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LCS Authentication style
# For debugging purposes, this script simulates how a call to [Get-D365LcsApiToken](
# would execute the Invoke-RestMethod call.
# This script uses code from by @Splaxi
function Convert-HashToArgStringSwitch {
[Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidDefaultValueSwitchParameter", "")]
param (
[HashTable] $InputObject,
[string] $KeyPrefix = "-",
[string] $ValuePrefix = ":",
[switch] $KeepCase = $true
foreach ($key in $InputObject.Keys) {
$value = "{0}" -f $InputObject.Item($key).ToString()
if (-not $KeepCase) { $value = $value.ToLower() }
# TODO Provide your own values for client_id, username and password
# client_secret should not be necessary if the app registration has been configured to allow public client flows
$parms = @{}
$parms.grant_type = "password"
$parms.resource = ""
$parms.client_id = "9b4f4503-b970-4ade-abc6-2c086e4c4929"
# $parms.client_secret = "s3cR3t"
$parms.username = ""
$parms.password = "TopSecretPassword"
$parms.scope = "openid"
$body = (Convert-HashToArgStringSwitch -InputObject $parms -KeyPrefix "&" -ValuePrefix "=") -join ""
$body = $body.Substring(1)
$requestParams = @{Method = "Post"; ContentType = "application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; Body = $body}
$AuthProviderUri = ""
$Authorization = Invoke-RestMethod $AuthProviderUri @requestParams
catch {
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