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Last active February 13, 2024 18:20
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  • Save FOBshippingpoint/7ca6686de1b16a08b86b5333c4231b06 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FOBshippingpoint/7ca6686de1b16a08b86b5333c4231b06 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
use JSON::Fast;
run <curl -o temp>;
'temp'.IO.comb(/ '?sn=' \d+ '">' \d /) ==> map({ $_ ~~ /'?sn=' (\d+) .*/ })
==> map(~*[0].Int)
==> unique()
==> sort()
==> my @sn-list;
spurt 'sn_list.txt', @sn-list.join("\n");
sub danmu-to-ffmpeg-script($sn, $ep) {
run 'curl', '-X', 'POST', "-H='Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8'", '-d', "sn=$sn", '-o', "ep$ep.json", '--', '';
my @danmu := from-json "ep$ep.json".IO.slurp;
say " danmu received.";
my $input = "$ep.mp4";
my $output = 'output01.mp4';
@danmu = grep { $_<text> ~~ m/ 笨蛋 | 八嘎 | 吧嘎 | 巴嘎 / }, @danmu;
for @danmu <-> $_ {
my $time = ($_<time> / 10).Int - 10;
$_ = "ffmpeg -ss $time -i $input -t 15 -c copy " ~ $ep ~ '_' ~ $output++ ~ ';';
say " danmu filtered.";
spurt "$ep.ps1", @danmu.join("\n") ~ "\n";
my $i = '01';
for 'sn_list.txt'.IO.lines {
danmu-to-ffmpeg-script($_, $i++);
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