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Last active November 25, 2017 16:39
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A small CLI tool that finds all `use`d containers for a container. In addition it also detects active `Apiato::call` (only spaces or tabs in front of a call)
$ php artisan apiato:container-dependencies app/Containers/GeoLocation/
Searching for dependencies in container: app/Containers/GeoLocation/
Remove own container from listings? (y/n):
> n
Found dependencies:
[0]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Actions/CreateGeoRequestAction.php
[1]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Actions/GetGeoLocationByIdAction.php
[2]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Actions/GetGeoLocationsAction.php
[0]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Actions/CreateGeoRequestAction.php
[1]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Actions/DeleteGeoLocationByIDAction.php
[2]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Actions/DemoAction.php
[3]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Actions/GetGeoLocationByIdAction.php
[4]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Actions/GetGeoLocationsAction.php
[5]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Tasks/CreateGeoLocationTask.php
[6]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Tasks/DeleteGeoLocationTask.php
[7]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Tasks/GetGeoLocationByIdTask.php
[8]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Tasks/GetGeoLocationsTask.php
[9]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Tasks/UpdateGeoLocationTask.php
[10]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/UI/API/Controllers/Controller.php
[11]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/UI/API/Transformers/GeoLocationTransformer.php
[0]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Actions/DemoAction.php
[1]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Data/Seeders/GeoLocationCreateResearcherSeeder_9.php
[2]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Models/GeoLocation.php
[3]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/UI/API/Transformers/GeoLocationTransformer.php
[0]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Actions/DemoAction.php
[1]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/UI/API/Transformers/GeoLocationTransformer.php
[0]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Data/Seeders/GeoLocationCreateResearcherSeeder_9.php
[1]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Data/Seeders/GeoLocationPermissionsSeeder_1.php
[2]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Data/Seeders/GeoLocationRolesSeeder_2.php
[0]: app/Containers/GeoLocation/Actions/DemoAction.php
Display Container author and description from the composer.json?(y/n):
> y
[name]: apiato/authentication
[description]: apiato/authentication
[name]: fwidm/geolocation
[description]: fwidm/geolocation
[type]: apiato-container
[source]: link/to/container/repository/
[name]: apiato/user
[description]: apiato/user
[name]: fwidm/weatherdata
[description]: fwidm/weatherdata
[type]: apiato-container
[name]: apiato/authorization
[description]: apiato/authorization
namespace App\Containers\Application\UI\CLI\Transformers;
use App\Ship\Parents\Transformers\Transformer;
use stdClass;
class ComposerTransformer extends Transformer
* @param stdClass $decodedJson
* @return array
public function transform(stdClass $decodedJson)
$ret = [
'name' => $decodedJson->name,
'description' => $decodedJson->name,
if (isset($decodedJson->type))
$ret['type'] = $decodedJson->type;
if (isset($decodedJson->support))
$ret['support'] = (array)$decodedJson->support;
return $ret;
namespace App\Containers\Application\UI\CLI\Commands;
use App\Containers\Application\UI\CLI\Transformers\ComposerTransformer;
use App\Ship\Parents\Commands\ConsoleCommand;
use Dotenv\Exception\InvalidPathException;
use Exception;
use RecursiveDirectoryIterator;
use RecursiveIteratorIterator;
use Spatie\Fractal\Fractal;
use Spatie\Fractalistic\ArraySerializer;
* Class FindContainerDependenciesCommand
* Parses all files in the Container. This is needed due to the implemented apiato calls.
* It supports both $this->call(PATH/TO/FILE,... (by parsing imports)
* as well as $Apiato::call('CONTAINER@FUNC',[args]...
* @author Fabian Widmann <>
class FindContainerDependenciesCommand extends ConsoleCommand
protected $signature = 'apiato:list:dependencies {containerPath}';
protected $description = 'Lists all dependencies from the given container to other containers.';
public function __construct()
public function handle()
$containerPath = $this->argument('containerPath');
$this->info('Searching for dependencies in container: ' . $containerPath);
$input = $this->ask('Remove own container from listings? (y/n)');
$filterOwnContainer = false;
if (isset($input) && $input == 'y') {
$filterOwnContainer = true;
$fileContainerMatch = $this->getDependencies($containerPath, $filterOwnContainer);
if (count($fileContainerMatch) > 0) {
$this->info('Found dependencies:');
$input = $this->ask('Display Container author and description from the composer.json?(y/n)');
if (isset($input) && $input == 'y') {
// $fileContainerMatch structure:
// imports
// containerName(s)
// File(s)
$matches = array_unique(array_keys(array_merge(...array_values($fileContainerMatch))));
foreach ($matches as $match) {
} else
$this->info('No dependencies found.');
/**Utility print function that takes an array and outputs it by applying the given indent. Each array found will be printed recursively with indent+indentmodifier.
* @param $arr
* @param int $indent
* @param int $indentModifier
* @return string
private function prettyPrintArray($arr, $indent = 0, $indentModifier = 4)
if (!is_array($arr)) {
return $arr;
$string = "";
foreach ($arr as $key => $value) {
$string .= str_repeat(" ", $indent) . "[" . $key . "]" . ": ";
if (is_array($value)) {
$string .= PHP_EOL . $this->prettyPrintArray($value, $indent + $indentModifier) . PHP_EOL;
} else if (is_string($value) || settype($item, 'string') !== false || (is_object($value) && method_exists($value, '__toString'))){
$string .= $value . PHP_EOL;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException('Current value cannot be converted to string: value=' . $value);
return $string;
* Get composer information by decoding the json and applying the ComposerTransformer.
* @param $containerName
* @return array|string
private function getComposerInformation($containerName)
$composerFile = 'app/Containers/' . $containerName . '/composer.json';
try {
$content = file_get_contents($composerFile);
if (isset($content)) {
$json = \GuzzleHttp\json_decode($content);
return Fractal::create($json, ComposerTransformer::class, ArraySerializer::class)->toArray();
} catch (Exception $e) {
return 'No composer.json found in path: ' . $composerFile;
* Extracts the content of a file and find all containers by finding all containers in App\Containers\$containerName\*
* @param $filePath string - path to the file
* @return null | array of containers
private function getContainerFromUseStatement($filePath)
$content = file_get_contents($filePath);
preg_match_all('/use App\\\\Containers\\\\(?P<containers>[a-zA-Z\d]*)\\\\/', $content, $matches);
$ret = [];
if (isset($matches['containers'])) {
$ret['containers'] = array_unique($matches['containers']);
return $ret;
* Extracts the content of a file and find all containers by finding all containers in App\Containers\$containerName\*
* @param $filePath string - path to the file
* @return null | array of containers
private function getContainerFromApiatoCall($filePath)
$content = file_get_contents($filePath);
//ignores everything that doesnt begin with spaces or tabs.
$pattern = "/^[ \t]*Apiato::call\('(?P<containers>.*)@([?P<functions>a-zA-Z][a-zA-Z\d]*)',\[(?P<args>.*)]/m";
preg_match_all($pattern, $content, $matches);
$ret = [];
if (isset($matches['containers'])) {
$ret['containers'] = array_unique($matches['containers']);
//todo: add functions and arguments if needed currently unsupported. They are stored in the group 'functions' and 'args'.
return $ret;
* Iterates through the given path recursively to obtain
* 1) all used containers of the given container
* 2) an array that contains the containers as keys and all files using it as value.
* @param $path - to the container
* @return array - [$usedContainers, $filesInContainers]
private function getDependencies($path, $filterOwnContainer = false)
$ownContainerName = explode('/', explode('app/Containers/', $path)[1])[0];
if (!file_exists($path)){
throw new InvalidPathException('Given path does not exist: path=' . $path);
$recursiveIteratorIterator = new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveDirectoryIterator($path));
$useStatements = [];
$filesInContainers = [];
foreach ($recursiveIteratorIterator as $file)
if (!$file->isDir()) {
$apiatoCalls = $this->getContainerFromApiatoCall($file->getPathName());
$imports = $this->getContainerFromUseStatement($file->getPathName());
if (isset($apiatoCalls['containers'])) {
if ($filterOwnContainer){
$apiatoCalls['containers'] = array_diff($apiatoCalls['containers'], [$ownContainerName]);
foreach ($apiatoCalls['containers'] as $container) {
$filesInContainers['apiatoCalls'][$container][] = $file->getPathName();
if (isset($imports['containers'])) {
if ($filterOwnContainer){
$imports['containers'] = array_diff($imports['containers'], [$ownContainerName]);
foreach ($imports['containers'] as $container) {
$filesInContainers['imports'][$container][] = $file->getPathName();
return $filesInContainers;
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