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Last active August 29, 2015 14:03
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  • Save FROGGS/15dc422d8cd27849b9a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FROGGS/15dc422d8cd27849b9a0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block {\n}
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { # declared in BOOTSTRAP\n # class Sub is Rout...
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block {\n}
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
---- rakudo/src/core/ @self-chunks[$i] = @pat-chunks[$i];
- QAST::Block {\n @self-chunks[$i] = @pat-chunks[$i];...
- QAST::Op(bind)
- QAST::Var(lexical $_ :decl(var))
- QAST::Op(getlexouter)
- QAST::SVal($_)
- QAST::Stmt @self-chunks[$i] = @pat-chunks[$i]
- QAST::Op(callstatic &postcircumfix:<[ ]>) [$i]
- QAST::Var(lexical @self-chunks) @self-chunks
- QAST::Var(lexical $i) $i
- QAST::Op(callstatic &postcircumfix:<[ ]>) [$i]
- QAST::Var(lexical @pat-chunks) @pat-chunks
- QAST::Var(lexical $i) $i
---- rakudo/src/core/ gather loop { take self.roll } # Range.roll()
- QAST::Block { take self.roll }
- QAST::Op(bind)
- QAST::Var(lexical $_ :decl(var))
- QAST::Op(getlexouter)
- QAST::SVal($_)
- QAST::Stmt take self.roll
- QAST::Want
- QAST::Op(call &take) take self.roll
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod roll) roll
- QAST::Var(lexical self) self
- v
- QAST::Op(locallifetime)
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Op(bind)
- QAST::Var(local sink_1735 :decl(var))
- QAST::Op(call &take) take self.roll
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod roll) roll
- QAST::Var(lexical self) self
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(isconcrete)
- QAST::Var(local sink_1735)
- QAST::Op(can)
- QAST::Var(local sink_1735)
- QAST::SVal(sink)
- QAST::Op(callmethod sink)
- QAST::Var(local sink_1735)
- sink_1735
---- rakudo/src/core/ take self.roll; # Range.roll()
- QAST::Block {\n take self.roll;\n }
- QAST::Op(bind)
- QAST::Var(lexical $_ :decl(var))
- QAST::Op(getlexouter)
- QAST::SVal($_)
- QAST::Stmt take self.roll
- QAST::Want
- QAST::Op(call &take) take self.roll
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod roll) roll
- QAST::Var(lexical self) self
- v
- QAST::Op(locallifetime)
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Op(bind)
- QAST::Var(local sink_1740 :decl(var))
- QAST::Op(call &take) take self.roll
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod roll) roll
- QAST::Var(lexical self) self
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(isconcrete)
- QAST::Var(local sink_1740)
- QAST::Op(can)
- QAST::Var(local sink_1740)
- QAST::SVal(sink)
- QAST::Op(callmethod sink)
- QAST::Var(local sink_1740)
- sink_1740
---- rakudo/src/core/ my $cand = self.at_pos($idx);
- QAST::Block {\n my $cand = self.at_pos($idx);\n ...
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $cand :decl(contvar))
- QAST::Op(bind)
- QAST::Var(lexical $_ :decl(var))
- QAST::Op(getlexouter)
- QAST::SVal($_)
- QAST::Stmts \n my $cand = self.at_pos($idx);\n ...
- QAST::Stmt my $cand = self.at_pos($idx)
- QAST::Op(assign)
- QAST::Var(lexical $cand) $cand
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod at_pos) $idx
- QAST::Var(lexical self) self
- QAST::Var(lexical $idx) $idx
- QAST::Stmt next if $
- QAST::Want
- QAST::Op(if) if $
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod is-hidden) is-hidden
- QAST::Var(lexical $cand) $cand
- QAST::Op(call &next) next
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- v
- QAST::Op(locallifetime)
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Op(bind)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2498 :decl(var))
- QAST::Op(if) if $
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod is-hidden) is-hidden
- QAST::Var(lexical $cand) $cand
- QAST::Op(call &next) next
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(isconcrete)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2498)
- QAST::Op(can)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2498)
- QAST::SVal(sink)
- QAST::Op(callmethod sink)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2498)
- sink_2498
- QAST::Stmt next if $named && !$cand.subname
- QAST::Want
- QAST::Op(if) if $named && !$cand.subname
- QAST::Op(if &infix:<&&>) &&
- QAST::Var(lexical $named) $named
- QAST::Op(callstatic &prefix:<!>) !
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod subname) subname
- QAST::Var(lexical $cand) $cand
- QAST::Op(call &next) next
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- v
- QAST::Op(locallifetime)
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Op(bind)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2499 :decl(var))
- QAST::Op(if) if $named && !$cand.subname
- QAST::Op(if &infix:<&&>) &&
- QAST::Var(lexical $named) $named
- QAST::Op(callstatic &prefix:<!>) !
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod subname) subname
- QAST::Var(lexical $cand) $cand
- QAST::Op(call &next) next
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(isconcrete)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2499)
- QAST::Op(can)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2499)
- QAST::SVal(sink)
- QAST::Op(callmethod sink)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2499)
- sink_2499
- QAST::Stmt next if $noproto # no proto's ple...
- QAST::Want
- QAST::Op(if) if $noproto # no proto's please\n...
- QAST::Op(if &infix:<&&>) &&
- QAST::Var(lexical $noproto) $noproto
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod dispatch:<.?>) is_dispatcher
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod code) code
- QAST::Var(lexical $cand) $cand
- QAST::Want
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(is_dispatcher)
- QAST::Op(call &next) next
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- v
- QAST::Op(locallifetime)
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Op(bind)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2500 :decl(var))
- QAST::Op(if) if $noproto # no proto's please\n...
- QAST::Op(if &infix:<&&>) &&
- QAST::Var(lexical $noproto) $noproto
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod dispatch:<.?>) is_dispatcher
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod code) code
- QAST::Var(lexical $cand) $cand
- QAST::Want
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(is_dispatcher)
- QAST::Op(call &next) next
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(isconcrete)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2500)
- QAST::Op(can)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2500)
- QAST::SVal(sink)
- QAST::Op(callmethod sink)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2500)
- sink_2500
- QAST::Stmt return $idx
- QAST::Want
- QAST::Op(call &return) return $idx
- QAST::Var(lexical $idx) $idx
- v
- QAST::Op(locallifetime)
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Op(bind)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2501 :decl(var))
- QAST::Op(call &return) return $idx
- QAST::Var(lexical $idx) $idx
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(isconcrete)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2501)
- QAST::Op(can)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2501)
- QAST::SVal(sink)
- QAST::Op(callmethod sink)
- QAST::Var(local sink_2501)
- sink_2501
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
---- rakudo/src/core/ my $current =;
- QAST::Block {\n my $current =
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $current :decl(contvar))
- QAST::Op(bind)
- QAST::Var(lexical $_ :decl(var))
- QAST::Op(getlexouter)
- QAST::SVal($_)
- QAST::Stmts \n my $current =
- QAST::Stmt my $current =
- QAST::Op(assign)
- QAST::Var(lexical $current) $current
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod read) 10_000
- QAST::Var(lexical self) self
- QAST::Want 10_000
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- Ii
- QAST::IVal(10000)
- QAST::Stmt $Buf ~= $current
- QAST::Want
- QAST::Op(call) ~=
- QAST::Op(callstatic &METAOP_ASSIGN)
- QAST::Var(lexical &infix:<~>)
- QAST::Var(lexical $Buf) $Buf
- QAST::Var(lexical $current) $current
- v
- QAST::Op(locallifetime)
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Op(bind)
- QAST::Var(local sink_3053 :decl(var))
- QAST::Op(call) ~=
- QAST::Op(callstatic &METAOP_ASSIGN)
- QAST::Var(lexical &infix:<~>)
- QAST::Var(lexical $Buf) $Buf
- QAST::Var(lexical $current) $current
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(isconcrete)
- QAST::Var(local sink_3053)
- QAST::Op(can)
- QAST::Var(local sink_3053)
- QAST::SVal(sink)
- QAST::Op(callmethod sink)
- QAST::Var(local sink_3053)
- sink_3053
- QAST::Stmt last if $current.bytes == 0
- QAST::Want
- QAST::Op(if) if $current.bytes == 0
- QAST::Op(callstatic &infix:<==>) ==
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod bytes) bytes
- QAST::Var(lexical $current) $current
- QAST::Want 0
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- Ii
- QAST::IVal(0)
- QAST::Op(call &last) last
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- v
- QAST::Op(locallifetime)
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Op(bind)
- QAST::Var(local sink_3054 :decl(var))
- QAST::Op(if) if $current.bytes == 0
- QAST::Op(callstatic &infix:<==>) ==
- QAST::Op(hllize)
- QAST::Op(callmethod bytes) bytes
- QAST::Var(lexical $current) $current
- QAST::Want 0
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- Ii
- QAST::IVal(0)
- QAST::Op(call &last) last
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(if)
- QAST::Op(isconcrete)
- QAST::Var(local sink_3054)
- QAST::Op(can)
- QAST::Var(local sink_3054)
- QAST::SVal(sink)
- QAST::Op(callmethod sink)
- QAST::Var(local sink_3054)
- sink_3054
---- rakudo/src/core/IO/Socket/ constant PF_LOCAL = 0;
- QAST::Block {\n constant PF_LOCAL = 0;\n c...
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::Var(lexical PF_LOCAL :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical PF_UNIX :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical PF_INET :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical PF_INET6 :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical PF_MAX :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical SOCK_PACKET :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical SOCK_STREAM :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical SOCK_DGRAM :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical SOCK_RAW :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical SOCK_RDM :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical SOCK_SEQPACKET :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical SOCK_MAX :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical PROTO_TCP :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical PROTO_UDP :decl(static))
- QAST::Stmts \n constant PF_LOCAL = 0;\n co...
- QAST::Stmt constant PF_LOCAL = 0
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- QAST::Stmt constant PF_UNIX = 1
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- QAST::Stmt constant PF_INET = 2
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- QAST::Stmt constant PF_INET6 = 3
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- QAST::Stmt constant PF_MAX = 4
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- QAST::Stmt constant SOCK_PACKET = 0
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- QAST::Stmt constant SOCK_STREAM = 1
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- QAST::Stmt constant SOCK_DGRAM = 2
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- QAST::Stmt constant SOCK_RAW = 3
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- QAST::Stmt constant SOCK_RDM = 4
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- QAST::Stmt constant SOCK_SEQPACKET = 5
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- QAST::Stmt constant SOCK_MAX = 6
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- QAST::Stmt constant PROTO_TCP = 6
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- QAST::Stmt constant PROTO_UDP = 17
- QAST::WVal(Int)
- QAST::Block {\n nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'package', Perl...
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::Stmts \n nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'package', Perl6...
- QAST::Stmt nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'package', Perl6::Meta...
- QAST::Op(bindkey)
- QAST::Op(who) WHO
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE) $?PACKAGE
- QAST::Want package
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(package)
- QAST::WVal(Perl6::Metamodel::PackageHOW) Perl6::Metamodel::PackageHOW
- QAST::Stmt nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'module', Perl6::Metam...
- QAST::Op(bindkey)
- QAST::Op(who) WHO
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE) $?PACKAGE
- QAST::Want module
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(module)
- QAST::WVal(Perl6::Metamodel::ModuleHOW) Perl6::Metamodel::ModuleHOW
- QAST::Stmt nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'generic', Perl6::Meta...
- QAST::Op(bindkey)
- QAST::Op(who) WHO
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE) $?PACKAGE
- QAST::Want generic
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(generic)
- QAST::WVal(Perl6::Metamodel::GenericHOW) Perl6::Metamodel::GenericHOW
- QAST::Stmt nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'class', Perl6::Metamo...
- QAST::Op(bindkey)
- QAST::Op(who) WHO
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE) $?PACKAGE
- QAST::Want class
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(class)
- QAST::WVal(Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW) Perl6::Metamodel::ClassHOW
- QAST::Stmt nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'class-attr', Attribut...
- QAST::Op(bindkey)
- QAST::Op(who) WHO
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE) $?PACKAGE
- QAST::Want class-attr
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(class-attr)
- QAST::WVal(Attribute) Attribute
- QAST::Stmt nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'role', Perl6::Metamod...
- QAST::Op(bindkey)
- QAST::Op(who) WHO
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE) $?PACKAGE
- QAST::Want role
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(role)
- QAST::WVal(Perl6::Metamodel::ParametricRoleHOW) Perl6::Metamodel::ParametricRoleHOW
- QAST::Stmt nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'role-attr', Attribute...
- QAST::Op(bindkey)
- QAST::Op(who) WHO
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE) $?PACKAGE
- QAST::Want role-attr
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(role-attr)
- QAST::WVal(Attribute) Attribute
- QAST::Stmt nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'role-group', Perl6::M...
- QAST::Op(bindkey)
- QAST::Op(who) WHO
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE) $?PACKAGE
- QAST::Want role-group
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(role-group)
- QAST::WVal(Perl6::Metamodel::ParametricRoleGroupHOW) Perl6::Metamodel::ParametricRoleGroupHOW
- QAST::Stmt nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'grammar', Perl6::Meta...
- QAST::Op(bindkey)
- QAST::Op(who) WHO
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE) $?PACKAGE
- QAST::Want grammar
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(grammar)
- QAST::WVal(Perl6::Metamodel::GrammarHOW) Perl6::Metamodel::GrammarHOW
- QAST::Stmt nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'grammar-attr', Attrib...
- QAST::Op(bindkey)
- QAST::Op(who) WHO
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE) $?PACKAGE
- QAST::Want grammar-attr
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(grammar-attr)
- QAST::WVal(Attribute) Attribute
- QAST::Stmt nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'native', Perl6::Metam...
- QAST::Op(bindkey)
- QAST::Op(who) WHO
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE) $?PACKAGE
- QAST::Want native
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(native)
- QAST::WVal(Perl6::Metamodel::NativeHOW) Perl6::Metamodel::NativeHOW
- QAST::Stmt nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'subset', Perl6::Metam...
- QAST::Op(bindkey)
- QAST::Op(who) WHO
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE) $?PACKAGE
- QAST::Want subset
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(subset)
- QAST::WVal(Perl6::Metamodel::SubsetHOW) Perl6::Metamodel::SubsetHOW
- QAST::Stmt nqp::bindkey($?PACKAGE.WHO, 'enum', Perl6::Metamod...
- QAST::Op(bindkey)
- QAST::Op(who) WHO
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE) $?PACKAGE
- QAST::Want enum
- QAST::WVal(Str)
- Ss
- QAST::SVal(enum)
- QAST::WVal(Perl6::Metamodel::EnumHOW) Perl6::Metamodel::EnumHOW
- QAST::Block {\n}
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block {\n has $.name;\n}
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::Stmt has $.name
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block {\n has @.allowed;\n}
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::Stmt has @.allowed
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block {\n has $.caption;\n has @.headers; # option...
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::Stmts \n has $.caption;\n has @.headers; # optiona...
- QAST::Stmt has $.caption
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Stmt has @.headers
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block {\n has $.type;\n has @.meta;\n}
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::Stmts \n has $.type;\n has @.meta;\n
- QAST::Stmt has $.type
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Stmt has @.meta
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block {\n has $.level;\n}
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::Stmt has $.level
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block {\n has $.level;\n}
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::Stmt has $.level
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
---- akudo/src/core/ has %.config;
- QAST::Block {\n has $.type;\n has %.config;\n}
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::Stmts \n has $.type;\n has %.config;\n
- QAST::Stmt has $.type
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Stmt has %.config
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
Stage post : 44.960
Stage pir : 3.560
/home/froggs/dev/nqp/install/bin/parrot -o CORE.setting.pbc src/gen/p-CORE.setting.pir
./perl6-p --target=pir --output=src/gen/RESTRICTED.setting.pir src/RESTRICTED.setting
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
- QAST::Block { }
- QAST::Stmts
- QAST::Var(lexical $?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?PACKAGE :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical $?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Var(lexical ::?CLASS :decl(static))
- QAST::Op(null)
- QAST::WVal(Nil)
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