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Last active December 5, 2017 19:23
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Laravel Tips


4. Bulk Insert On Duplicate Key Update

     * When we want to perform a bulk insert we will not found support for this action in Eloquent or Query Builder
     * To avoid performance issues i have to drop my preference to be database agnostic in my Apps
     * To be used like:
     *     $table   = 'table_name';
     *     $columns = array($column1, $column2, $column3);
     *     $values  =  array(
     *         array('Paulo', 'Silva', 'Exadra37'),
     *         array('Jhon', 'Doe', 'JD'),
     *         array('Mary', 'Doe', 'MD')
     *     );
     *     $this->insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate($table, $columns, $values)
     * @author Exadra37(Paulo Silva)    <exadra37atgmailpointcom>
     * @since  2015/03/26
     * @link
     * @param  string                   $table   - database table name
     * @param  array                    $columns - array of database columns names
     * @param  array                    $values  - array of values to be used in bindings
     * @return boolean
    public function insertOnDuplicateKeyUpdate($table, array $columns, array $values)
        $columns = array('master_product_id', 'product_id', 'price');

        $values = array(
            array('le23', '232', '45'),
            array('le23', '30', '320.3'),
            array('le50', '952', '12.50')

        $bindings = array();

        $countColumns = count($columns);

        $tableColumns = '`'.implode('`,`', $columns).'`';

        $bindsPlaceholders = rtrim(str_repeat('?,', $countColumns), ',');

         * INSERT INTO reviews (
         *     column1,
         *     column2,
         *     column3
         * )
         * Values
         *     (?, ?, ?),
         *     (?, ?, ?),
         *     (?, ?, ?)
         *     column1=VALUES(column1),
         *     column2=VALUES(column2),
         *     column2=VALUES(column3)
        $query = "INSERT INTO `{$table}` ({$tableColumns}) VALUES ";

        foreach ($values as $value) {

            $query .= " ({$bindsPlaceholders}),";

            foreach ($value as $binding) {

                $bindings[] = $binding;

        $query  = rtrim($query, ',');

        $query .= " ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE ";

        foreach ($columns as $column) {

            $query .= " {$column}=VALUES({$column}),";

        $sql = rtrim($query, ',');

        return DB::insert($sql, $bindings);

3. When is not possible to Inject a Dependency in the constructor method


     * Useful to inject a dependency when we are not able to do it from the constructor method.
     * Call like:
     *     . $this->injectDependency('UserRepository', 'UserInterface');
     *     . $this->injectDependency('UserRepository', 'UserRepository');
     * @author Exadra37(Paulo Silva)    <exadra37atgmailpointcom>
     * @since  2015/03/26
     * @link
     * @param  string                   $dependency - name of the dependency like in the class name declaration
     * @param  string                   $bindTo     - by preference the Interface or the class name
     * @return void
    public function injectDependency($dependency, $bindTo)
        App::bind($bindTo, function($dependency) {
            return new $dependency;

        $property = lcfirst($dependency);

        $this->{$property} = App::make($bindTo);

2. Call Artisan Command from Controller, Repository or any other place in your App


 * @author  Exadra37    <exadra37atgmailpointcom>
 * @since   2014/07/02

// Illuminate\Support\Facades\Artisan;
// First parameter it is the command
// Second parameter is an array of commands arguments
Artisan::call("brainsocket:start", array('--port' => 8081));

// Inside of command class you don't need to use the facade
$this->call("brainsocket:start", array('--port' => 8081));

1. Call Api Internally

 * @author  Exadra37    <exadra37atgmailpointcom>
 * @since   2014/07/02
public function callInternalRoute($route, $method = 'get')
    // call a route internally
    $request = Request::create($route, $method);

    // We need to replace the input sot that the query string will be available in facade Input

    // get the normal response from your controller as if if you have call it from the browser
    $response = Route::dispatch($request)->getContent();

    return $response;
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