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Last active June 30, 2016 17:28
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  • Save FMCorz/8996748 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FMCorz/8996748 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
- The toolbar should wrap on several lines. Currently, when expanding it, some buttons are opened on the same line, some on the next one. This creates an inconsistent visual experience on Desktop. The buttons should have a constant position so that it makes it easy to find them, and see where they will appear when expanding/collapsing.
- Invert indent/outdent buttons (inconsistent with any other editor).
- The accessibility checker should not report errors when the style is the default one. Eg. On Clean the contract of the links are reported as not compliant with WCAG AA.
- Limit the height of the editor to prevent the toolbar to go off screen.
- A big selection causes the editor to freeze for some seconds.
- Being able to set the alignment (flow) of the images.
- Images with dead link are not disabled at all in the editor, it is impossible select them to fix or delete them.
- Indent/outdent plugins should not use <blockquote> tag as inappropriate, setting a class 'indent' seems to be the best.
- Focus lost in the Equation editor after inserting a symbol, the cursor should remain at the same place to insert multiple symbols at once.
- Simplifying the 'accessibility checker' to display a sensible content rather than the entire node <a ...>...</a>.
- The 'screenreader helper' should always display something for missing images. Currently images without an alt tag are reported but not identifiable.
- Being able to see the list of plugins available in the settings UI.
- The 'active' state of the buttons are too subtle.
- The equation button gets an active state even if the cursor is not in the equation.
- Reword the 'Manage files' plugin interface, and reduce height of content.
- The media plugin is missing a preview.
- The style of the equation editor is not consistent with the rest of Moodle (colours, borders, ...)
- The 'caption' field in the table dialogue is too big, it should be a standard text input.
- The caption displayed in the editor overlaps its borders, styling bug.
- Bug when inserting a table in a <ul> or <ol>.
- The spelling of the word 'color' should be 'colour' in the accessibility checker.
- Being able to resize the images from within the editor.
- Combine plugins indent/outdent into one.
- Combine plugins link/unlink into one.
- Ability to click on the reports from the accessibility checker to select the text automatically.
- Prettifying the HTML when switching to HTML view.
- Video previews should be displayed directly in the editor.
- Convert the code to use class instances rather than static classes.
- Developer a word count plugin.
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damyon commented Feb 14, 2014

toolbar should wrap - I think this is not a blocker (it could be an improvement, but to decide on the best functionality, is difficult as there will be differing opinions. I agree that a consistent order makes things easier to "learn" (so they can be repeated quickly). This will be improved by having keyboard shortcuts. Also - maybe just adding a break before the non-collapsed buttons is enough. The downside to more wrapping, is that on smaller screens there is more real estate taken up, and the wrapping starts to look random (long, short, long short etc).

I think this is blocker: "Being able to see the list of plugins available in the settings UI."
For Blocker:
Convert Behat to use Atto instead of TinyMCE
Atto: Implement basic keyboard shortcuts people are used to
Atto should start new content in a paragraph tag by default.
Atto: Focus on the editor is lost after opening a dialogue/menu (works chrome)
Table plugin not adding a table (just saw on IE8+9).
Image plugin not reliable editing an existing image

For Critical:
Atto has wrong icons for accessibility helper and accessibility checker
Atto: Toolbar menu should work with keyboard navigation

For whishlist:
Automatically and periodically save WYSIWYG editor content as a draft/concept
Atto: add image drag and drop capability in editing window
Atto HTML tags should comply with HTML5 specifications
Additional Accessibility checker sniffs

For Minor:
Add atto plugin to prevent automatic linking.
Atto: Double clicking on an image should open the file properties window
Atto: Image sizes should keep proportions when resizing
Atto: Collapse plugin icon should be improved
Atto: Reduce the number of events delegate() for the toolbar
Make the Atto equation editor example library into an aria toolbar.

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Example of priority scoring on the first 4 blockers listed by Fred:

  • Wrap: 3 * 1 * (1 * 0.3 * 5) = 4.5
  • Indent/Outdent: 3 * 1 * (1 * 0.2 * 5) = 3
  • Accessiblity class issue: 4 * 2 * (0.4 * 0.1 * 5) = 1.6
  • max height: 4 * 2 * (1 * 0.3 * 5) = 12



What type of bug is this?
7: Crash: Bug causes crash or data loss. Asserts in the Debug release.
6: Major usability: Impairs usability in key scenarios.
5: Minor usability: Impairs usability in secondary scenarios.
4: Balancing: Enables degenerate usage strategies that harm the experience.
3: Visual and Sound Polish: Aesthetic issues
2: Localization:
1: Documentation: A documentation issue


How do you feel about the issue?
5: Blocking further progress on the daily release (for developer only)
4: the user stopped to use Moodle due to this issue / the dev team is holding the weekly release for this bug.
3: the user would likely not use Moodle at-all due to this issue.
2: It’s a pain – the user doesn’t like it but the user still uses Moodle.
1: Nuisance – noticeable but not a big deal.


Roles - 3 checkboxes
student (Jira value: 0.6)
teach (Jira value: 0.3)
admin (Jira value: 0.1)

during 10 days of work, how many days do you encounter the issue.

Likehood final score (maximum 5):
role(s) * (repetition / 10) * 5

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