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Last active October 12, 2023 01:30
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Entitias Scene Initialization Example
public interface IApplicationService : IService
HashSet<string> GetValidScenes();
void Load(string sceneName, Action<string, float> onProgress, Action<string> onComplete);
void Unload(string sceneName, Action<string, float> onProgress, Action<string> onComplete);
void Quit();
public class UnityApplicationService : MonoBehaviour, IApplicationService
private Contexts _contexts;
private Scene _rootScene;
public void Initialize(Contexts contexts)
_contexts = contexts;
_rootScene = SceneManager.GetActiveScene();
public HashSet<string> GetValidScenes()
=> new HashSet<string>(SceneHelpers.GetLoadableSceneNames());
public void Load(string sceneName, Action<string, float> onProgress, Action<string> onComplete)
=> StartCoroutine(BeginLoadScene(sceneName, onProgress, onComplete));
public void Unload(string sceneName, Action<string, float> onProgress, Action<string> onComplete)
=> StartCoroutine(BeginUnloadScene(sceneName, onProgress, onComplete));
public void Quit() => Application.Quit();
private IEnumerator BeginLoadScene(string sceneName, Action<string, float> onProgress, Action<string> onComplete)
var unityName = "Scenes/" + sceneName;
var asyncLoad = SceneManager.LoadSceneAsync(unityName, LoadSceneMode.Additive);
asyncLoad.allowSceneActivation = false;
while (!asyncLoad.isDone)
if (asyncLoad.progress >= 0.9f && !asyncLoad.allowSceneActivation) asyncLoad.allowSceneActivation = true;
onProgress?.Invoke(sceneName, asyncLoad.progress);
yield return null;
var newScene = SceneManager.GetSceneByName(sceneName);
yield return StartCoroutine(InitializeSceneCoroutine(newScene));
private IEnumerator InitializeSceneCoroutine(Scene scene)
const int objectsPerFrame = 10;
var rootGameObjects = scene.GetRootGameObjects();
for(var i = 0; i < rootGameObjects.Length; i++)
if (!rootGameObjects[i].activeSelf) continue;
var view = rootGameObjects[i].GetComponent<UnityViewController>();
if (view != null) view.InitialiseView(_contexts,;
if (i % objectsPerFrame == 0) yield return null;
private IEnumerator BeginUnloadScene(string name, Action<string, float> onProgress, Action<string> onComplete)
yield return null;
var unityName = "Scenes/" + name;
var asyncLoad = SceneManager.UnloadSceneAsync(unityName);
while (!asyncLoad.isDone)
onProgress?.Invoke(name, asyncLoad.progress);
yield return null;
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