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Last active May 11, 2021 02:22
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syntax = "proto3";
service NodeInterface {
rpc Messages(MessageSubscribeTo) returns (stream Message);
rpc GetRawBlock(GetRawBlockRequest) returns (GetRawBlockResponse);
rpc GetMempool(GetMempoolRequest) returns (GetMempoolResponse);
message MessageSubscribeTo {
bool updated_block_tip = 1;
bool transaction_added_to_mempool = 2;
bool transaction_removed_from_mempool = 3;
bool block_connected = 4;
bool block_disconnected = 5;
bool chain_state_flushed = 6;
bool block_checked = 7;
bool new_pow_valid_block = 8;
message Message {
oneof message {
UpdatedBlockTip updated_block_tip = 1;
TransactionAddedToMempool transaction_added_to_mempool = 2;
TransactionRemovedFromMempool transaction_removed_from_mempool = 3;
BlockConnected block_connected = 4;
BlockDisconnected block_disconnected = 5;
ChainStateFlushed chain_state_flushed = 6;
BlockChecked block_checked = 7;
NewPoWValidBlock new_pow_valid_block = 8;
// Notifies listeners when the block chain tip advances.
// When multiple blocks are connected at once, UpdatedBlockTip will be
// sent on the final tip but may not be sent on every intermediate tip.
// If the latter behavior is desired, subscribe to BlockConnected instead.
message UpdatedBlockTip {
// Hash of the block that's now the tip
bytes blockhash = 1;
// Notifies listeners of a transaction having been added to mempool.
message TransactionAddedToMempool {
// Encoded transaction
bytes tx = 1;
// Notifies listeners of a transaction leaving mempool.
// This notification gets sent for transactions that are removed from the
// mempool for the following reasons:
// - EXPIRY (expired from mempool after -mempoolexpiry hours)
// - SIZELIMIT (removed in size limiting if the mempool exceeds -maxmempool
// megabytes)
// - REORG (removed during a reorg)
// - CONFLICT (removed because it conflicts with in-block transaction)
// This does not get sent for transactions that are removed from the mempool
// because they have been included in a block. Any client that is interested
// in transactions removed from the mempool for inclusion in a block can
// learn about those transactions from the BlockConnected notification.
// Transactions that are removed from the mempool because they conflict
// with a transaction in the new block will have
// TransactionRemovedFromMempool messages sent //before// the BlockConnected
// message is sent. If multiple blocks are connected in one step, then the
// ordering could be:
// - TransactionRemovedFromMempool(tx1 from block A)
// - TransactionRemovedFromMempool(tx2 from block A)
// - TransactionRemovedFromMempool(tx1 from block B)
// - TransactionRemovedFromMempool(tx2 from block B)
// - BlockConnected(A)
// - BlockConnected(B)
message TransactionRemovedFromMempool {
bytes txid = 1;
// Notifies listeners of a block being connected.
// Provides a vector of transactions evicted from the mempool as a result.
message BlockConnected {
bytes blockheader = 1;
bytes metadata = 2;
repeated bytes txids = 3;
// Notifies listeners of a block being disconnected
message BlockDisconnected {
bytes blockhash = 1;
// Notifies listeners of the new active block chain on-disk.
// Prior to this message, any updates are not guaranteed to persist on disk
// (ie clients need to handle shutdown/restart safety by being able to
// understand when some updates were lost due to unclean shutdown).
// When this message is sent, the validation changes done by any prior
// message are guaranteed to exist on disk and survive a restart, including
// an unclean shutdown.
// Provides a locator describing the best chain, which is likely useful for
// storing current state on disk in client DBs.
message ChainStateFlushed {
bytes blockhash = 1;
// Notifies listeners of a block validation result.
// If the provided BlockValidationState IsValid, the provided block
// is guaranteed to be the current best block at the time the
// callback was generated (not necessarily now)
message BlockChecked {
bytes blockhash = 1;
BlockValidationState validation_state = 2;
message BlockValidationState {
string state = 1;
string reason = 2;
// Notifies listeners that a block which builds directly on our current tip
// has been received and connected to the headers tree, though not validated
// yet.
message NewPoWValidBlock {
bytes blockheader = 1;
message GetRawBlockRequest {
oneof id {
int32 height = 1;
bytes blockhash = 1;
message GetRawBlockResponse {
bytes raw_block = 1;
message GetMempoolRequest {}
message GetMempoolResponse {
repeated MempoolTx txs = 1;
message MempoolTx {
bytes tx = 1;
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