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Created January 26, 2021 14:59
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Corona sheet filling script
## NOTE: I'm publishing this here on Pastebin, but that doesn't mean that I would recommend running it. Some aliases only exist on my computer, so the script would without changes not work on other computers. Some of the parsing is also pretty hacked together and might break at any point, especially with changes to the sources. Quite a few assumptions are made, only one part even has any error handling at all and for example getting the JSON out of a website to parse it properly is harder and probably not better than just using grep and my own limited parser.
# abort if not executed with aliases etc. working
if [[ $- != *i* ]]; then return; fi
xdotool key Down sleep 1 key Shift+KP_Insert sleep 60 key Alt+Down sleep 3
xdotool key Ctrl+Down sleep 1 key Down sleep 1 key Shift+KP_Insert sleep 60 key Alt+Down sleep 3
xdotool key Ctrl+Down sleep 1 key Ctrl+c sleep 1 key Down sleep 1 key Shift+KP_Insert sleep 60 key Alt+Down sleep 3
# $1 is the number of preceding 0s
# $2 is the series name to be searched
out=$(ech "$page" | grep -i -m 1 --after-context=5 "name: '$2'" | grep -i data | sed -E "s/ *data\\: \\[//" | sed -E "s/\\] *\\} *\\]? *\\,? *\\{? *//" | sed -E "s/null/0/g" | sed "s/\\-[0-9]+/0/g" | sed -E "s/\\,/\\n/g")
for i in $(seq 1 "$1"); do
ech "$out" | xclip -selection clipboard
# open sheet
(firefox "" &> /dev/null & disown)
sleep 60
# vaccination Germany
#export IFS=$'\n'
ech "0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n$(wget -q -O - "" | tail -n +2 | while read line; do echo $line | sed "s/([0-9\\-]+ +){6}([0-9\\-]+).*/\\2/"; done)" | xclip -selection clipboard
# vaccination Austria
# `echo "$()"` adds a trailing newline so that `while read` doesn't skip the last line
ech "0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n8360\\n8360\\n$(echo "$(wget -q -O - "")" | tail -n +13 | while read line; do echo "$line" | sed "s/[0-9\-]+\\;([0-9]*)\\;.*/\\1/"; done)" | xclip -selection clipboard
# Germany
page=$(wget -q -O - "")
insert_worldometers 0 "Currently infected"
insert_worldometers 0 "New cases"
insert_worldometers 68 "Daily deaths"
# Saxony
page="$(wget -q -O - "")"
total_saxony=$(echo "$page" | grep "cases" | tail -n 1 | grep -o -E "[0-9]+")
qalc -t "$total_saxony-$(cat /home/fabian/misc/corona_storage | head -n 1)" | sed "s/−[0-9]+/0/" | sed "s/\\\"//g" | xclip -selection clipboard
dead_saxony_now=$(echo "$page" | grep "deaths" | tail -n 1 | grep -o -E "[0-9]+")
qalc -t "$dead_saxony_now-$(cat /home/fabian/misc/corona_storage | head -n 2 | tail -n 1)" | sed "s/−[0-9]+/0/" | sed "s/\\\"//g" | xclip -selection clipboard
# North Saxony
total_north_saxony=$(echo "$page" | grep "cases" | head -n 1 | grep -o -E "[0-9]+")
qalc -t "$total_north_saxony-$(cat /home/fabian/misc/corona_storage | head -n 3 | tail -n 1)" | sed "s/−[0-9]+/0/" | sed "s/\\\"//g" | xclip -selection clipboard
# world
page=$(wget -q -O - "")
insert_worldometers 0 "Currently infected"
insert_worldometers 0 "Daily cases" # because consistency
insert_worldometers 0 "Daily deaths"
# Lower Saxony
page=$(wget -q -O - "")
ech "$page" | grep "\\." | while read line; do
ech "$line" | sed "s/[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\;//" | sed "s/\\-[0-9]+/0/g" | tr ";" "\n" | head -n 1 # "-" is speculative, it never happened here before
done | xclip -selection clipboard
ech "$page" | grep "\." | while read line; do
echo "$line" | sed "s/[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\;[0-9]+\\;[0-9\.]+\\;//" | sed "s/\\-[0-9]+/0/g" # speculative "-"
done | xclip -selection clipboard
# Hannover cases (and preparation for the rest of Hannover and Lehrte)
# This breaks if 20 or more articles were published today after the Corona update. I could fix that, but it's extremely unlikely. Changes to the website are much more likely.
links=$(wget --no-check-certificate -q -O - "" | grep -E "<div class\\=\\\"news\\-list\\-item\\-title\\\"><h2><a href\\=\\\"https\\:\\/\\/www\\.altkreisblitz\\.de\\/aktuelles\\/datum\\/$(date "+%Y\\/%m\\/%d")" | grep -o -E "https[^\\\"]+")
#links=$(wget --no-check-certificate -q -O - "" | grep -E "<div class\\=\\\"news\\-list\\-item\\-title\\\"><h2><a href\\=\\\"https\\:\\/\\/www\\.altkreisblitz\\.de\\/aktuelles\\/datum\\/2021\\/01\\/25" | grep -o -E "https[^\\\"]+")
for link in $links; do # $links not quoted, because that breaks splitting on newlines for some reason
page=$(wget -q -O - "$link")
cases_han=$(ech "$page" | grep --after-context=1 -e "Aktuell Infizierte" -e "Aktuell registrierte Infizierte" | grep -o -E "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.\\: [0-9]+" | head -n 1 | sed "s/[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.\\: //g")
dead_han_now=$(ech "$page" | grep -o -E "[0-9]+ Menschen sind infolge einer nachgewiesenen oder mutmaßlichen Corona\\-Infektion in der Region verstorben" | grep -o -E "[0-9]+")
cases_lehrte=$(ech "$page" | grep -o -E "Lehrte<\\/p> *<\\/td> *<td> *<p class\\=\\\"bodytext\\\"> *[0-9]+" | grep -o -E "[0-9]+")
total_lehrte=$(ech "$page" | grep -o -E "Lehrte<\\/p> *<\\/td> *<td> *<p class\\=\\\"bodytext\\\"> *[0-9]+ *<\\/p> *<\\/td> *<td> *<p class\\=\\\"bodytext\\\"> *[0-9]+" | grep -o -E "[0-9]+" | tail -n 1)
if [[ "$cases_han" != "" ]] && [[ "$dead_han_now" != "" ]] && [[ "$cases_lehrte" != "" ]] && [[ "$total_lehrte" != "" ]]; then
dead_han=$(qalc -t "$dead_han_now-$(cat /home/fabian/misc/corona_storage | head -n 4 | tail -n 1)" | sed "s/−[0-9]+/0/" | sed "s/\"//g")
new_lehrte=$(qalc -t "$total_lehrte-$(cat /home/fabian/misc/corona_storage | tail -n 1)" | sed "s/−[0-9]+/0/" | sed "s/\\\"//g")
ech "$cases_han" | xclip -selection clipboard
if [[ $found == 0 ]]; then
echo "Couldn't find/parse article, skipping. Links checked:\n$links"
dead_han_now=$(cat /home/fabian/misc/corona_storage | head -n 4 | tail -n 1)
total_lehrte=$(cat /home/fabian/misc/corona_storage | tail -n 1)
ech "$total_saxony\n$dead_saxony_now\n$total_north_saxony\n$dead_han_now\n$total_lehrte" > /home/fabian/misc/corona_storage
# Hannover new
ech "0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\\n0\n$(wget -q -O - "" | grep han | while read line; do ech "$line" | sed "s/[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+\\;[0-9]+\\;[0-9]+\\;[^\\;]+\\;//" | tr ";" "\n" | head -n 1 | sed "s/\\-[0-9]+/0/g"; done)" | xclip -selection clipboard
# Hannover dead, Lehrte cases, Lehrte new
if [[ $found == 1 ]]; then
ech "$dead_han" | xclip -selection clipboard
ech "$cases_lehrte" | xclip -selection clipboard
ech "$new_lehrte" | xclip -selection clipboard
ech "0" | xclip -selection clipboard
ech "0" | xclip -selection clipboard
# Lehrte dead, assumed 0 by default
ech "0" | xclip -selection clipboard
# Austria
page=$(wget -q -O - "")
insert_worldometers 81 "Currently infected"
insert_worldometers 81 "New cases"
insert_worldometers 81 "Daily deaths"
# prepare manual checks
# return to first manually filled sheet (by looping back through last)
xdotool key Alt+Up sleep 3 key Alt+Up sleep 3 key Alt+Up sleep 3 key Alt+Up sleep 3
# open pages for manual checks
weekday=$(qalc -t "weekday(today)" | sed "s/\\\"//g")
if [[ $found == 0 ]] && [[ $weekday -lt 6 ]]; then
(firefox "" &> /dev/null & disown)
sleep 1
(firefox "" &> /dev/null & disown)
notify-send -t 10000 "done"
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