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Created February 7, 2017 11:09
import json
birthday = {}
with open('birthdays.json', 'r') as f:
birthday = json.load(f)
def add_entry():
name = input('Who do you want to add to the Birthday Dictionnary?\n').title()
date = input('When is {} born?\n'.format(name))
birthday[name] = date
with open('birthdays.json', 'w') as f:
json.dump(birthday, f)
print('{} was added to my birthday list\n'.format(name))
def find_date():
name = input("who's birthday do you want to know?\n").title()
try :
if birthday[name]:
print('{} is born on {}\n'.format(name, birthday[name]))
except KeyError:
print('{} is not in the list\n'.format(name))
def list_entries():
print('The current entries in my birthday list are:\n============================================')
for key in birthday:
print(key.ljust(31), ':', birthday[key])
while True:
what_next = input('What do you want to do next? you can: Add, Find, List, Quit\n').capitalize()
if what_next == 'Quit':
print('Good Bye')
raise SystemExit(0)
elif what_next == 'Add':
elif what_next == 'Find':
elif what_next == 'List':
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