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Last active November 30, 2020 08:36
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Util polling method. Use `requestIdleCallback` first. If user agent not support (e.g. safari, ie), use `setInterval` instead
interface Polling {
(cb: () => void, timeout?: number): {
/** stop polling */
stopPolling: () => void
* polling method
* Use `requestIdleCallback` first. If user agent not support (e.g. safari, ie), use `setInterval` instead
* Can I use:
* @param cb polling callback
* @param pollingInterval polling interval in milliseconds
* @return stopPolling to stop polling
* @example
* const { stopPolling } = polling(()=>console.log('hello world for every 300 ms'), 300)
* // in some condition
* stopPolling()
const polling: Polling = (cb, pollingInterval = DEFAULT_POLLING_INTERVAL) => {
const ricAvaliable = !!(window as any).requestIdleCallback
if (ricAvaliable) {
let stopFlag = false
const pollingmethodUsingRic = (cb: () => void) => {
;(window as any).requestIdleCallback(
() => {
window.setTimeout(() => {
if (!stopFlag) {
}, pollingInterval)
return {
stopPolling: () => {
stopFlag = true
return pollingmethodUsingRic(cb)
const timerId = window.setInterval(cb, pollingInterval)
return {
stopPolling: () => {
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