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Last active October 10, 2023 16:15
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Forks and pull requests are essential concepts in collaborative software development, particularly in the context of version control systems like Git and platforms like GitHub and GitLab. They enable multiple developers to work on a project simultaneously, contribute changes, and manage the process in an organized manner. Here's how they work:

  1. Forking:

    • A fork is a copy of a repository in a version control system (e.g., a GitHub repository) created by a developer who is not the original owner of the repository.
    • Forking is typically done when you want to contribute to a project, but you don't have write access to the original repository.
    • To fork a repository, you go to the repository's page on the hosting platform (e.g., GitHub) and click the "Fork" button. This creates a copy of the repository under your account.
  2. Cloning:

    • After forking a repository, you clone it to your local machine using Git. Cloning means downloading a copy of the repository to your computer so that you can work on it.
    git clone <forked-repository-url>
  3. Branches:

    • When working on a feature or bug fix, it's a good practice to create a new branch in your forked repository. Branches allow you to isolate your changes from the main codebase.
    • Create a new branch:
    git checkout -b my-feature-branch
  4. Making Changes:

    • You make the desired code changes in your branch. This can involve writing new code, fixing bugs, or making improvements.
  5. Committing Changes:

    • After making changes, you commit them to your local branch. Commits are like checkpoints that capture the current state of your code.
    git add .
    git commit -m "Description of changes"
  6. Pushing Changes:

    • To share your changes with the original repository, you push your branch to your fork on the hosting platform.
    git push origin my-feature-branch
  7. Creating a Pull Request (PR):

    • A pull request is a formal request to merge your changes from your branch in your fork to the original repository's branch (usually the main or master branch).
    • You go to the original repository on the hosting platform and create a pull request from your branch.
    • In the pull request, you can provide a description of your changes, reference issues, and engage in discussions with other contributors.
  8. Review and Collaboration:

    • Other contributors or maintainers can review your pull request, provide feedback, and suggest changes.
    • You can make additional commits and updates to your branch based on the feedback.
  9. Merging:

    • Once the pull request is approved and any necessary changes are made, a maintainer of the original repository can merge your changes into the main branch.
  10. Cleanup:

    • After your changes are merged, you can delete your feature branch and keep your forked repository up to date with the original repository for future contributions.
git branch -d my-feature-branch
git pull upstream main

This workflow allows multiple developers to collaborate on a project without directly altering the main codebase until their changes are reviewed and approved. It promotes transparency, code quality, and collaboration in software development.

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