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Last active October 16, 2016 10:26
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  • Save ExtAnimal/db5994292aaade756ef8d6c4384063bd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save ExtAnimal/db5994292aaade756ef8d6c4384063bd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
* Text Field {@link Ext.field.Text#triggers trigger} widget.
Ext.define('Ext.field.trigger.Trigger', {
extend: 'Ext.Widget',
xtype: 'trigger',
alias: 'trigger.trigger',
requires: [
mixins: [
factoryConfig: {
defaultType: 'trigger',
aliasPrefix: 'trigger.'
isTrigger: true,
* @cfg {Boolean} [preventMouseDown=true]
* @private
* If true, preventDefault() will be called on the mousedown event. This prevents
* a click on the trigger from blurring the field, which is desirable in most cases.
* File field sets this to false, because preventing the default behavior of touchstart
* prevents the browser's file dialog from opening.
preventMouseDown: true,
* @cfg {Boolean} [focusOnMouseDown=false] If `true`, the field will be focused upon
* mousedown on the trigger. This should be used only for main Picker field triggers
* that expand and collapse the picker; additional triggers should not focus the field.
* @private
focusOnMousedown: false,
config: {
* @cfg {Ext.field.Text}
* The text field that created this trigger
* @private
field: null,
* @cfg {String} [group]
* The name of an optional group trigger that this trigger belongs to. If no trigger
* Exists by that name one will automatically be created. A group trigger is a
* special trigger that contains other triggers. Those triggers' elements are
* appended to the group trigger's element in the DOM.
* The {@link #weight} of grouped triggers is relative to other triggers in the group.
group: null,
* @cfg {Function/String} [handler=undefined]
* Function to run when trigger is clicked or tapped.
* @controllable
handler: null,
* @cfg {String}
* @inheritdoc Ext.Button#iconCls
iconCls: null,
* @cfg {Boolean/Object}
* `true` to attach a {@link Ext.util.ClickRepeater tap repeater} to the trigger,
* or a config object for a tap repeater.
repeat: null,
* @cfg {'left'/'right'} [side='right']
* The side of the text field's input to render the trigger on.
side: null,
* @cfg {Object} [scope]
* Execution context for the {@link #handler} function.
scope: null,
* @cfg {String}
* The key used to identify this trigger in the text field's triggers config.
* @private
name: null,
* The triggers contained in this trigger (only applicable for trigger groups)
* @private
triggers: null,
weight: null
classCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'trigger',
interactiveCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'interactive',
groupedCls: Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'grouped',
template: [{
reference: 'iconElement',
classList: [
Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'icon-el',
Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'font-icon'
statics: {
* Sorts an array of triggers in place by weight
* @param {Ext.field.Trigger[]} triggers
* @return {Ext.field.Trigger[]}
* @private
* @static
sort: function(triggers) {
Ext.Array.sort(triggers, this.weightComparator);
return triggers;
* Comparison function for sorting an array of triggers in ascending order
* @param {Ext.form.field.Trigger} triggerA
* @param {Ext.form.field.Trigger} triggerB
* @return {Number}
* @private
* @static
weightComparator: function(triggerA, triggerB) {
return (triggerA.getWeight() || 0) - (triggerB.getWeight() || 0);
constructor: function(config) {
var me = this,
element, repeat;
element = me.element;
repeat = me.getRepeat();
if (repeat) {
me.repeater = new Ext.util.ClickRepeater(Ext.apply({
target: me,
preventDefault: true,
listeners: {
mousedown: me.onClickRepeaterTouchStart,
mouseup: me.onClickRepeaterTouchEnd,
click: me.onClick,
scope: me
}, repeat));
} else {
click: me.onClick,
mousedown: me.onMouseDown,
scope: me
doDestroy: function() {
var triggers = this.getTriggers(),
i, ln;
if (triggers) {
for (i = 0, ln = triggers.length; i < ln; i++) {
Ext.destroyMembers(this, 'repeater');
onClick: function(e) {
var me = this,
handler = me.getHandler(),
field = me.getField();
// TODO: skip this if readonly? !editable?
if (handler) {
Ext.callback(handler, me.getScope(), [field, me, e], null, field);
onMouseDown: function(e) {
var field = this.getField();
// If it was a genuine mousedown or pointerdown, NOT a touch, then focus the input field.
// Usually, the field will be focused, but the mousedown on the trigger
// might be the user's first contact with the field.
// It's definitely NOT the user's first contact with our field if the field
// has the focus.
// It is also possible that there are multiple triggers on the field, and only one
// of them causes picker expand/collapse. When picker is about to be collapsed
// we need to focus the input; otherwise if the picker was focused the focus will go
// to the document body which is not what we want. However if the mousedown was on
// a trigger that does not cause collapse we should NOT focus the field.
if (field && e.pointerType !== 'touch' && (!field.containsFocus || this.focusOnMousedown)) {
if (this.preventMouseDown) {
// Stop the mousedown from blurring our field
onClickRepeaterTouchStart: function(clickRepeater, e) {
onClickRepeaterTouchEnd: function(clickRepeater, e) {
var me = this,
field = me.field;
Ext.callback(me.endHandler, me.scope, [field, me, e], 0, field);
updateHandler: function(handler) {
this.toggleCls(this.interactiveCls, !!handler);
updateGroup: function(group) {
if (!this.isConfiguring) {
updateIconCls: function(iconCls, oldIconCls) {
this.iconElement.replaceCls(oldIconCls, iconCls);
updateSide: function() {
if (!this.isConfiguring) {
updateTriggers: function(triggers) {
var me = this,
dom = me.element.dom,
iconElement = me.iconElement,
i, ln;
me.toggleCls(me.groupedCls, !!(triggers && triggers.length));
if (triggers) {
// group triggers do not have icons of their own, so we can safely remove the iconElement
if (iconElement) {
me.iconElement = null;
Ext.Array.remove(me.referenceList, 'iconElement');
for (i = 0, ln = triggers.length; i < ln; i++) {
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