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Last active May 6, 2023 04:48
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Get metadata from a URL and parse it.
* Gets the metadata from a URL and organizes it into an object
* @param {String} url The url to get metadata of.
* @returns {Promise.<object>} A promise that resolves into an object with all the meta and link tags of the page.
async function meta(url) {
//Parse HTML as a document element
var parser = new DOMParser();
var html = window.html = parser.parseFromString(await fetch(`${url.split("//")[1]}`).then(res => res.text()), 'text/html');
var base = document.createElement("base");
// Prevent relative links linking to the current domain
base.href = new URL(url).origin
//Create objects for meta tags that are in the form "og:url", "twitter:image_src" etc
var out = {};
if (html.querySelector("title")) {
out.title = html.querySelector("title").innerText;
[...html.querySelectorAll("meta[property], meta[name]")].filter(i => /^[^:]+:[^:]+/.test(i.getAttribute("property") || i.getAttribute("name"))).map(i => {
var m = (i.getAttribute("property") || i.getAttribute("name")).match(/^([^:]+):(.+)/);
out[m[1]] = out[m[1]] || {};
out[m[1]][m[2]] = i.getAttribute("content");
return {
//Other meta tags and link tags
...[...html.querySelectorAll("link")].map((i) => [i.rel, i.href]),
...[...html.querySelectorAll("meta[name], meta[value]")].map((i) => [,
i.getAttribute("content") || i.getAttribute("value"),
* Parses the metadata returned by the function above and returns it in a form that's easier to use.
* @param {Object} m The metadata returned by the meta(url) async function
* @returns {Object} An object with the image, title, image alt, theme color and icon of the page.
function parseMeta(m) {
return {
image: m ?.og ?.image || m["twitter:image:src"] || m.image,
title: m.title || m ?.twitter ?.title || m ?.og ?.title || m ?.og ?.site_name,
description: m.description || m ?.og ?.description || m ?.twitter ?.description,
image_alt: m ?.og ?.["image:alt"],
color: m["theme-color"],
icon: (m.icon || m.favicon || m["alternate icon"] || m["shortcut icon"] || m["alternate-icon"] || m["shortcut icon"] || m["fluid-icon"])?.replace(window.location)
import {onMount} from "svelte";
export let link = "";
let m, title, description, img, img_el;
onMount(async () => {
m = await meta(link);
m = parseMeta(m);
title = m.title;
description = m.description;
img = m.image;
function parseMeta(m) {
return {
image: m ?.og ?.image || m["twitter:image:src"] || m.image,
title: m.title || m ?.twitter ?.title || m ?.og ?.title || m ?.og ?.site_name,
description: m.description || m ?.og ?.description || m ?.twitter ?.description,
image_alt: m ?.og ?.["image:alt"],
color: m["theme-color"],
icon: (m.icon || m.favicon || m["alternate icon"] || m["shortcut icon"] || m["alternate-icon"] || m["shortcut icon"] || m["fluid-icon"])?.replace(window.location)
async function meta(url) {
//Parse HTML as a document element
var parser = new DOMParser();
var html = window.html = parser.parseFromString(await fetch(`${url.split("//")[1]}`).then(res => res.text()), 'text/html');
var base = document.createElement("base");
// Prevent relative links linking to the current domain
base.href = new URL(url).origin
//Create objects for meta tags that are in the form "og:url", "twitter:image_src" etc
var out = {};
if (html.querySelector("title")) {
out.title = html.querySelector("title").innerText;
[...html.querySelectorAll("meta[property], meta[name]")].filter(i => /^[^:]+:[^:]+/.test(i.getAttribute("property") || i.getAttribute("name"))).map(i => {
var m = (i.getAttribute("property") || i.getAttribute("name")).match(/^([^:]+):(.+)/);
out[m[1]] = out[m[1]] || {};
out[m[1]][m[2]] = i.getAttribute("content");
return {
//Other meta tags and link tags
...[...html.querySelectorAll("link")].map((i) => [i.rel, i.href]),
...[...html.querySelectorAll("meta[name], meta[value]")].map((i) => [,
i.getAttribute("content") || i.getAttribute("value"),
function slice(text, words){
return text.split(" ").slice(0, words).length === words ? text.split(" ").slice(0, words).join(" ") + "..." : text
function handleError(){
if (img_el.src.startsWith("")){
console.log("Already cors");
img = null;
} else {
return img = `${img_el.src.split("//")[1]}`
<div class="link_preview">
{#if title && link}
{#if img}
<div class='img'>
<img src={img} on:error={handleError} bind:this={img_el}/>
<div class="right">
<img src={`${new URL(link).hostname}`}/> {slice(title, 6)}
<div class="description">
{description ? slice(description, 15) : link}
<a href={link} class="visit">
<div class="loading">
* {
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margin: 15px auto;
display: flex;
width: 100%;
border-radius: 5px;
overflow: hidden;
box-shadow: 3px 2px 10px -5px #0004;
.img {
display: block;
flex: 1;
.img img {
width: 100%;
height: 100%;
object-fit: cover;
.right {
flex: 2;
padding: 10px;
color: #333;
padding-bottom: 20px;
.right .description {
color: #555;
.right .visit {
width: fit-content;
display: block;
text-decoration: none;
padding: 6px 15px;
border-radius: 5px;
background: transparent;
border: 2px solid lightseagreen;
color: #066;
.right .visit:hover {
box-shadow: 0 0 0 2px #0bb4;
@media (max-width: 400px){
.link_preview {
flex-direction: column;
box-shadow: 1px 2px 10px -5px #0009;
.link_preview .right .visit {
width: 100%;
padding: 10px;
border-radius: 6px;
text-align: center;
background: lightseagreen;
color: white;
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