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Last active May 30, 2024 11:36
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  • Save ExcelRobot/05fd96ccab28b398d6a9a46191693c72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ExcelRobot/05fd96ccab28b398d6a9a46191693c72 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Backup And Save Active Workbook VBA Macro
'--------------------------------------------< OA Robot >--------------------------------------------
' Command Name: Backup And Save Active Workbook
' Description: Saves the active workbook, but also makes a backup in the Archive folder
' Macro Expression: modWorkbook.BackupAndSaveActiveWorkbook()
' Author: Excel Robot (@ExcelRobot)
' Generated: 08/05/2022 02:32 PM
Sub BackupAndSaveActiveWorkbook()
Dim archivePath As String
Dim wbName As String
Dim archiveFilename As String
' If this is a sharepoint file, don't bother
If Left(ActiveWorkbook.Path, 4) = "http" Then
Exit Sub
End If
' If the Archive folder doesn't already exist, create it
archivePath = Replace(ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Archive", "\\", "\")
If Dir(archivePath, vbDirectory) = "" Then
MkDir archivePath
End If
wbName = ActiveWorkbook.Name
' If this is a never saved workbook like Book1, then use sendkeys to trigger Save As dialog
If InStr(1, wbName, ".") = 0 Then
SendKeys "%f", True
SendKeys "a", True
SendKeys "o"
' Name the archive file with datetime stamp before extension.
archiveFilename = Left(wbName, InStrRev(wbName, ".") - 1)
archiveFilename = archiveFilename & " v" & Format(Now(), "yyyy.MM.dd.hhmm")
archiveFilename = archiveFilename & Mid(wbName, InStrRev(wbName, "."))
' Save the archive copy
ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs archivePath & "\" & archiveFilename
' Also just save the file
End If
End Sub
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eoehm commented May 2, 2024

For best results, assign this macro to the keyboard shortcut Ctrl-S so that every time you save, you will get a backup copy of the file tucked away in an Archive folder just in case you need it!

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