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Last active April 14, 2021 16:55
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using System;
// A structure for performing bitwise operations collections of flags that are larger than the bit depth of an integer.
// The structure is backed by an array of unsigned 32 bit integers which represent "words" in the larger bit array.
// All standard bitwise operators are implemented, as well as methods that mutate the struct directly.
// The array of uints is implemented as a `fixed-size buffer` to force allocation of the uints inside this structure.
// The struct is therefore marked as `unsafe`
// The struct implements IEquatable to improve performance in hash tables and dictionaries.
// Method params are marked with the `in` keyword where appropriate to minimise copying of the supplied arguments.
public unsafe struct BitField128 : IEquatable<BitField128>
private fixed uint words[wordCount];
private const int wordCount = 4;
private const int wordLength = 32;
private const int bitCount = 128;
public static int WordCount => wordCount;
public static int WordLength => wordLength;
public static int BitCount => bitCount;
public static BitField128 none => new BitField128();
public static BitField128 all => new BitField128(true);
public BitField128(in BitField128 bits)
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++) words[i] = bits.words[i];
public BitField128(params int[] bits)
foreach (var bit in bits) SetBit(bit);
private BitField128(bool _) => Not();
public void SetBit(int index)
GetMask(index, out var wordIndex, out var mask);
words[wordIndex] |= mask;
public void UnsetBit(int index)
GetMask(index, out var wordIndex, out var mask);
words[wordIndex] &= ~mask;
public void ToggleBit(int index)
if (GetBit(index)) UnsetBit(index);
else SetBit(index);
public void SetBits(in BitField128 mask) => Or(in mask);
public void UnsetBits(in BitField128 mask) => AndNot(in mask);
public void ToggleBits(in BitField128 mask) => XOr(in mask);
#region QUERIES
public bool GetBit(int index)
GetMask(index, out var wordIndex, out var mask);
return (words[wordIndex] & mask) == mask;
public bool IsEmpty()
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++)
if (words[i] != 0)
return false;
return true;
public bool AllOf(in BitField128 mask) => (this & mask) == mask;
public bool AnyOf(in BitField128 mask) => !(this & mask).IsEmpty();
public bool NoneOf(in BitField128 mask) => (this & mask).IsEmpty();
// And, Not, Or and XOr are the same operations performed element-by-element on the underlying uints
public void And(in BitField128 mask)
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++)
words[i] &= mask.words[i];
public void AndNot(in BitField128 mask)
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++)
words[i] &= ~mask.words[i];
public void Nand(in BitField128 mask)
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++)
words[i] = ~(words[i] & mask.words[i]);
public void Or(in BitField128 mask)
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++)
words[i] |= mask.words[i];
public void OrNot(in BitField128 mask)
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++)
words[i] |= ~mask.words[i];
public void Nor(in BitField128 mask)
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++)
words[i] = ~(words[i] | mask.words[i]);
public void XOr(in BitField128 mask)
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++)
words[i] ^= mask.words[i];
public void XOrNot(in BitField128 mask)
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++)
words[i] ^= ~mask.words[i];
public void NotXOr(in BitField128 mask)
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++)
words[i] = ~(words[i] ^ mask.words[i]);
public void Not()
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++)
words[i] = ~words[i];
// The shift operation is more complicated because it pushes bits from one word into another
// we must "carry" the bits that are shifted out of one word into the adjacent word
// for shift amounts that are greater than the word length, we can decompose the operation
// into two parts, shifting by an amount smaller than the word length and then copying words
// in whole steps from one array element to another.
// Right and left shift require traversing the underlying array in the opposite orders.
public void Shift(int count)
// if shifting by 0 do nothing
if (count == 0) return;
// if shifting by more than the total number of bits stored,
// set every bit to zero
if (Abs(count) >= bitCount)
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++) words[i] = 0;
// This operation can be split into two simpler operations:
// (1) shift the bits by an amount smaller than the word length (using bitwise math)
// (2) shift the result by a whole number of words (by shifting the positions of words in the array)
// find the the quotient and remainder of the shift amount over the word length
// the quotient is the number of whole words to shift
var wholeWordCount = Abs(count / wordLength);
// the remainder is the number of bits to shift within each word
var shiftAmount = Abs(count % wordLength);
// get the direction of the shift
var rightShift = count > 0;
// (1): shift by the remainder after division by word length
if (shiftAmount != 0)
// find the carry bits that overflow from one word to the next
// this is the same as shifting the word in the opposite direction by wordLength - shiftAmount
var overflowAmount = wordLength - shiftAmount;
// the first word will be filled in with zeros from the trailing side, so the the carry bits are zero
var carryBits = 0u;
// no need to process elements that are with wordCount of the opposite edge of the array
// these will be pushed out of the bitfield
if (rightShift) // RIGHT-SHIFT
// work backwards through the array pushing bits right
for (var i = wordCount - 1; i >= wholeWordCount; i--)
// get the current word
var word = words[i];
// the first term is the [current word] shifted in the target direction by the [shift amount]
// the second term is the bits carried over from the previous word (0 if this is the first word)
// [carry bits] are the previous word's bits shifted in the opposite direction by the [overflow amount]
// [term1] OR [term2] gives the resulting word
words[i] = word >> shiftAmount | carryBits;
// store the [carry bits] for the next word
carryBits = word << overflowAmount;
else // LEFT-SHIFT
// work forwards through the array pushing bits left
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount - wholeWordCount; i++)
// get the current word
var word = words[i];
// the first term is the [current word] shifted in the target direction by the [shift amount]
// the second term is the bits carried over from the previous word (0 if this is the first word)
// [carry bits] are the previous word's bits shifted in the opposite direction by the [overflow amount]
// [term1] OR [term2] gives the resulting word
words[i] = word << shiftAmount | carryBits;
// store the carry bits for the next word
carryBits = word >> overflowAmount;
// (2): shift whole words by the quotient of the division
if (rightShift)
// work forwards through the array
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++)
// if possible, replace the entry at the current index with the entry at (index + wholeWordCount)
if (i + wholeWordCount < wordCount) words[i] = words[i + wholeWordCount];
// otherwise fill in with zeros
else words[i] = 0;
// work backwards through the array
for (var i = wordCount-1; i >= 0; i--)
// if possible, replace the entry at the current index with the entry at (index - wholeWordCount)
if (i - wholeWordCount >= 0) words[i] = words[i - wholeWordCount];
// otherwise fill in with zeros
else words[i] = 0;
public static BitField128 operator &(BitField128 a, BitField128 b)
var c = new BitField128(in a);
c.And(in b);
return c;
public static BitField128 operator |(BitField128 a, BitField128 b)
var c = new BitField128(in a);
c.Or(in b);
return c;
public static BitField128 operator ^(BitField128 a, BitField128 b)
var c = new BitField128(in a);
c.XOr(in b);
return c;
public static BitField128 operator ~(BitField128 a)
var c = new BitField128(in a);
return c;
public static BitField128 operator <<(BitField128 a, int d)
var c = new BitField128(in a);
return c;
public static BitField128 operator >>(BitField128 a, int d)
var c = new BitField128(in a);
return c;
public static bool operator ==(BitField128 a, BitField128 b) => a.Equals(b);
public static bool operator !=(BitField128 a, BitField128 b) => !a.Equals(b);
#region UTILITY
private int Abs(int i)
if (i >= 0) return i;
return -i;
private void GetMask(int index, out int wordIndex, out uint mask)
wordIndex = index / wordLength;
mask = 1u << index % wordLength;
private void IndexInBounds(int index)
if (index < 0 || index >= bitCount) throw new IndexOutOfRangeException();
public override string ToString()
const string header = "BitField ( ";
const int headerLen = 11;
var chars = new char[headerLen + bitCount + wordCount + 2];
var i = 0;
for (; i < headerLen; ++i) chars[i] = header[i];
for (var word = wordCount - 1; word >= 0; word--, ++i)
for (var digit = wordLength - 1; digit >= 0; digit--, ++i)
var mask = 1u << digit;
chars[i] = (words[word] & mask) == mask ? '1' : '0';
chars[i] = ' ';
chars[i] = ')';
return new string(chars);
public bool Equals(BitField128 other)
for (var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++)
if (words[i] != other.words[i])
return false;
return true;
public override bool Equals(object obj) => obj is BitField128 other && Equals(other);
public override int GetHashCode()
var hash = 17;
for(var i = 0; i < wordCount; i++) hash = 31 * hash + words[i].GetHashCode();
return hash;
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