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Created July 5, 2015 14:02
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  • Save FROGGS/43c323ed4ef0b57398e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save FROGGS/43c323ed4ef0b57398e6 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
(gdb) p *root
$5 = {header = {sc_forward_u = {forwarder = 0x0, sc = {sc_idx = 0, idx = 0}, sci = 0x0, st = 0x0}, owner = 1, flags = 0, size = 24}, st = 0x4135c8}
(gdb) p *
$6 = {header = {sc_forward_u = {forwarder = 0xffff0001, sc = {sc_idx = 1, idx = 65535}, sci = 0xffff0001, st = 0xffff0001}, owner = 1, flags = 10, size = 120}, REPR = 0x77fb9f80,
REPR_data = 0x41e128, size = 24, type_check_cache_length = 0, mode_flags = 0, type_check_cache = 0x0, method_cache = 0x0, type_cache_id = 320, container_spec = 0x0, container_data = 0x0,
boolification_spec = 0x41e140, hll_owner = 0x0, hll_role = 2, invoke = 0x77d847cc <MVM_6model_invoke_default>, invocation_spec = 0x0, WHAT = 0x41ac40, WHO = 0x0, HOW = 0x41c858,
paramet = {ric = {parameterizer = 0x0, lookup = 0x0}, erized = {parametric_type = 0x0, parameters = 0x0}}, HOW_sc = 0x0, HOW_idx = 0, method_cache_offset = 0, method_cache_sc = 0x0}
(gdb) p *
$7 = {header = {sc_forward_u = {forwarder = 0xffff0001, sc = {sc_idx = 1, idx = 65535}, sci = 0xffff0001, st = 0xffff0001}, owner = 1, flags = 10, size = 120}, REPR = 0x77fb9f80,
REPR_data = 0x41e128, size = 24, type_check_cache_length = 0, mode_flags = 0, type_check_cache = 0x0, method_cache = 0x0, type_cache_id = 320, container_spec = 0x0, container_data = 0x0,
boolification_spec = 0x41e140, hll_owner = 0x0, hll_role = 2, invoke = 0x77d847cc <MVM_6model_invoke_default>, invocation_spec = 0x0, WHAT = 0x41ac40, WHO = 0x0, HOW = 0x41c858,
paramet = {ric = {parameterizer = 0x0, lookup = 0x0}, erized = {parametric_type = 0x0, parameters = 0x0}}, HOW_sc = 0x0, HOW_idx = 0, method_cache_offset = 0, method_cache_sc = 0x0}
(gdb) p *
$8 = {type_object_for = 0x77d6c7fc <type_object_for>, allocate = 0x77d407f8 <MVM_gc_allocate_object>, initialize = 0, copy_to = 0x77d6c320 <copy_to>, attr_funcs = {
get_attribute = 0x77d55c68 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_GET_ATTRIBUTE>, bind_attribute = 0x77d55c98 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_BIND_ATTRIBUTE>, hint_for = 0x77d55cf8 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_HINT_FOR>,
is_attribute_initialized = 0x77d55cc8 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_IS_ATTRIBUTE_INITIALIZED>}, box_funcs = {set_int = 0x77d55d04 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_SET_INT>,
get_int = 0x77d55d34 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_GET_INT>, set_num = 0x77d6c34c <set_num>, get_num = 0x77d6c374 <get_num>, set_str = 0x77d55dc4 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_SET_STR>,
get_str = 0x77d55df4 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_GET_STR>, get_boxed_ref = 0x77d55e24 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_GET_BOXED_REF>}, pos_funcs = {at_pos = 0x77d55e54 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_AT_POS>,
bind_pos = 0x77d55e84 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_BIND_POS>, set_elems = 0x77d55eb4 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_SET_ELEMS>, push = 0x77d55ee4 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_PUSH>,
pop = 0x77d55f14 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_POP>, unshift = 0x77d55f44 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_UNSHIFT>, shift = 0x77d55f74 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_SHIFT>, splice = 0x77d56098 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_SPLICE>,
at_pos_multidim = 0x77d55fa4 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_AT_POS_MULTIDIM>, bind_pos_multidim = 0x77d55fd4 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_BIND_POS_MULTIDIM>,
dimensions = 0x77d56004 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_DIMENSIONS>, set_dimensions = 0x77d56034 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_SET_DIMENSIONS>,
get_elem_storage_spec = 0x77d56064 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_GET_ELEM_STORAGE_SPEC>}, ass_funcs = {at_key = 0x77d560c8 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_AT_KEY>,
bind_key = 0x77d560f8 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_BIND_KEY>, exists_key = 0x77d56128 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_EXISTS_KEY>, delete_key = 0x77d56158 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_DELETE_KEY>,
get_value_storage_spec = 0x77d56188 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_GET_VALUE_STORAGE_SPEC>}, elems = 0x77d55c38 <MVM_REPR_DEFAULT_ELEMS>, get_storage_spec = 0x77d6c39c <get_storage_spec>,
change_type = 0, serialize = 0x77d6c7a8 <serialize>, deserialize = 0x77d6c734 <deserialize>, serialize_repr_data = 0x77d6c70c <serialize_repr_data>,
deserialize_repr_data = 0x77d6c5d8 <deserialize_repr_data>, deserialize_stable_size = 0x77d6c3e0 <deserialize_stable_size>, gc_mark = 0, gc_free = 0, gc_cleanup = 0,
gc_mark_repr_data = 0, gc_free_repr_data = 0x77d6c598 <gc_free_repr_data>, compose = 0x77d6c3ec <compose>, spesh = 0, name = 0x77e0ebb0 "P6num", ID = 9, refs_frames = 0}
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