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Last active August 29, 2015 14:04
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#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
static int PlayerBalance = 1000;
static int ComputerBalance = 1000;
class Game
int Bank, Bet;
int ComputerScore, PlayerScore;
Opponent WinResult ()
if(ComputerScore > 21 && PlayerScore > 21)
return Nobody;
if(ComputerScore > 21)
return Player;
if(PlayerScore > 21)
return Computer;
if(ComputerScore == PlayerScore)
return Nobody;
if(ComputerScore > PlayerScore)
return Computer;
return Player;
void PrintWinner(Opponent Winner){
cout<<("\n\nОчки компьютера: {0}\t\tВаши очки: {1}",ComputerScore, PlayerScore);
if (Winner == Computer)
cout << "\nВы ПРОИГРАЛИ!";
else if (Winner == Player)
cout << "\nВы ВЫИГРАЛИ!";
cout << "\nНИЧЬЯ!";
void AskPlayerCard ()
cout << "\nХотите взять еще карту?\nНажмите ДА (Y) или НЕТ (N)";
char PressKey;
cin >> PressKey;
if (PressKey == 'Y' || PressKey == 'y') {
GiveCard (Player);
ShowCards (Player);
CalculateResult ();
if (PlayerScore > 21) {
} else {
AskPlayerCard ();
} else if (PressKey == 'N' || PressKey == 'n') {
} else {
AskPlayerCard ();
void StartGame ()
PrintBalance ();
BetToBank ();
PrintBalance ();
AddCards ();
GiveStartCards ();
ComputerLogic ();
ShowCards (Player);
AskPlayerCard ();
CalculateResult ();
ShowCards (Player);
ShowCards (Computer);
Opponent isWinner = WinResult ();
MoneyToWinner (isWinner);
PrintWinner (isWinner);
void PrintBalance ()
cout << ("\nВаш баланс: ${0}.\tБаланс комьютера: ${1}", PlayerBalance, ComputerBalance);
void BetToBank ()
for (;;) {
cout << "Введите вашу ставку цифрами до $100.\nМоя ставка: ";
Bet =(int) scanf;
if (Bet <= 0 && Bet > 100) {
cout << "Попробуйте еще раз. Введите ставку от 1 до 100 цифрами.";
Bet = 0;
if (0 < Bet && Bet <= 100) {
if (Bet > PlayerBalance) {
cout <<"Попробуйте еще раз. Введите ставку меньше или равную балансу.";
Bet = 0;
} else {
PlayerBalance -= Bet;
ComputerBalance -= Bet;
Bank = Bet * 2;
cout << ("\nВаша ставка ${0}.\t\tБанк: ${1}", Bet, Bank);
std::vector <Card> PlayerPack;
std::vector <Card> ComputerPack;
std::vector <Card> CardsPack;
std::string IntToString(int val)
char buf[16];
sprintf(buf, "%d", val);
return buf;
void AddCards ()
ComputerScore = 0;
PlayerScore = 0;
int value = 2;
for (int i=0; i < 13; i++) {
for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) {
if(i <= 8)CardsPack.push_back(Card(value, (Color)j,IntToString(value)));
if(i == 9) CardsPack.push_back (Card (value, (Color)j,"J"));
if(i == 10) CardsPack.push_back (Card (value, (Color)j,"Q"));
if(i == 11) CardsPack.push_back (Card (value, (Color)j,"K"));
if(i == 12) CardsPack.push_back (Card (value, (Color)j,"A"));
if (value < 10)
if (i > 10)
value = 11;
void ShowCards (Opponent WhosePack)
if (WhosePack == Player) {
cout << "\nВаши карты:";
for (int i = 0; i < PlayerPack.size; i++) {
printf ("\t{0} ", PlayerPack[i].view);
if (PlayerPack [i].CardColor == Clubs)
cout << "♣";
if (PlayerPack [i].CardColor == Spades)
cout << "♠";
if (PlayerPack [i].CardColor == Hearts)
cout << "♥";
if (PlayerPack [i].CardColor == Diamonds)
cout << "♦";
if (WhosePack == Computer) {
cout << "\nКарты компьютера:";
for (int i = 0; i < ComputerPack.size; i++) {
printf ("\t{0} ", ComputerPack [i].view);
if (ComputerPack [i].CardColor == Clubs)
cout << "♣";
if (ComputerPack [i].CardColor == Spades)
cout << "♠";
if (ComputerPack [i].CardColor == Hearts)
cout << "♥";
if (ComputerPack [i].CardColor == Diamonds)
cout << "♦";
void GiveCard (Opponent WhoTakeCard)
int randomCard = rand() % CardsPack.size;
if (WhoTakeCard == Player) {
PlayerPack.push_back (CardsPack [randomCard]);
} else {
void GiveStartCards ()
GiveCard (Player);
GiveCard (Computer);
GiveCard (Player);
GiveCard (Computer);
void ComputerLogic () //Пока что простая и тупая логика
CalculateResult ();
if (ComputerScore <= 15) {
GiveCard (Computer);
ComputerLogic ();
} else {
void CalculateResult ()
PlayerScore = 0;
ComputerScore = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < PlayerPack.size; i++) {
PlayerScore += PlayerPack [i].card_score;
for (int i = 0; i < ComputerPack.size; i++) {
ComputerScore += ComputerPack [i].card_score;
void MoneyToWinner (Opponent Winner)
if (Winner == Player) {
PlayerBalance += Bank;
} else if (Winner == Computer) {
ComputerBalance += Bank;
} else if (Winner == Nobody) {
ComputerBalance += Bet;
PlayerBalance += Bet;
enum Color
{ Spades,
enum Opponent {Player, Computer, Nobody} ;
class Card
int card_score;
Color CardColor;
string view;
Card (int theCardScore, Color theCardColor, string theView)
card_score = theCardScore;
CardColor = theCardColor;
view = theView;
void main()
Game GamePlay;
cout << "♠ ♣ ♥ ♦ Добро пожаловать в Black Jack ♦ ♥ ♣ ♠\n";
GamePlay.StartGame ();
if (ComputerBalance <= 0) {
cout << "У Компьютера кончились деньги. ";
if (PlayerBalance <= 0) {
cout << "У Вас кончились деньги.";
printf("\nНажмите любую клавишу, чтобы продолжить игру...");
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