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Evgenij-Gr /
Created February 13, 2020 18:50
Conferences in 2020


Conference name

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Where: city, country

When: Month Days, Year

Evgenij-Gr /
Last active February 26, 2019 04:58
European dynamical systems, nonlinear dynamics and ODEs conferences in 2019
Evgenij-Gr / equivariance-check.ipynb
Created March 6, 2017 22:00
Simple demonstration of using SymPy for checking dynamical systems equivariance conditions in simple examples
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Evgenij-Gr / pcolormesh.ipynb
Created November 21, 2016 05:43
Describes in what order fill matrix to correctly use with pcolormesh
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Evgenij-Gr / Rodrigues_sequence
Created November 8, 2016 08:36
Первое преобразование
$$ e'_{x/y/z} = {\rm Rodr}_{\langle \phi_1, e_z \rangle} (e_{x/y/z}) $$
$$ v' = {\rm Rodr}_{\langle \phi_1, e_z \rangle} (v) $$
Второе преобразование
$$ e''_{x/y/z} = {\rm Rodr}_{\langle \phi_2, e'_y \rangle} (e'_{x/y/z}) $$
$$ v'' = {\rm Rodr}_{\langle \phi_2, e'_y \rangle} (v') $$
Evgenij-Gr /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:27
Simple routines that imitate MATLAB-style "easy plotting" commands.
import numpy as np
import math as m
# calculates point of parameterized curve
# accepts parameterization interval, parameterization function
# and discretization step
def ezLinePlot(Boundaries, CurveParametrization, Steps):
left, right = Boundaries
curveParamPoints = np.linspace(left, right, Steps)
curvePoints = [CurveParametrization(t) for t in curveParamPoints]
Evgenij-Gr /
Created January 3, 2015 09:19
Simple check for transversality of vector field along straight line or curve. Check is based on mean value theorem: if there are points where scalar product of vector field with normal field have different signs, then exists a point of non-transversality.
import numpy as np
import math as m
# we assume that line is parameterized by values from segment [0, 1] placed uniformly
# startPoint, endPoint - 2D point
# nSteps - integer value
# vectorField - function that takes 2D point and return 2D vector
def checkStraightLineForTransversality(startPoint, endPoint, nSteps, vectorField):
tangentVector = endPoint - startPoint
normalVector = np.array([-tangentVector[1], tangentVector[0]])