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Created June 20, 2020 18:05
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Centrifuge introduction example source code
<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang="en">
<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
const centrifuge = new Centrifuge('ws://localhost:8000/websocket');
function drawText(text) {
const div = document.createElement('div');
div.innerHTML = text + '<br>';
centrifuge.on('connect', function(ctx){
drawText('Connected over ' + ctx.transport);
centrifuge.on('disconnect', function(ctx){
drawText('Disconnected: ' + ctx.reason);
centrifuge.subscribe("chat", function(ctx) {
// After setting event handlers – initiate actual connection with server.
package main
import (
// Import this library.
func handleLog(e centrifuge.LogEntry) {
log.Printf("%s: %v", e.Message, e.Fields)
func authMiddleware(h http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
ctx := r.Context()
newCtx := centrifuge.SetCredentials(ctx, &centrifuge.Credentials{
UserID: "",
r = r.WithContext(newCtx)
h.ServeHTTP(w, r)
func main() {
// We use default config here as starting point.
// Default config contains reasonable values for available options.
cfg := centrifuge.DefaultConfig
// Centrifuge library exposes logs with different log level. In your app
// you can set special function to handle these log entries in a way you want.
cfg.LogLevel = centrifuge.LogLevelDebug
cfg.LogHandler = handleLog
cfg.Anonymous = true
// Node is the core object in Centrifuge library responsible for many
// useful things. Here we initialize new Node instance and pass config
// to it.
node, _ := centrifuge.New(cfg)
// ClientConnected node event handler is a point where you generally
// create a binding between Centrifuge and your app business logic.
// Callback function you pass here will be called every time new
// connection established with server. Inside this callback function
// you can set various event handlers for connection.
node.On().ClientConnected(func(ctx context.Context, client *centrifuge.Client) {
// Set Subscribe Handler to react on every channel subscription
// attempt initiated by client. Here you can theoretically return
// an error or disconnect client from server if needed. But now
// we just accept all subscriptions.
client.On().Subscribe(func(e centrifuge.SubscribeEvent) centrifuge.SubscribeReply {
log.Printf("client subscribes on channel %s", e.Channel)
return centrifuge.SubscribeReply{}
// Set Disconnect handler to react on client disconnect events.
client.On().Disconnect(func(e centrifuge.DisconnectEvent) centrifuge.DisconnectReply {
log.Printf("client disconnected")
return centrifuge.DisconnectReply{}
log.Println("client connected")
// Run node.
_ = node.Run()
go func() {
for range time.NewTicker(5 * time.Second).C {
_, _ = node.Publish("chat", []byte(`{"text": "hello from server"}`))
wsHandler := centrifuge.NewWebsocketHandler(node, centrifuge.WebsocketConfig{})
http.Handle("/websocket", authMiddleware(wsHandler))
http.Handle("/", http.FileServer(http.Dir("./")))
if err := http.ListenAndServe(":8000", nil); err != nil {
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