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Last active December 18, 2015 04:28
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knockout.js, jquery, and tastypie: Automattically perform a "PUT" to your model's resource_uri when certain observables change value
// usage inside a vm:
var fooVM = function(){
var self = this;
var resource_uri = ko.observable('/api/v1/foo/');
var bar = ko.observable(1);
var baz = ko.observable(1);
var f = new fooVM();; // causes a PUT to /api/v1/foo/
f.baz(2); // doesn't do anything
// provided an instance of a vm and an array of observable names within it
// will subscribe to changes, and kick off an ajax PUT to the vm.resource_uri value
// tries to autodetect use of ko.mapping vs standard ko for the toJS conversion
ko.saveOnChange = function(vm,observables,uri,method,pre_save_fn,post_save_fn){
vm._saving = ko.observable(false);
vm._last_saved = ko.observable(null);
vm._save_on_change_uri = uri;
vm._save_on_change_method = method || 'PUT';
vm._pre_save_fn = pre_save_fn;
vm._post_save_fn = post_save_fn;
// delay activating this because
var self = this;
self.vm = vm;
self.vm._save_on_change_uri = self.vm._save_on_change_uri || self.vm.resource_uri();
// console.log('attaching to',,observables);
ko.utils.arrayForEach(observables, function(o) {
var ob = self.vm[o];
if (ko.isObservable(ob)){
// TODO: how do we remove this bind function to avoid lodash/underscore?
if (vm._pre_save_fn){
var toJS = (vm.__ko_mapping__ && ko.mapping)?ko.mapping.toJS:ko.toJS();
type : vm._save_on_change_method
, url : vm._save_on_change_uri
, data : JSON.stringify(toJS(vm))
, processData : false
, dataType : "json"
, contentType : "application/json"
, success : function(data){
vm._last_saved((new Date()));
if (vm._post_save_fn){
// console.log('save response :',data);
console.error('ERROR: ko.saveOnChange() -- "' + ob + '" is not a ko.observable');
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