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Last active January 26, 2017 20:08
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Python script that checks if Steam community URLs are available
import requests, urllib, sys, os.path, time, threading
from lxml import html
from string import ascii_lowercase
from itertools import product
debugmode = False
version = "1.2"
print("Steam URL Checker version %s") % version
wordsite = ""
wordsup = True
steamurl = ""
# check sites (if they're not up, we can't do anything)
sitecode = urllib.urlopen(wordsite).getcode()
if (sitecode != 200):
print("Error [%d]! Word site is down, can't search for real words!") % sitecode
wordsup = False
sitecode = urllib.urlopen(steamurl).getcode()
if (sitecode != 200):
print("Error [%d]! Steam site is down, aborting!") % sitecode
# check steam profile for word (/id/word)
def checkSteam(word):
checksteamurl = steamurl + word
while True:
global url
url = requests.get(checksteamurl)
except requests.ConnectionError:
print("Failed to connect to Steam site, retrying!")
tree = html.fromstring(url.text)
msg = tree.xpath("//div/h3/text()") # <div id='message'> ... <h3>profile</h3> ... </div>
if (msg): # if ^ found anything (this means the profile does not exist, will be empty if the profile exists)
if (msg[0] == "The specified profile could not be found."):
return True
return False
return False
# search word site for words to use
def search(num):
global site
url = wordsite + num + "-letter-words/"
while True:
site = requests.get(url)
except requests.ConnectionError:
print("Failed to connect to word site, retrying!")
tree = html.fromstring(site.text)
words = tree.xpath("//li[@class='defLink']/a[text()]/@href") # gets words in "/word/<word>/" form
if not words: # no words are that length
return False, None
for i, word in enumerate(words):
words[i] = word[6:len(word) - 1] # get rid of the beginning "/word/" and the last "/"
return True, words
return False, None
# generate string of letters num length, thanks to stackoverflow
def searchAll(num):
num = int(num, 10)
words = []
for combo in product(ascii_lowercase, repeat=num):
str = ''.join(combo)
return True, words
# split array of words into num chunks for num threads to loop concurrently
def split(array, num):
size = len(array)
splitsize = size / num
if (size % splitsize != 0):
splitsize += 1
ret = []
for i in range(0, num):
ret.append(array[i*splitsize:i*splitsize + splitsize])
return ret
# do the looping and profile checking here
threadedarray = []
def analysis(length, urls, threadnum):
numsaved = 0
wordarray = []
for word in urls:
add = ""
if (threadnum > 0 and debugmode):
add = "Thread #%d: " % threadnum
if (checkSteam(word)):
print("%s[Available] %s") % (add, steamurl + word)
numsaved += 1
elif (bprinttaken):
print("%s[Taken] %s") % (add, word)
if (threadnum < 0):
print("Finished searching!")
print("Thread #%d finished searching!") % threadnum
# options
# debug mode
inp = raw_input("Run in debug mode? (y/n): ")
if (inp.lower() == "y"):
debugmode = True
print("Running in debug mode!")
print("Running normally!")
# print [taken] or just [available]
bprinttaken = True
inp = raw_input("Only print avilable URLs? (y/n): ")
if (inp.lower() == "y"):
bprinttaken = False
print("Only printing available URLs!")
print("Printing avilable and unavailable URLs!")
# :)
bmultithreaded = False
inp = raw_input("Use multithreading? (y/n): ")
if (inp.lower() == "y"):
bmultithreaded = True
print("Multithreading enabled!")
print("Multithreading disabled!")
# # of threads
ithreads = 0
if (bmultithreaded):
while True:
inp = raw_input("How many threads (at least 2): ")
if (not inp.isdigit()):
print("Please enter a number!")
ithreads = int(inp, 10)
print("Using %d threads!") % ithreads
# search all/words
bsearchall = False
while True:
searchvar = raw_input("Enter 'all' to search all possible URLs (ex. aaa-zzz) or 'words' to search real words only: ")
if (not searchvar.lower() == "all" and searchvar.lower() != "words"):
print("Please enter 'all' or 'words'!")
elif (searchvar.lower() == "all"):
bsearchall = True
print("Using all possible URLs!")
elif (searchvar.lower() == "words"):
if (not wordsup):
print("[Error] Word site is down, can't search for real words!")
print("Using only real words!")
bsearchall = False
# word length and elapsed time
flength = 0
elptime = 0
# start the program
while True:
urllength = "7"
if (bsearchall):
urllength = "32"
length = raw_input("Enter how long the URL should be (3-" + urllength + "): ")
if(not length.isdigit()):
print("Please enter a number!")
ilength = int(length, 10)
if (ilength <= 2 or ilength > int(urllength, 10)):
print("Please enter a number between 3 and %s!") % urllength
flength = ilength
print("Finding URLs of length %s...") % length
# do the searching
exists, urls = False, None
if (bsearchall):
exists, urls = searchAll(length)
exists, urls = search(length)
if (urls):
print("Found %d words!") % len(urls)
if (bmultithreaded):
print("Estimated time: %dm %ds (for %d threads)") % (len(urls) * 0.5 / 60 / ithreads, ((len(urls) * 0.5) / ithreads) % 60 , ithreads)
print("Estimated time: %dm") % ((len(urls) * 0.5) / 60)
inp = raw_input("Press enter to start... ")
elptime = time.time()
if (bmultithreaded):
print("Setting up threads...")
threads = []
chunks = split(urls, ithreads)
threadnum = 0
for array in chunks:
threadnum += 1
t = threading.Thread(target=analysis, args=(length, array, threadnum,))
print("Thread #%d starting!") % threadnum
for thread in threads:
thread.join() # process (loop words, check profiles, etc) before saving/finishing program
break # break out of while loop
print("Searching steam...")
analysis(length, urls, -1) # single-threaded
print("[Error] Couldn't find any words of length %s. Please try again.") % length
# file writing/finishing up the program
endtime = time.time()
tottime = (endtime - elptime) / 60 # minutes
tottime_s = (endtime - elptime) % 60 # seconds
flength = str(flength)
if (not threadedarray):
print("No available URLs of length %s!") % flength
print("Finished searching! Took %dm %ds!") % (tottime, tottime_s)
filename = flength + "words.txt"
if (bsearchall):
filename = flength + "all.txt"
threadedarray = sorted(threadedarray)
print("Saving %d available URLs to %s...") % (len(threadedarray), filename)
f = open(filename, "w")
fstr = "%s\t Length: %s\t Number of URLs: %d\t Elapsed time: %dm %ds\n" % ("All" if bsearchall else "Words", flength, len(threadedarray), tottime, tottime_s)
for w in threadedarray:
f.write(w + "\n")
inp = raw_input("Press enter to quit. ") # keep the window open until the user wants to close it
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