'prod-assets'...
[19:02:13] Finished 'prod-assets' after 7.66 μs
[19:02:13] Finished 'logo-pages' after 289 ms
[19:02:13] Starting 'content'...
[19:02:13] Finished 'content' after 8.62 μs
[19:02:13] Starting 'dev'...
[19:02:13] Finished 'dev' after 106 ms
npm install -g local-web-server^Z
[1]+ Stopped gulp dev
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ npm install -g local-web-server
loadCurrentTree → install ▌ ╢███████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine local-web-server@2.3.0: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine local-web-server@2.3.0: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"loadDep:semver → 304 ▌ ╢██████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine lws-mock-response@0.4.6: wanted: {"node":">=7"} (current: {"node":"4loadDep:semver → resolveW ▄ ╢██████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine lws-cors@1.0.0: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-compress@0.2.1: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-conditional-get@0.3.4: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-body-parser@0.2.4: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-json@0.3.2: wanted: {"node":">=7.6.0"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6"loadDep:semver → attempt ▀ ╢██████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine lws-log@0.3.2: wanted: {"node":">=7.6.0"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-basic-auth@0.1.1: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-spa@0.2.4: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-mime@0.2.2: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-blacklist@0.2.3: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2loadDep:ws → addNamed ▌ ╢██████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine koa@2.4.1: wanted: {"node":"^4.8.4 || ^6.10.1 || ^7.10.1 || >= 8.1.4loadDep:koa-bodyparser → ▐ ╢████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine koa-bodyparser@4.2.0: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.loadDep:@koa/cors → 200 ▀ ╢█████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine @koa/cors@2.2.1: wanted: {"node":">= 4.3.1"} (current: {"node":"4.2.loadDep:koa-mock-response ▀ ╢████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine koa-mock-response@0.2.0: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":loadDep:koa-send → 200 ▀ ╢█████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine koa-send@4.1.1: wanted: {"node":">= 7.6.0"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6loadDep:koa-static → 200 ▀ ╢██████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine koa-static@4.0.2: wanted: {"node":">= 7.6.0"} (current: {"node":"4.2npm WARN checkPermissions Missing write access to /usr/local/lib/node_modules
└─┬ local-web-server@2.3.0
├─┬ lws@1.1.6
│ ├── ansi-escape-sequences@4.0.0
│ ├── array-back@2.0.0
│ ├── byte-size@4.0.2
│ ├─┬ cli-commands@0.3.2
│ │ └── command-line-commands@2.0.1
│ ├─┬ command-line-args@4.0.7
│ │ └─┬ find-replace@1.0.3
│ │ ├── array-back@1.0.4
│ │ └─┬ test-value@2.1.0
│ │ └── array-back@1.0.4
│ ├─┬ command-line-usage@4.1.0-1
│ │ └─┬ table-layout@0.4.2
│ │ ├── deep-extend@0.5.0
│ │ ├── lodash.padend@4.6.1
│ │ └── wordwrapjs@3.0.0
│ ├─┬ koa@2.4.1
│ │ ├─┬ accepts@1.3.4
│ │ │ └── negotiator@0.6.1
│ │ ├── content-disposition@0.5.2
│ │ ├── content-type@1.0.4
│ │ ├─┬ cookies@0.7.1
│ │ │ └── keygrip@1.0.2
│ │ ├─┬ debug@3.1.0
│ │ │ └── ms@2.0.0
│ │ ├── delegates@1.0.0
│ │ ├── depd@1.1.1
│ │ ├── destroy@1.0.4
│ │ ├── error-inject@1.0.0
│ │ ├── escape-html@1.0.3
│ │ ├── fresh@0.5.2
│ │ ├─┬ http-assert@1.3.0
│ │ │ └── deep-equal@1.0.1
│ │ ├─┬ http-errors@1.6.2
│ │ │ ├── inherits@2.0.3
│ │ │ └── setprototypeof@1.0.3
│ │ ├── is-generator-function@1.0.6
│ │ ├── koa-compose@4.0.0
│ │ ├─┬ koa-convert@1.2.0
│ │ │ ├── co@4.6.0
│ │ │ └── koa-compose@3.2.1
│ │ ├── koa-is-json@1.0.0
│ │ ├─┬ mime-types@2.1.17
│ │ │ └── mime-db@1.30.0
│ │ ├─┬ on-finished@2.3.0
│ │ │ └── ee-first@1.1.1
│ │ ├── only@0.0.2
│ │ ├── parseurl@1.3.2
│ │ ├── statuses@1.4.0
│ │ ├─┬ type-is@1.6.15
│ │ │ └── media-typer@0.3.0
│ │ └── vary@1.1.2
│ ├── load-module@0.2.4
│ ├── lodash.assignwith@4.2.0
│ ├── lodash.camelcase@4.3.0
│ ├── reduce-flatten@1.0.1
│ ├── typical@2.6.1
│ ├─┬ usage-stats@0.9.4
│ │ ├── home-path@1.0.5
│ │ ├── mkdirp2@1.0.3
│ │ └── uuid@3.1.0
│ ├── walk-back@3.0.0
│ └─┬ ws@3.3.2
│ ├── async-limiter@1.0.0
│ ├── safe-buffer@5.1.1
│ └── ultron@1.1.1
├─┬ lws-basic-auth@0.1.1
│ └── basic-auth@1.1.0
├─┬ lws-blacklist@0.2.3
│ └─┬ path-to-regexp@1.7.0
│ └── isarray@0.0.1
├─┬ lws-body-parser@0.2.4
│ └─┬ koa-bodyparser@4.2.0
│ ├─┬ co-body@5.1.1
│ │ ├── inflation@2.0.0
│ │ ├── qs@6.5.1
│ │ └─┬ raw-body@2.3.2
│ │ ├── bytes@3.0.0
│ │ ├── iconv-lite@0.4.19
│ │ └── unpipe@1.0.0
│ └── copy-to@2.0.1
├─┬ lws-compress@0.2.1
│ └─┬ koa-compress@2.0.0
│ ├── bytes@2.5.0
│ └── compressible@2.0.12
├─┬ lws-conditional-get@0.3.4
│ ├── koa-conditional-get@2.0.0
│ └─┬ koa-etag@3.0.0
│ ├── etag@1.8.1
│ └─┬ mz@2.7.0
│ ├── any-promise@1.3.0
│ ├── object-assign@4.1.1
│ └─┬ thenify-all@1.6.0
│ └── thenify@3.3.0
├─┬ lws-cors@1.0.0
│ └── @koa/cors@2.2.1
├─┬ lws-index@0.3.3
│ └─┬ serve-index-75lb@2.0.0
│ ├── batch@0.6.1
│ └── debug@2.6.8
├─┬ lws-json@0.3.2
│ └─┬ koa-json@2.0.2
│ └─┬ streaming-json-stringify@3.1.0
│ ├── json-stringify-safe@5.0.1
│ └─┬ readable-stream@2.3.3
│ ├── core-util-is@1.0.2
│ ├── isarray@1.0.0
│ ├── process-nextick-args@1.0.7
│ ├── string_decoder@1.0.3
│ └── util-deprecate@1.0.2
├─┬ lws-log@0.3.2
│ ├─┬ koa-morgan@1.0.1
│ │ └─┬ morgan@1.9.0
│ │ ├── basic-auth@2.0.0
│ │ ├── debug@2.6.9
│ │ └── on-headers@1.0.1
│ └─┬ stream-log-stats@2.0.2
│ ├─┬ ansi-escape-sequences@3.0.0
│ │ └── array-back@1.0.4
│ ├── byte-size@3.0.0
│ ├── common-log-format@0.1.3
│ ├─┬ JSONStream@1.3.1
│ │ ├── jsonparse@1.3.1
│ │ └── through@2.3.8
│ ├── lodash.throttle@4.1.1
│ └── stream-via@1.0.4
├── lws-mime@0.2.2
├─┬ lws-mock-response@0.4.6
│ └── koa-mock-response@0.2.0
├── lws-request-monitor@0.1.5
├─┬ lws-rewrite@0.3.7
│ ├── koa-rewrite-75lb@2.1.1
│ ├─┬ koa-route@3.2.0
│ │ └── methods@1.1.2
│ ├─┬ req-then@0.6.4
│ │ ├── defer-promise@1.0.1
│ │ └── lodash.pick@4.4.0
│ └── stream-read-all@0.1.2
├─┬ lws-spa@0.2.4
│ └─┬ koa-send@4.1.1
│ ├── debug@2.6.9
│ └─┬ resolve-path@1.3.3
│ ├─┬ http-errors@1.5.1
│ │ └── setprototypeof@1.0.2
│ └── path-is-absolute@1.0.1
├─┬ lws-static@0.4.1
│ └─┬ koa-static@4.0.2
│ └── debug@2.6.9
└── semver@5.4.1
npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-101-generic
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" "-g" "local-web-server"
npm ERR! node v4.2.6
npm ERR! npm v3.5.2
npm ERR! path /usr/local/lib/node_modules
npm ERR! code EACCES
npm ERR! errno -13
npm ERR! syscall access
npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/local/lib/node_modules'
npm ERR! at Error (native)
npm ERR! { [Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/local/lib/node_modules']
npm ERR! errno: -13,
npm ERR! code: 'EACCES',
npm ERR! syscall: 'access',
npm ERR! path: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules' }
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/npm-debug.log
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ sudo npm install -g local-web-server
[sudo] password for eva:
▄ ╢░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine local-web-server@2.3.0: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine local-web-server@2.3.0: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"loadDep:semver → 304 ▐ ╢██████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine lws-basic-auth@0.1.1: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-log@0.3.2: wanted: {"node":">=7.6.0"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6",loadDep:semver → get ▌ ╢██████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine lws-cors@1.0.0: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-body-parser@0.2.4: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-spa@0.2.4: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","nloadDep:semver → 304 ▌ ╢██████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine lws-blacklist@0.2.3: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-mime@0.2.2: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-conditional-get@0.3.4: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-json@0.3.2: wanted: {"node":">=7.6.0"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6"loadDep:semver → 304 ▄ ╢██████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine lws-mock-response@0.4.6: wanted: {"node":">=7"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-compress@0.2.1: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.loadDep:ws → 304 ▐ ╢██████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine koa@2.4.1: wanted: {"node":"^4.8.4 || ^6.10.1 || ^7.10.1 || >= 8.1.4loadDep:koa-bodyparser → ▌ ╢████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine koa-bodyparser@4.2.0: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.loadDep:@koa/cors → 304 ▌ ╢█████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine @koa/cors@2.2.1: wanted: {"node":">= 4.3.1"} (current: {"node":"4.2.loadDep:koa-mock-response ▐ ╢████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine koa-mock-response@0.2.0: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":loadDep:koa-send → 304 ▄ ╢█████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine koa-send@4.1.1: wanted: {"node":">= 7.6.0"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6loadDep:koa-static → 304 ▀ ╢██████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine koa-static@4.0.2: wanted: {"node":">= 7.6.0"} (current: {"node":"4.2/usr/local/bin/ws -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/local-web-server/bin/cli.js
└─┬ local-web-server@2.3.0
├─┬ lws@1.1.6
│ ├── ansi-escape-sequences@4.0.0
│ ├── array-back@2.0.0
│ ├── byte-size@4.0.2
│ ├─┬ cli-commands@0.3.2
│ │ └── command-line-commands@2.0.1
│ ├─┬ command-line-args@4.0.7
│ │ └─┬ find-replace@1.0.3
│ │ ├── array-back@1.0.4
│ │ └─┬ test-value@2.1.0
│ │ └── array-back@1.0.4
│ ├─┬ command-line-usage@4.1.0-1
│ │ └─┬ table-layout@0.4.2
│ │ ├── deep-extend@0.5.0
│ │ ├── lodash.padend@4.6.1
│ │ └── wordwrapjs@3.0.0
│ ├─┬ koa@2.4.1
│ │ ├─┬ accepts@1.3.4
│ │ │ └── negotiator@0.6.1
│ │ ├── content-disposition@0.5.2
│ │ ├── content-type@1.0.4
│ │ ├─┬ cookies@0.7.1
│ │ │ └── keygrip@1.0.2
│ │ ├─┬ debug@3.1.0
│ │ │ └── ms@2.0.0
│ │ ├── delegates@1.0.0
│ │ ├── depd@1.1.1
│ │ ├── destroy@1.0.4
│ │ ├── error-inject@1.0.0
│ │ ├── escape-html@1.0.3
│ │ ├── fresh@0.5.2
│ │ ├─┬ http-assert@1.3.0
│ │ │ └── deep-equal@1.0.1
│ │ ├─┬ http-errors@1.6.2
│ │ │ ├── inherits@2.0.3
│ │ │ └── setprototypeof@1.0.3
│ │ ├── is-generator-function@1.0.6
│ │ ├── koa-compose@4.0.0
│ │ ├─┬ koa-convert@1.2.0
│ │ │ ├── co@4.6.0
│ │ │ └── koa-compose@3.2.1
│ │ ├── koa-is-json@1.0.0
│ │ ├─┬ mime-types@2.1.17
│ │ │ └── mime-db@1.30.0
│ │ ├─┬ on-finished@2.3.0
│ │ │ └── ee-first@1.1.1
│ │ ├── only@0.0.2
│ │ ├── parseurl@1.3.2
│ │ ├── statuses@1.4.0
│ │ ├─┬ type-is@1.6.15
│ │ │ └── media-typer@0.3.0
│ │ └── vary@1.1.2
│ ├── load-module@0.2.4
│ ├── lodash.assignwith@4.2.0
│ ├── lodash.camelcase@4.3.0
│ ├── reduce-flatten@1.0.1
│ ├── typical@2.6.1
│ ├─┬ usage-stats@0.9.4
│ │ ├── home-path@1.0.5
│ │ ├── mkdirp2@1.0.3
│ │ └── uuid@3.1.0
│ ├── walk-back@3.0.0
│ └─┬ ws@3.3.2
│ ├── async-limiter@1.0.0
│ ├── safe-buffer@5.1.1
│ └── ultron@1.1.1
├─┬ lws-basic-auth@0.1.1
│ └── basic-auth@1.1.0
├─┬ lws-blacklist@0.2.3
│ └─┬ path-to-regexp@1.7.0
│ └── isarray@0.0.1
├─┬ lws-body-parser@0.2.4
│ └─┬ koa-bodyparser@4.2.0
│ ├─┬ co-body@5.1.1
│ │ ├── inflation@2.0.0
│ │ ├── qs@6.5.1
│ │ └─┬ raw-body@2.3.2
│ │ ├── bytes@3.0.0
│ │ ├── iconv-lite@0.4.19
│ │ └── unpipe@1.0.0
│ └── copy-to@2.0.1
├─┬ lws-compress@0.2.1
│ └─┬ koa-compress@2.0.0
│ ├── bytes@2.5.0
│ └── compressible@2.0.12
├─┬ lws-conditional-get@0.3.4
│ ├── koa-conditional-get@2.0.0
│ └─┬ koa-etag@3.0.0
│ ├── etag@1.8.1
│ └─┬ mz@2.7.0
│ ├── any-promise@1.3.0
│ ├── object-assign@4.1.1
│ └─┬ thenify-all@1.6.0
│ └── thenify@3.3.0
├─┬ lws-cors@1.0.0
│ └── @koa/cors@2.2.1
├─┬ lws-index@0.3.3
│ └─┬ serve-index-75lb@2.0.0
│ ├── batch@0.6.1
│ └── debug@2.6.8
├─┬ lws-json@0.3.2
│ └─┬ koa-json@2.0.2
│ └─┬ streaming-json-stringify@3.1.0
│ ├── json-stringify-safe@5.0.1
│ └─┬ readable-stream@2.3.3
│ ├── core-util-is@1.0.2
│ ├── isarray@1.0.0
│ ├── process-nextick-args@1.0.7
│ ├── string_decoder@1.0.3
│ └── util-deprecate@1.0.2
├─┬ lws-log@0.3.2
│ ├─┬ koa-morgan@1.0.1
│ │ └─┬ morgan@1.9.0
│ │ ├── basic-auth@2.0.0
│ │ ├── debug@2.6.9
│ │ └── on-headers@1.0.1
│ └─┬ stream-log-stats@2.0.2
│ ├─┬ ansi-escape-sequences@3.0.0
│ │ └── array-back@1.0.4
│ ├── byte-size@3.0.0
│ ├── common-log-format@0.1.3
│ ├─┬ JSONStream@1.3.1
│ │ ├── jsonparse@1.3.1
│ │ └── through@2.3.8
│ ├── lodash.throttle@4.1.1
│ └── stream-via@1.0.4
├── lws-mime@0.2.2
├─┬ lws-mock-response@0.4.6
│ └── koa-mock-response@0.2.0
├── lws-request-monitor@0.1.5
├─┬ lws-rewrite@0.3.7
│ ├── koa-rewrite-75lb@2.1.1
│ ├─┬ koa-route@3.2.0
│ │ └── methods@1.1.2
│ ├─┬ req-then@0.6.4
│ │ ├── defer-promise@1.0.1
│ │ └── lodash.pick@4.4.0
│ └── stream-read-all@0.1.2
├─┬ lws-spa@0.2.4
│ └─┬ koa-send@4.1.1
│ ├── debug@2.6.9
│ └─┬ resolve-path@1.3.3
│ ├─┬ http-errors@1.5.1
│ │ └── setprototypeof@1.0.2
│ └── path-is-absolute@1.0.1
├─┬ lws-static@0.4.1
│ └─┬ koa-static@4.0.2
│ └── debug@2.6.9
└── semver@5.4.1
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ ws
Sorry, this app requires node v7.6.0 or above. Please upgrade
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ node -v
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ nodejs -v
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ sudo npm cache clean -f
[sudo] password for eva:
npm WARN using --force I sure hope you know what you are doing.
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ sudo npm install -g n
/usr/local/bin/n -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/n/bin/n
└── n@2.1.8
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ sudo n stable
install : node-v9.2.0
mkdir : /usr/local/n/versions/node/9.2.0
fetch :
######################################################################## 100,0%
installed : v9.2.0
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ node -v
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ nodejs -v
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ ws
Serving at http://eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:8000,,
ws --spa index.html
gulp build
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ gulp watch
[22:10:22] Using gulpfile ~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/gulpfile.js
[22:10:22] Task 'watch' is not in your gulpfile
[22:10:22] Please check the documentation for proper gulpfile formatting
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ gulp build
[22:11:03] Using gulpfile ~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/gulpfile.js
[22:11:03] Task 'build' is not in your gulpfile
[22:11:03] Please check the documentation for proper gulpfile formatting
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ gulp
[22:11:19] Using gulpfile ~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/gulpfile.js
[22:11:19] Starting 'hint-js'...
[22:11:20] Starting 'hint-tasks'...
[22:11:20] Starting 'fonts'...
[22:11:20] Starting 'assets'...
[22:11:20] Starting 'img'...
[22:11:20] Starting 'site-js'...
[22:11:20] Finished 'site-js' after 24 ms
[22:11:20] Starting 'js'...
[22:11:20] Finished 'js' after 354 μs
[22:11:20] Starting 'css'...
[22:11:20] Finished 'css' after 9.07 ms
[22:11:20] Starting 'partials'...
[22:11:20] Starting 'homepage-logos-data'...
[22:11:20] Starting 'logo-page-template'...
[22:11:20] Starting 'logo-pages-logos-data'...
[22:11:20] Finished 'fonts' after 164 ms
[22:11:20] Finished 'logo-page-template' after 633 ms
[22:11:21] Finished 'assets' after 1.34 s
[22:11:21] Finished 'hint-js' after 1.57 s
[22:11:21] Finished 'hint-tasks' after 1.54 s
[22:11:21] Starting 'hint'...
[22:11:21] Finished 'hint' after 3.42 μs
[22:11:21] Finished 'partials' after 1.51 s
[22:11:21] Starting 'license'...
[22:11:21] Finished 'license' after 47 ms
[22:11:21] Finished 'logo-pages-logos-data' after 1.7 s
[22:11:21] Starting 'logo-pages'...
[22:11:22] Finished 'homepage-logos-data' after 2.27 s
[22:11:22] Starting 'homepage'...
[22:11:22] Finished 'img' after 2.44 s
[22:11:22] Starting 'prod-assets'...
[22:11:22] Finished 'prod-assets' after 15 μs
[22:11:22] Finished 'homepage' after 208 ms
[22:11:22] Finished 'logo-pages' after 1.11 s
[22:11:22] Starting 'content'...
[22:11:22] Finished 'content' after 15 μs
[22:11:22] Starting 'default'...
[22:11:22] Finished 'default' after 14 μs
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ npm start
npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-101-generic
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "start"
npm ERR! node v4.2.6
npm ERR! npm v3.5.2
npm ERR! missing script: start
npm ERR!
npm ERR! If you need help, you may report this error at:
npm ERR! <>
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/npm-debug.log
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ npm install -g bower grunt-cli
npm WARN deprecated bower@1.8.2: ...psst! Your project can stop working at any moment because its dependencies can change. Prevent this by migrating to Yarn:
npm WARN checkPermissions Missing write access to /usr/local/lib/node_modules
├── bower@1.8.2
└─┬ grunt-cli@1.2.0
├─┬ findup-sync@0.3.0
│ └─┬ glob@5.0.15
│ ├─┬ inflight@1.0.6
│ │ └── wrappy@1.0.2
│ ├── inherits@2.0.3
│ ├─┬ minimatch@3.0.4
│ │ └─┬ brace-expansion@1.1.8
│ │ ├── balanced-match@1.0.0
│ │ └── concat-map@0.0.1
│ ├── once@1.4.0
│ └── path-is-absolute@1.0.1
├── grunt-known-options@1.1.0
├─┬ nopt@3.0.6
│ └── abbrev@1.1.1
└── resolve@1.1.7
npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-101-generic
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "install" "-g" "bower" "grunt-cli"
npm ERR! node v4.2.6
npm ERR! npm v3.5.2
npm ERR! path /usr/local/lib/node_modules
npm ERR! code EACCES
npm ERR! errno -13
npm ERR! syscall access
npm ERR! Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/local/lib/node_modules'
npm ERR! at Error (native)
npm ERR! { [Error: EACCES: permission denied, access '/usr/local/lib/node_modules']
npm ERR! errno: -13,
npm ERR! code: 'EACCES',
npm ERR! syscall: 'access',
npm ERR! path: '/usr/local/lib/node_modules' }
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Please try running this command again as root/Administrator.
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/npm-debug.log
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ sudo npm install -g bower grunt-cli
[sudo] password for eva:
npm WARN deprecated bower@1.8.2: ...psst! Your project can stop working at any moment because its dependencies can change. Prevent this by migrating to Yarn:
/usr/local/bin/bower -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/bin/bower
/usr/local/bin/grunt -> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/grunt-cli/bin/grunt
+ grunt-cli@1.2.0
+ bower@1.8.2
added 17 packages in 5.345s
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ bower install
throw err;
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/home/eva/.config/configstore/bower-github.json.225470047'
You don't have access to this file.
at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:663:18)
at Object.fs.writeFileSync (fs.js:1314:33)
at Function.writeFileSync [as sync] (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/node_modules/write-file-atomic/index.js:78:8)
at Configstore.set (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/node_modules/configstore/index.js:63:21)
at new Configstore (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/node_modules/configstore/index.js:28:11)
at readCachedConfig (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/config.js:19:23)
at defaultConfig (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/config.js:11:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/index.js:16:32)
at Module._compile (module.js:641:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:652:10)
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ sudo bower install
bower ESUDO Cannot be run with sudo
Additional error details:
Since bower is a user command, there is no need to execute it with superuser permissions.
If you're having permission errors when using bower without sudo, please spend a few minutes learning more about how your system should work and make any necessary repairs.
You can however run a command with sudo using --allow-root option
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ bower -v
throw err;
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/home/eva/.config/configstore/bower-github.json'
You don't have access to this file.
at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:663:18)
at Object.fs.readFileSync (fs.js:568:33)
at Configstore.get (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/node_modules/configstore/index.js:35:26)
at new Configstore (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/node_modules/configstore/index.js:28:45)
at readCachedConfig (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/config.js:19:23)
at defaultConfig (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/config.js:11:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/index.js:16:32)
at Module._compile (module.js:641:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:652:10)
at Module.load (module.js:560:32)
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ bower --version
throw err;
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/home/eva/.config/configstore/bower-github.json'
You don't have access to this file.
at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:663:18)
at Object.fs.readFileSync (fs.js:568:33)
at Configstore.get (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/node_modules/configstore/index.js:35:26)
at new Configstore (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/node_modules/configstore/index.js:28:45)
at readCachedConfig (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/config.js:19:23)
at defaultConfig (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/config.js:11:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/index.js:16:32)
at Module._compile (module.js:641:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:652:10)
at Module.load (module.js:560:32)
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ bower install
throw err;
Error: EACCES: permission denied, open '/home/eva/.config/configstore/bower-github.json'
You don't have access to this file.
at Object.fs.openSync (fs.js:663:18)
at Object.fs.readFileSync (fs.js:568:33)
at Configstore.get (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/node_modules/configstore/index.js:35:26)
at new Configstore (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/node_modules/configstore/index.js:28:45)
at readCachedConfig (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/config.js:19:23)
at defaultConfig (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/config.js:11:12)
at Object.<anonymous> (/usr/local/lib/node_modules/bower/lib/index.js:16:32)
at Module._compile (module.js:641:30)
at Object.Module._extensions..js (module.js:652:10)
at Module.load (module.js:560:32)
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ grunt serve
grunt-cli: The grunt command line interface (v1.2.0)
Fatal error: Unable to find local grunt.
If you're seeing this message, grunt hasn't been installed locally to
your project. For more information about installing and configuring grunt,
please see the Getting Started guide:
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ gulp
[22:30:20] Using gulpfile ~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/gulpfile.js
[22:30:20] Starting 'hint-js'...
[22:30:20] Starting 'hint-tasks'...
[22:30:20] Starting 'fonts'...
[22:30:20] Starting 'assets'...
[22:30:20] Starting 'img'...
[22:30:20] Starting 'site-js'...
[22:30:20] Finished 'site-js' after 3.38 ms
[22:30:20] Starting 'js'...
[22:30:20] Finished 'js' after 21 μs
[22:30:20] Starting 'css'...
[22:30:20] Finished 'css' after 1.05 ms
[22:30:20] Starting 'partials'...
[22:30:20] Starting 'homepage-logos-data'...
[22:30:20] Starting 'logo-page-template'...
[22:30:20] Starting 'logo-pages-logos-data'...
[22:30:20] Finished 'fonts' after 33 ms
[22:30:20] Finished 'logo-page-template' after 133 ms
[22:30:20] Finished 'assets' after 391 ms
[22:30:20] Finished 'hint-js' after 492 ms
[22:30:20] Finished 'hint-tasks' after 518 ms
[22:30:20] Starting 'hint'...
[22:30:20] Finished 'hint' after 27 μs
[22:30:20] Finished 'partials' after 651 ms
[22:30:20] Starting 'license'...
[22:30:20] Finished 'license' after 53 ms
[22:30:20] Finished 'logo-pages-logos-data' after 735 ms
[22:30:20] Starting 'logo-pages'...
[22:30:20] Finished 'homepage-logos-data' after 835 ms
[22:30:20] Starting 'homepage'...
[22:30:21] Finished 'img' after 870 ms
[22:30:21] Starting 'prod-assets'...
[22:30:21] Finished 'prod-assets' after 2.28 μs
[22:30:21] Finished 'homepage' after 29 ms
[22:30:21] Finished 'logo-pages' after 194 ms
[22:30:21] Starting 'content'...
[22:30:21] Finished 'content' after 2.63 μs
[22:30:21] Starting 'default'...
[22:30:21] Finished 'default' after 1.75 μs
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ gulp dev
[22:30:26] Using gulpfile ~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/gulpfile.js
[22:30:27] Starting 'hint-js'...
[22:30:27] Starting 'hint-tasks'...
[22:30:27] Starting 'fonts'...
[22:30:27] Starting 'assets'...
[22:30:27] Starting 'img'...
[22:30:27] Starting 'partials'...
[22:30:27] Starting 'homepage-logos-data'...
[22:30:27] Starting 'logo-page-template'...
[22:30:27] Starting 'logo-pages-logos-data'...
[22:30:27] Finished 'fonts' after 118 ms
[22:30:27] Finished 'logo-page-template' after 281 ms
[22:30:28] Finished 'assets' after 1.05 s
[22:30:28] Finished 'hint-js' after 1.41 s
[22:30:28] Finished 'hint-tasks' after 1.53 s
[22:30:28] Starting 'hint'...
[22:30:28] Finished 'hint' after 226 μs
[22:30:28] Finished 'partials' after 1.63 s
[22:30:28] Starting 'license'...
[22:30:28] Finished 'license' after 200 ms
[22:30:29] Finished 'logo-pages-logos-data' after 1.95 s
[22:30:29] Starting 'logo-pages'...
[22:30:29] Finished 'homepage-logos-data' after 2.56 s
[22:30:29] Starting 'homepage'...
[22:30:29] Finished 'img' after 2.58 s
[22:30:29] Starting 'prod-assets'...
[22:30:29] Finished 'prod-assets' after 34 μs
[22:30:29] Finished 'homepage' after 222 ms
[22:30:30] Finished 'logo-pages' after 1.19 s
[22:30:30] Starting 'content'...
[22:30:30] Finished 'content' after 15 μs
[22:30:30] Starting 'dev'...
[22:30:30] Finished 'dev' after 541 ms
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ gulp dev
[22:32:18] Using gulpfile ~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/gulpfile.js
[22:32:18] Starting 'hint-js'...
[22:32:18] Starting 'hint-tasks'...
[22:32:18] Starting 'fonts'...
[22:32:18] Starting 'assets'...
[22:32:18] Starting 'img'...
[22:32:18] Starting 'partials'...
[22:32:18] Starting 'homepage-logos-data'...
[22:32:18] Starting 'logo-page-template'...
[22:32:18] Starting 'logo-pages-logos-data'...
[22:32:18] Finished 'fonts' after 33 ms
[22:32:18] Finished 'logo-page-template' after 78 ms
[22:32:18] Finished 'assets' after 246 ms
[22:32:18] Finished 'hint-js' after 333 ms
[22:32:18] Finished 'hint-tasks' after 460 ms
[22:32:18] Starting 'hint'...
[22:32:18] Finished 'hint' after 207 μs
[22:32:19] Finished 'partials' after 593 ms
[22:32:19] Starting 'license'...
[22:32:19] Finished 'license' after 214 ms
[22:32:19] Finished 'logo-pages-logos-data' after 943 ms
[22:32:19] Starting 'logo-pages'...
[22:32:19] Finished 'img' after 1.11 s
[22:32:19] Starting 'prod-assets'...
[22:32:19] Finished 'prod-assets' after 11 μs
[22:32:19] Finished 'homepage-logos-data' after 1.11 s
[22:32:19] Starting 'homepage'...
[22:32:19] Finished 'homepage' after 28 ms
[22:32:19] Finished 'logo-pages' after 259 ms
[22:32:19] Starting 'content'...
[22:32:19] Finished 'content' after 2.65 μs
[22:32:19] Starting 'dev'...
[22:32:19] Finished 'dev' after 72 ms
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ npm install local-web-server --save-dev
▐ ╢░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine local-web-server@2.3.0: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
loadDep:semver → 200 ▐ ╢█████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
loadDep:semver → cache ad ▀ ╢█████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine lws-body-parser@0.2.4: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-spa@0.2.4: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-mime@0.2.2: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
loadDep:semver → addNamed ▌ ╢█████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
loadDep:semver → headers ▌ ╢█████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
WARN engine lws-cors@1.0.0: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-log@0.3.2: wanted: {"node":">=7.6.0"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-mock-response@0.4.6: wanted: {"node":">=7"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
WARN engine lws-blacklist@0.2.3: wanted: {"node":">=7.6"} (current: {"node":"4.2.6","npm":"3.5.2"})
loadDep:ws → get ▌ ╢█████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
loadDep:koa-bodyparser → ▌ ╢█████████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
loadDep:@koa/cors → 200 ▀ ╢█████████████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
loadDep:koa-mock-response ▄ ╢████████████████████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
loadDep:koa-send → 200 ▐ ╢████████████████████████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟
loadDep:koa-static → netw ▄ ╢██████████████████████████████████████████████████░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░░╟ /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3
├─┬ cheerio@1.0.0-rc.2
│ └─┬ htmlparser2@3.9.2
│ └─┬ readable-stream@2.3.3
│ ├── isarray@1.0.0
│ └── string_decoder@1.0.3
├─┬ gulp@3.9.1
│ └─┬ liftoff@2.3.0
│ └─┬ findup-sync@0.4.3
│ └─┬ micromatch@2.3.11
│ └─┬ braces@1.8.5
│ └─┬ expand-range@1.8.2
│ └─┬ fill-range@2.2.3
│ └─┬ isobject@2.1.0
│ └── isarray@1.0.0
├─┬ gulp-concat@2.6.1
│ └─┬ through2@2.0.3
│ └─┬ readable-stream@2.3.3
│ ├── isarray@1.0.0
│ └── string_decoder@1.0.3
├─┬ gulp-filter@5.0.1
│ └─┬ streamfilter@1.0.6
│ └─┬ readable-stream@2.3.3
│ ├── isarray@1.0.0
│ └── string_decoder@1.0.3
├─┬ gulp-front-matter@1.3.0
│ └─┬ readable-stream@2.3.3
│ ├── isarray@1.0.0
│ └── string_decoder@1.0.3
├─┬ gulp-replace@0.6.1
│ ├─┬ readable-stream@2.3.3
│ │ ├── isarray@1.0.0
│ │ └── string_decoder@1.0.3
│ └─┬ replacestream@4.0.3
│ ├── object-assign@4.1.1
│ └─┬ readable-stream@2.3.3
│ ├── isarray@1.0.0
│ └── string_decoder@1.0.3
├─┬ gulp-yaml@1.0.1
│ └─┬ bufferstreams@1.1.0
│ └─┬ readable-stream@2.3.3
│ ├── isarray@1.0.0
│ └── string_decoder@1.0.3
└─┬ local-web-server@2.3.0
├─┬ lws@1.1.6
│ ├── ansi-escape-sequences@4.0.0
│ ├── array-back@2.0.0
│ ├── byte-size@4.0.2
│ ├─┬ cli-commands@0.3.2
│ │ └── command-line-commands@2.0.1
│ ├─┬ command-line-args@4.0.7
│ │ └─┬ find-replace@1.0.3
│ │ ├── array-back@1.0.4
│ │ └─┬ test-value@2.1.0
│ │ └── array-back@1.0.4
│ ├─┬ command-line-usage@4.1.0-1
│ │ └─┬ table-layout@0.4.2
│ │ ├── deep-extend@0.5.0
│ │ ├── lodash.padend@4.6.1
│ │ └── wordwrapjs@3.0.0
│ ├─┬ koa@2.4.1
│ │ ├─┬ accepts@1.3.4
│ │ │ └── negotiator@0.6.1
│ │ ├── content-disposition@0.5.2
│ │ ├── content-type@1.0.4
│ │ ├─┬ cookies@0.7.1
│ │ │ └── keygrip@1.0.2
│ │ ├─┬ debug@3.1.0
│ │ │ └── ms@2.0.0
│ │ ├── delegates@1.0.0
│ │ ├── depd@1.1.1
│ │ ├── destroy@1.0.4
│ │ ├── error-inject@1.0.0
│ │ ├── escape-html@1.0.3
│ │ ├── fresh@0.5.2
│ │ ├─┬ http-assert@1.3.0
│ │ │ └── deep-equal@1.0.1
│ │ ├─┬ http-errors@1.6.2
│ │ │ └── setprototypeof@1.0.3
│ │ ├── is-generator-function@1.0.6
│ │ ├── koa-compose@4.0.0
│ │ ├─┬ koa-convert@1.2.0
│ │ │ ├── co@4.6.0
│ │ │ └── koa-compose@3.2.1
│ │ ├── koa-is-json@1.0.0
│ │ ├─┬ mime-types@2.1.17
│ │ │ └── mime-db@1.30.0
│ │ ├─┬ on-finished@2.3.0
│ │ │ └── ee-first@1.1.1
│ │ ├── only@0.0.2
│ │ ├── parseurl@1.3.2
│ │ ├── statuses@1.4.0
│ │ ├─┬ type-is@1.6.15
│ │ │ └── media-typer@0.3.0
│ │ └── vary@1.1.2
│ ├── load-module@0.2.4
│ ├── lodash.assignwith@4.2.0
│ ├── lodash.camelcase@4.3.0
│ ├── reduce-flatten@1.0.1
│ ├── semver@5.4.1
│ ├── typical@2.6.1
│ ├─┬ usage-stats@0.9.4
│ │ ├── home-path@1.0.5
│ │ ├── mkdirp2@1.0.3
│ │ └── uuid@3.1.0
│ ├── walk-back@3.0.0
│ └─┬ ws@3.3.2
│ ├── async-limiter@1.0.0
│ └── ultron@1.1.1
├─┬ lws-basic-auth@0.1.1
│ └── basic-auth@1.1.0
├─┬ lws-blacklist@0.2.3
│ └── path-to-regexp@1.7.0
├─┬ lws-body-parser@0.2.4
│ └─┬ koa-bodyparser@4.2.0
│ ├─┬ co-body@5.1.1
│ │ ├── inflation@2.0.0
│ │ ├── qs@6.5.1
│ │ └─┬ raw-body@2.3.2
│ │ ├── bytes@3.0.0
│ │ ├── iconv-lite@0.4.19
│ │ └── unpipe@1.0.0
│ └── copy-to@2.0.1
├─┬ lws-compress@0.2.1
│ └─┬ koa-compress@2.0.0
│ ├── bytes@2.5.0
│ └── compressible@2.0.12
├─┬ lws-conditional-get@0.3.4
│ ├── koa-conditional-get@2.0.0
│ └─┬ koa-etag@3.0.0
│ ├── etag@1.8.1
│ └─┬ mz@2.7.0
│ ├── any-promise@1.3.0
│ ├── object-assign@4.1.1
│ └─┬ thenify-all@1.6.0
│ └── thenify@3.3.0
├─┬ lws-cors@1.0.0
│ └── @koa/cors@2.2.1
├─┬ lws-index@0.3.3
│ └─┬ serve-index-75lb@2.0.0
│ ├── batch@0.6.1
│ └── debug@2.6.8
├─┬ lws-json@0.3.2
│ └─┬ koa-json@2.0.2
│ └─┬ streaming-json-stringify@3.1.0
│ ├── json-stringify-safe@5.0.1
│ └─┬ readable-stream@2.3.3
│ ├── isarray@1.0.0
│ └── string_decoder@1.0.3
├─┬ lws-log@0.3.2
│ ├─┬ koa-morgan@1.0.1
│ │ └─┬ morgan@1.9.0
│ │ ├── basic-auth@2.0.0
│ │ ├── debug@2.6.9
│ │ └── on-headers@1.0.1
│ └─┬ stream-log-stats@2.0.2
│ ├─┬ ansi-escape-sequences@3.0.0
│ │ └── array-back@1.0.4
│ ├── byte-size@3.0.0
│ ├── common-log-format@0.1.3
│ ├─┬ JSONStream@1.3.1
│ │ ├── jsonparse@1.3.1
│ │ └── through@2.3.8
│ ├── lodash.throttle@4.1.1
│ └── stream-via@1.0.4
├── lws-mime@0.2.2
├─┬ lws-mock-response@0.4.6
│ └── koa-mock-response@0.2.0
├── lws-request-monitor@0.1.5
├─┬ lws-rewrite@0.3.7
│ ├── koa-rewrite-75lb@2.1.1
│ ├─┬ koa-route@3.2.0
│ │ └── methods@1.1.2
│ ├─┬ req-then@0.6.4
│ │ ├── defer-promise@1.0.1
│ │ └── lodash.pick@4.4.0
│ └── stream-read-all@0.1.2
├─┬ lws-spa@0.2.4
│ └─┬ koa-send@4.1.1
│ ├── debug@2.6.9
│ └─┬ resolve-path@1.3.3
│ └─┬ http-errors@1.5.1
│ └── setprototypeof@1.0.2
├─┬ lws-static@0.4.1
│ └─┬ koa-static@4.0.2
│ └── debug@2.6.9
└── semver@5.4.1
npm WARN No repository field.
npm WARN No license field.
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ npm install
npm WARN Failed to parse json
npm WARN Unexpected token '{' at 6:1
npm WARN {
npm WARN ^
npm WARN File: /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/package.json
npm WARN pizza3 No description
npm WARN pizza3 No repository field.
npm WARN pizza3 No README data
npm WARN pizza3 No license field.
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ npm start
npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-101-generic
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "start"
npm ERR! node v4.2.6
npm ERR! npm v3.5.2
npm ERR! file /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/package.json
npm ERR! Failed to parse json
npm ERR! Unexpected token '{' at 6:1
npm ERR! {
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! File: /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/package.json
npm ERR! Failed to parse package.json data.
npm ERR! package.json must be actual JSON, not just JavaScript.
npm ERR!
npm ERR! This is not a bug in npm.
npm ERR! Tell the package author to fix their package.json file. JSON.parse
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/npm-debug.log
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ npm start
npm ERR! Linux 4.4.0-101-generic
npm ERR! argv "/usr/bin/nodejs" "/usr/bin/npm" "start"
npm ERR! node v4.2.6
npm ERR! npm v3.5.2
npm ERR! file /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/package.json
npm ERR! Failed to parse json
npm ERR! Unexpected token 's' at 8:6
npm ERR! "start": "ws"
npm ERR! ^
npm ERR! File: /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/package.json
npm ERR! Failed to parse package.json data.
npm ERR! package.json must be actual JSON, not just JavaScript.
npm ERR!
npm ERR! This is not a bug in npm.
npm ERR! Tell the package author to fix their package.json file. JSON.parse
npm ERR! Please include the following file with any support request:
npm ERR! /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/npm-debug.log
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ npm start
> start /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3
> ws
Serving at http://eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:8050,,
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ ^C
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ npm start
> start /home/eva/Develop/Netlify/pizza3
> ws
Serving at http://eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:8050,,
npm run build
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ ws
Serving at http://eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:8050,,
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ gulp
[00:21:26] Using gulpfile ~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/gulpfile.js
[00:21:26] Starting 'hint-js'...
[00:21:26] Starting 'hint-tasks'...
[00:21:26] Starting 'fonts'...
[00:21:26] Starting 'assets'...
[00:21:26] Starting 'img'...
[00:21:26] Starting 'site-js'...
[00:21:26] Finished 'site-js' after 3.09 ms
[00:21:26] Starting 'js'...
[00:21:26] Finished 'js' after 20 μs
[00:21:26] Starting 'css'...
[00:21:26] Finished 'css' after 920 μs
[00:21:26] Starting 'partials'...
[00:21:26] Starting 'homepage-logos-data'...
[00:21:26] Starting 'logo-page-template'...
[00:21:26] Starting 'logo-pages-logos-data'...
[00:21:26] Finished 'fonts' after 24 ms
[00:21:26] Finished 'logo-page-template' after 74 ms
[00:21:26] Finished 'assets' after 288 ms
[00:21:26] Finished 'hint-js' after 426 ms
[00:21:26] Finished 'hint-tasks' after 464 ms
[00:21:26] Starting 'hint'...
[00:21:26] Finished 'hint' after 3.07 μs
[00:21:26] Finished 'partials' after 491 ms
[00:21:26] Starting 'license'...
[00:21:27] Finished 'license' after 49 ms
[00:21:27] Finished 'logo-pages-logos-data' after 611 ms
[00:21:27] Starting 'logo-pages'...
[00:21:27] Finished 'homepage-logos-data' after 1.15 s
[00:21:27] Starting 'homepage'...
[00:21:27] Finished 'img' after 1.17 s
[00:21:27] Starting 'prod-assets'...
[00:21:27] Finished 'prod-assets' after 15 μs
[00:21:27] Finished 'homepage' after 177 ms
[00:21:28] Finished 'logo-pages' after 1.05 s
[00:21:28] Starting 'content'...
[00:21:28] Finished 'content' after 15 μs
[00:21:28] Starting 'default'...
[00:21:28] Finished 'default' after 17 μs
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ gulp dev
[00:21:34] Using gulpfile ~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3/gulpfile.js
[00:21:34] Starting 'hint-js'...
[00:21:34] Starting 'hint-tasks'...
[00:21:34] Starting 'fonts'...
[00:21:34] Starting 'assets'...
[00:21:34] Starting 'img'...
[00:21:34] Starting 'partials'...
[00:21:34] Starting 'homepage-logos-data'...
[00:21:34] Starting 'logo-page-template'...
[00:21:34] Starting 'logo-pages-logos-data'...
[00:21:34] Finished 'fonts' after 120 ms
[00:21:34] Finished 'logo-page-template' after 275 ms
[00:21:35] Finished 'assets' after 838 ms
[00:21:35] Finished 'hint-js' after 973 ms
[00:21:35] Finished 'hint-tasks' after 930 ms
[00:21:35] Starting 'hint'...
[00:21:35] Finished 'hint' after 60 μs
[00:21:35] Finished 'partials' after 914 ms
[00:21:35] Starting 'license'...
[00:21:35] Finished 'license' after 29 ms
[00:21:35] Finished 'logo-pages-logos-data' after 951 ms
[00:21:35] Starting 'logo-pages'...
[00:21:35] Finished 'homepage-logos-data' after 1.05 s
[00:21:35] Starting 'homepage'...
[00:21:35] Finished 'homepage' after 29 ms
[00:21:35] Finished 'img' after 1.11 s
[00:21:35] Starting 'prod-assets'...
[00:21:35] Finished 'prod-assets' after 7.3 μs
[00:21:35] Finished 'logo-pages' after 189 ms
[00:21:35] Starting 'content'...
[00:21:35] Finished 'content' after 2.47 μs
[00:21:35] Starting 'dev'...
[00:21:35] Finished 'dev' after 74 ms
eva@eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:~/Develop/Netlify/pizza3$ ws
Serving at http://eva-CR70-2M-CX70-2OC-CX70-2OD:8050,,
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