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Last active August 24, 2022 10:14
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Save EverlastingBugstopper/d6aa0d9a49bcf39f2df53e1cfb9bb88a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
A bash script to parse the JSON output of `rover subgraph check` or `rover graph check`
#! /bin/bash
# This script performs a subgraph check and generates a markdown file from Rover's JSON output
# Change the following line to refer to your graph ref, schema, and subgraph name
CHECK_OUTPUT=$(rover subgraph check my-graph --schema ./products.graphql --name products --output json)
CHECK_SUCCESS=$(echo $CHECK_OUTPUT | jq '.data.success')
if [ $CHECK_SUCCESS = "true" ]; then
echo "### Check Success"
echo ""
echo "#### Change Details"
echo ""
CHANGES=$(echo "${CHECK_OUTPUT}" | jq '.data.changes')
if [ "$CHANGES" != "null" ]; then
CHANGE_SIZE=$(echo "${CHECK_OUTPUT}" | jq -r '.data.changes | length')
if [ "$CHANGE_SIZE" = "0" ]; then
echo "No changes"
if [ "$CHANGE_SIZE" != "0" ]; then
echo "| Severity | Code | Description |"
echo "| -------- | ---- | ----------- |"
for CHANGE in $(echo "${CHECK_OUTPUT}" | jq -r '.data.changes[] | @base64'); do
_jq() {
echo ${CHANGE} | base64 -d | jq -r ${1}
CHANGE_SEVERITY=$(_jq '.severity')
CHANGE_CODE=$(_jq '.code')
CHANGE_DESCRIPTION=$(_jq '.description')
echo ""
if [ $CHECK_SUCCESS = "false" ]; then
echo "### Check Failure"
echo ""
echo $CHECK_OUTPUT | jq -r '.error.message'
echo ""
echo "#### Error Details"
echo ""
for BUILD_ERROR in $(echo "${CHECK_OUTPUT}" | jq -r '.error.details.build_errors[] | @base64'); do
_jq() {
echo ${BUILD_ERROR} | base64 -d | jq -r ${1}
BUILD_ERROR_CODE=$(_jq '.code')
if [ $BUILD_ERROR_CODE != "null" ]; then
echo -n "$BUILD_ERROR_CODE: "
echo -n "UNKNOWN: "
echo $(_jq '.message')
CHECK_URL=$(echo $CHECK_OUTPUT | jq '.data.target_url')
if [ $CHECK_URL != null ]; then
echo ""
echo "See more details in [Apollo Studio]($CHECK_URL)"
echo ""
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Thanks @busches - I've updated the gist w/your suggested changes :)

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busches commented Sep 23, 2021

I tweaked a few more times to get display something when no changes are present, instead of an empty table. And apparently alpine doesn't support base64 --decode only base64 -d so I made that change too.
Thanks for the script, much better than sending the plain output to GH :)

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Glad it helped! We'll definitely want to get proper markdown support at some point but there's a bunch of other really neat stuff cooking as well - glad this stopgap will work for you

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Collin3 commented Oct 13, 2021

Hey! I also wanted to thank you for the inspiration/jumping off point 🙏. I made a few minor tweaks as well. If you like them, feel free to add here else ignore them. You can view our script here and the changes are more or less the following things:

  1. Wrapped the Change Details Table into a <details> tag so it was collapsable and prevented the comment from being a wall of text
  2. Moved the Error if block up above the change details because we found it was possible to have change details AND be an error status
  3. Strip out the " from the URL so the github link displays as a link instead of text
  4. Used github emojis instead of text for the success/failure status ✅ / ❌

Ends up looking like this an then if you open up the Change Details dropdown you see the table
Screen Shot 2021-10-13 at 2 03 39 PM

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Seems like the response body is now change, and most of the object is not available and the script seems broken

 "json_version": "1",
 "data": {
   "target_url": "url?variant=env",
   "operation_check_count": 259,
   "changes": [
       "code": "TYPE_REMOVED",
       "description": "type `DeletedAlluser`: removed",
       "severity": "FAIL"
       "code": "FIELD_REMOVED",
       "description": "type `ABC`: field `esMessagesDeleted` removed",
       "severity": "FAIL"
       "code": "FIELD_REMOVED",
       "description": "type `Mutation`: field `XYZ` removed",
       "severity": "FAIL"
   "failure_count": 3,
   "success": false
 "error": {
   "message": "This operation check has encountered 4 schema changes that would break operations from existing client traffic.",
   "code": "E030"

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come up with this

### | Severity | Code | Description |
| -------- | ---- | ----------- |
| FAIL | TYPE_REMOVED | type `demo`: removed |
| FAIL | FIELD_REMOVED | type `demo`: field `demo` removed |
| FAIL | FIELD_REMOVED | type `demo`: field `demo` removed |
| FAIL | FIELD_REMOVED | type `demo`: field `demo` removed |
### Check Failure
This operation check has encountered 4 schema changes that would break operations from existing client traffic.

### Status: ❌
StatusCode: E030
Error Message: This operation check has encountered 4 schema changes that would break operations from existing client traffic.

See more details in [Apollo Studio]

and I was on gitlab so this work for me

  - export RESULT=$(curl -s | bash -s -- "rover subgraph check demo@develop -s demo.gql --name demo --output json")
  - echo "${RESULT}" > && export MD_RESULT=$(awk 'ORS="\n\n"'
  - curl --request POST --header "Content-Type:multipart/form-data" --header "PRIVATE-TOKEN:${GITLAB_TOKEN}" "${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_PROJECT_ID}/merge_requests/${CI_MERGE_REQUEST_IID}/notes?body"  -d  "body=$MD_RESULT"

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