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Last active January 16, 2023 00:43
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Implementing a 1-bit hue-based palette shader in the ReShade FX language.
#include "ReShade.fxh"
1-bit Hue-Based Palette Shader
Created by Expack3, adapting source code from the following sources:
"Dithering on the GPU" by Alex Charlton:
"RGB to HSV/HSL/HCY/HCL in HLSL" by Ian Taylor (Copyright © 2002-2018 Ian Taylor):
Thanks to EDCVBNM and Matsilagi for their invaluable assistance!
#define Epsilon 0.0000000001
static int indexMatrix4x4[16] = {0, 8, 2, 10,
12, 4, 14, 6,
3, 11, 1, 9,
15, 7, 13, 5};
sampler2D SourcePointSampler
Texture = ReShade::BackBufferTex;
MinFilter = POINT;
MagFilter = POINT;
MipFilter = POINT;
AddressU = CLAMP;
AddressV = CLAMP;
float mod(float x, float y)
return x - y * floor(x / y);
float3 HUEtoRGB(float H)
float R = abs(H * 6.0 - 3.0) - 1.0;
float G = 2.0 - abs(H * 6.0 - 2.0);
float B = 2.0 - abs(H * 6.0 - 4.0);
return clamp(float3(R,G,B),0,1);
float3 HSLtoRGB(float3 HSL)
float3 RGB = HUEtoRGB(HSL.x);
float C = (1.0 - abs(2 * HSL.z - 1)) * HSL.y;
return (RGB - 0.5) * C + HSL.z;
float3 RGBtoHCV(float3 RGB)
// Based on work by Sam Hocevar and Emil Persson
float4 P = (RGB.g < RGB.b) ? float4(, -1.0, 2.0/3.0) : float4(, 0.0, -1.0/3.0);
float4 Q = (RGB.r < P.x) ? float4(P.xyw, RGB.r) : float4(RGB.r, P.yzx);
float C = Q.x - min(Q.w, Q.y);
float H = abs((Q.w - Q.y) / (6.0 * C + Epsilon) + Q.z);
return float3(H, C, Q.x);
float3 RGBtoHSV(float3 RGB)
float3 HCV = RGBtoHCV(RGB);
float S = HCV.y / (HCV.z + Epsilon);
return float3(HCV.x, S, HCV.z);
float3 RGBtoHSL(float3 RGB)
float3 HCV = RGBtoHCV(RGB);
float L = HCV.z - HCV.y * 0.5;
float S = HCV.y / (1.0 - abs(L * 2.0 - 1.0) + Epsilon);
return float3(HCV.x, S, L);
float lightnessStep(float l) {
// Quantize the lightness to one of `lightnessSteps` values
return floor(0.5 + l);
float hueDistance(float h1, float h2) {
float diff = abs((h1 - h2));
return min(abs((1.0 - diff)), diff);
//while this method requires SV_Position as input, it only needs its X and Y components
float indexValue(float2 texloc) {
int x = int(mod(texloc.x, 4));
int y = int(mod(texloc.y, 4));
return indexMatrix4x4[(x + y * 4)] / 16.0;
void closestColors(float hue, out float3 ret1, out float3 ret2) {
float3 closest = float3(-2, 0, 0);
float3 secondClosest = float3(-2, 0, 0);
float3 temp;
//unrolled for loop since pallete is always 1-bit BW
temp = float3(0,0,0);
float tempDistance = hueDistance(temp.x, hue);
if (tempDistance < hueDistance(closest.x, hue)) {
secondClosest = closest;
closest = temp;
} else {
if (tempDistance < hueDistance(secondClosest.x, hue)) {
secondClosest = temp;
ret1 = closest;
ret2 = secondClosest;
temp = float3(255,255,255);
tempDistance = hueDistance(temp.x, hue);
if (tempDistance < hueDistance(closest.x, hue)) {
secondClosest = closest;
closest = temp;
} else {
if (tempDistance < hueDistance(secondClosest.x, hue)) {
secondClosest = temp;
ret1 = closest;
ret2 = secondClosest;
float3 dither(float3 color, float2 texlocation) {
float3 hsl = RGBtoHSL(color);
float3 cs1, cs2;
closestColors(hsl.x, cs1, cs2);
float3 c1 = cs1;
float3 c2 = cs2;
float d = indexValue(texlocation);
float hueDiff = hueDistance(hsl.x, c1.x) / hueDistance(c2.x, c1.x);
float l1 = lightnessStep(max((hsl.z - 0.125), 0.0));
float l2 = lightnessStep(min((hsl.z + 0.124), 1.0));
float lightnessDiff = (hsl.z - l1) / (l2 - l1);
float3 resultColor = (hueDiff < d) ? c1 : c2;
resultColor.z = (lightnessDiff < d) ? l1 : l2;
return HSLtoRGB(resultColor);
float4 PS_HPBS(float4 vpos : SV_Position, float2 texcoord : TEXCOORD) : SV_Target
float3 fragcolor = tex2D(SourcePointSampler, texcoord).rgb;
return float4(dither(fragcolor, vpos.xy), 1.0);
technique HPBG
pass PAL
VertexShader = PostProcessVS;
PixelShader = PS_HPBS;
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