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Last active March 24, 2024 16:36
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  • Save Fabian-Martinez-Rincon/54706afe9badc6848135b37dd0f30d30 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Fabian-Martinez-Rincon/54706afe9badc6848135b37dd0f30d30 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
import os
import pandas as pd
90: 'Sobresaliente',
80: 'Muy bueno',
60: 'Bueno',
-1: 'Regular'
'ST': 'Delantero',
'CM': 'Volante',
'CDM': 'Medio centro defensivo',
'LB': 'Lateral izquierdo',
'GK': 'Portero',
'LM': 'Volante izquierdo',
'RM': 'Volante derecho',
'CAM': 'Volante ofensivo',
'LW': 'Extremo izquierdo',
'LWB': 'Lateral izquierdo ofensivo',
'CB': 'Defensor central',
'RB': 'Lateral derecho',
'RW': 'Extremo derecho',
'RWB': 'Lateral ofensivo derecho',
'CF': 'Media punta'
def potential_replace(potential):
compare_potential = int(potential)
for potential_player in POTENTIAL_TABLE_FIFA:
if compare_potential >= potential_player:
potential = POTENTIAL_TABLE_FIFA[potential_player]
return potential
def position_replace(position):
positions = position.split('|')
position = '|'.join([POSITION_TABLE_FIFA[acronym]
for acronym in positions])
return position
def upper_words(sentence):
"""Procesa una frase dependiendo de la consigna"""
genders = sentence.split()
for index, gender in enumerate(genders):
genders[index] = (gender.upper() if gender.upper()
in UPPER_GENDERS_SPOTIFY else gender.title())
sentence = " ".join(genders)
return sentence
def rebase_coord(coord, n_decimals=5):
sign = -1 if 'S' in coord or 'O' in coord else 1
degree, coord = coord[:-2].split('°')
min, sec = coord.split('\'')
dd = sign * (int(degree) + int(min)/60 + int(sec)/3600)
return str(round(dd, n_decimals)) + '°'
def transform_coords(coords):
latitude, longitude = coords.split()
coords = rebase_coord(latitude) + ' ' + rebase_coord(longitude)
return coords
'FIFA-21_Complete.csv': {
'order': ["team", "nationality", "position", "age", "potential", "name"],
'translation': ['Equipo', 'Nacionalidad', 'Posición', 'Edad', 'Potencial', 'Nombre'
'functions': {
"potential": potential_replace,
"position": position_replace
'name': "fifa.csv"
'Lagos_Argentina - Hoja_1.csv': {
'order': ["Ubicación", "Superficie (km²)", "Profundidad máxima (m)", "Profundidad media (m)", "Coordenadas", "Nombre"],
'functions': {
"Coordenadas": transform_coords
"name": 'lakes.csv'
'Spotify_2010-2019_Top_100.csv': {
'order': ["top genre", "artist type", "year released", "top year", "bpm", "artist"],
'translation': ['Top genero', 'Tipo artista', 'Año lanzamiento', 'Mejor año', 'BPM', 'Artista'],
'functions': {
"top genre": upper_words
'name': 'spotify.csv'
PATH_BASE = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
PATH_SOURCE = os.path.join(PATH_BASE, "base_datasets")
PATH_PROSSED = os.path.join(PATH_BASE, "processed_datasets")
if not os.path.exists(PATH_PROSSED):
os.makedirs(PATH_PROSSED, exist_ok=True)
def process_dataset(file_name):
if file_name not in DATASETS:
file_path = os.path.join(PATH_SOURCE, file_name)
config = DATASETS[file_name]
processed_path = os.path.join(PATH_PROSSED, config['name'])
with open(file_path, mode='r', encoding="UTF-8") as file:
df = pd. read_csv(file, sep=None, engine="python",
usecols=(config['order']), dtype=str,on_bad_lines='skip')
except FileNotFoundError:
print('No existe la ruta', PATH_SOURCE)
df.dropna(how="all", inplace=True)
df = df[config['order']]
for columna, function in config['functions'].items():
df[columna] = df[columna].apply(function)
df.fillna('Desconocido', inplace=True)
df.to_csv(processed_path, mode='w', index=False)
names_files = os.listdir(PATH_SOURCE)
for file_name in names_files:
except FileNotFoundError:
print('No existe la ruta', PATH_SOURCE)
except NotADirectoryError:
print('La ruta no es un directorio ', PATH_SOURCE)
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