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Vue Draggable Resizable - Body limits
[classNameActive]: enabled,
[classNameDragging]: dragging,
[classNameResizing]: resizing,
[classNameDraggable]: draggable,
[classNameResizable]: resizable
}, className]"
v-for="handle in actualHandles"
:class="[classNameHandle, classNameHandle + '-' + handle]"
:style="{display: enabled ? 'block' : 'none'}"
@mousedown.stop.prevent="handleDown(handle, $event)"
@touchstart.stop.prevent="handleTouchDown(handle, $event)"
<slot :name="handle"></slot>
import {matchesSelectorToParentElements, getComputedSize, addEvent, removeEvent} from '../utils/dom'
import {computeWidth, computeHeight, restrictToBounds, snapToGrid} from '../utils/fns'
const events = {
mouse: {
start: 'mousedown',
move: 'mousemove',
stop: 'mouseup'
touch: {
start: 'touchstart',
move: 'touchmove',
stop: 'touchend'
const userSelectNone = {
userSelect: 'none',
MozUserSelect: 'none',
WebkitUserSelect: 'none',
MsUserSelect: 'none'
const userSelectAuto = {
userSelect: 'auto',
MozUserSelect: 'auto',
WebkitUserSelect: 'auto',
MsUserSelect: 'auto'
let eventsFor = events.mouse
export default {
replace: true,
name: 'vue-draggable-resizable',
props: {
className: {
type: String,
default: 'vdr'
classNameDraggable: {
type: String,
default: 'draggable'
classNameResizable: {
type: String,
default: 'resizable'
classNameDragging: {
type: String,
default: 'dragging'
classNameResizing: {
type: String,
default: 'resizing'
classNameActive: {
type: String,
default: 'active'
classNameHandle: {
type: String,
default: 'handle'
disableUserSelect: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
enableNativeDrag: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
preventDeactivation: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
active: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
draggable: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
resizable: {
type: Boolean,
default: true
lockAspectRatio: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
w: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 200,
validator: (val) => {
if (typeof val === 'number') {
return val > 0
return val === 'auto'
h: {
type: [Number, String],
default: 200,
validator: (val) => {
if (typeof val === 'number') {
return val > 0
return val === 'auto'
minWidth: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
validator: (val) => val >= 0
minHeight: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
validator: (val) => val >= 0
maxWidth: {
type: Number,
default: null,
validator: (val) => val >= 0
maxHeight: {
type: Number,
default: null,
validator: (val) => val >= 0
x: {
type: Number,
default: 0
y: {
type: Number,
default: 0
z: {
type: [String, Number],
default: 'auto',
validator: (val) => (typeof val === 'string' ? val === 'auto' : val >= 0)
handles: {
type: Array,
default: () => ['tl', 'tm', 'tr', 'mr', 'br', 'bm', 'bl', 'ml'],
validator: (val) => {
const s = new Set(['tl', 'tm', 'tr', 'mr', 'br', 'bm', 'bl', 'ml'])
return new Set(val.filter(h => s.has(h))).size === val.length
dragHandle: {
type: String,
default: null
dragCancel: {
type: String,
default: null
axis: {
type: String,
default: 'both',
validator: (val) => ['x', 'y', 'both'].includes(val)
grid: {
type: Array,
default: () => [1, 1]
parent: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
scale: {
type: Number,
default: 1,
validator: (val) => val > 0
onDragStart: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
onDrag: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
onResizeStart: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
onResize: {
type: Function,
default: () => true
data: function () {
return {
left: this.x,
top: this.y,
right: null,
bottom: null,
width: null,
height: null,
widthTouched: false,
heightTouched: false,
aspectFactor: null,
parentWidth: null,
parentHeight: null,
minW: this.minWidth,
minH: this.minHeight,
maxW: this.maxWidth,
maxH: this.maxHeight,
handle: null,
resizing: false,
dragging: false,
zIndex: this.z
created: function () {
// eslint-disable-next-line
if (this.maxWidth && this.minWidth > this.maxWidth) console.warn('[Vdr warn]: Invalid prop: minWidth cannot be greater than maxWidth')
// eslint-disable-next-line
if (this.maxWidth && this.minHeight > this.maxHeight) console.warn('[Vdr warn]: Invalid prop: minHeight cannot be greater than maxHeight')
mounted: function () {
if (!this.enableNativeDrag) {
this.$el.ondragstart = () => false
const [parentWidth, parentHeight] = this.getParentSize()
this.parentWidth = parentWidth
this.parentHeight = parentHeight
const [width, height] = getComputedSize(this.$el)
this.aspectFactor = (this.w !== 'auto' ? this.w : width) / (this.h !== 'auto' ? this.h : height)
this.width = this.w !== 'auto' ? this.w : width
this.height = this.h !== 'auto' ? this.h : height
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.width - this.left
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - this.height -
addEvent(document.documentElement, 'mousedown', this.deselect)
addEvent(document.documentElement, 'touchend touchcancel', this.deselect)
addEvent(window, 'resize', this.checkParentSize)
beforeDestroy: function () {
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'mousedown', this.deselect)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'touchstart', this.handleUp)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'mousemove', this.move)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'touchmove', this.move)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'mouseup', this.handleUp)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, 'touchend touchcancel', this.deselect)
removeEvent(window, 'resize', this.checkParentSize)
methods: {
resetBoundsAndMouseState() {
this.mouseClickPosition = {mouseX: 0, mouseY: 0, x: 0, y: 0, w: 0, h: 0}
this.bounds = {
minLeft: null,
maxLeft: null,
minRight: null,
maxRight: null,
minTop: null,
maxTop: null,
minBottom: null,
maxBottom: null
checkParentSize() {
if (this.parent) {
const [newParentWidth, newParentHeight] = this.getParentSize()
this.parentWidth = newParentWidth
this.parentHeight = newParentHeight
getParentSize() {
if (this.parent) {
const style = window.getComputedStyle(this.$el.parentNode, null)
return [
parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('width'), 10),
parseInt(style.getPropertyValue('height'), 10)
const bodyRect = document.body.getBoundingClientRect()
return [bodyRect.width, bodyRect.height]
elementTouchDown(e) {
eventsFor = events.touch
elementMouseDown(e) {
eventsFor = events.mouse
elementDown(e) {
if (e instanceof MouseEvent && e.which !== 1) {
const target = || e.srcElement
if (this.$el.contains(target)) {
if (this.onDragStart(e) === false) {
if (
(this.dragHandle && !matchesSelectorToParentElements(target, this.dragHandle, this.$el)) ||
(this.dragCancel && matchesSelectorToParentElements(target, this.dragCancel, this.$el))
) {
this.dragging = false
if (!this.enabled) {
this.enabled = true
this.$emit('update:active', true)
if (this.draggable) {
this.dragging = true
this.mouseClickPosition.mouseX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX
this.mouseClickPosition.mouseY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY
this.mouseClickPosition.left = this.left
this.mouseClickPosition.right = this.right =
this.mouseClickPosition.bottom = this.bottom
this.bounds = this.calcDragLimits()
addEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.move, this.move)
addEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.stop, this.handleUp)
calcDragLimits() {
return {
minLeft: this.left % this.grid[0],
maxLeft: Math.floor((this.parentWidth - this.width - this.left) / this.grid[0]) * this.grid[0] + this.left,
minRight: this.right % this.grid[0],
maxRight: Math.floor((this.parentWidth - this.width - this.right) / this.grid[0]) * this.grid[0] + this.right,
minTop: % this.grid[1],
maxTop: Math.floor((this.parentHeight - this.height - / this.grid[1]) * this.grid[1] +,
minBottom: this.bottom % this.grid[1],
maxBottom: Math.floor((this.parentHeight - this.height - this.bottom) / this.grid[1]) * this.grid[1] + this.bottom
deselect(e) {
const target = || e.srcElement
const regex = new RegExp(this.className + '-([trmbl]{2})', '')
if (!this.$el.contains(target) && !regex.test(target.className)) {
if (this.enabled && !this.preventDeactivation) {
this.enabled = false
this.$emit('update:active', false)
removeEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.move, this.handleResize)
handleTouchDown(handle, e) {
eventsFor = events.touch
this.handleDown(handle, e)
handleDown(handle, e) {
if (e instanceof MouseEvent && e.which !== 1) {
if (this.onResizeStart(handle, e) === false) {
if (e.stopPropagation) e.stopPropagation()
// Here we avoid a dangerous recursion by faking
// corner handles as middle handles
if (this.lockAspectRatio && !handle.includes('m')) {
this.handle = 'm' + handle.substring(1)
} else {
this.handle = handle
this.resizing = true
this.mouseClickPosition.mouseX = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX
this.mouseClickPosition.mouseY = e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY
this.mouseClickPosition.left = this.left
this.mouseClickPosition.right = this.right =
this.mouseClickPosition.bottom = this.bottom
this.bounds = this.calcResizeLimits()
addEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.move, this.handleResize)
addEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.stop, this.handleUp)
calcResizeLimits() {
let minW = this.minW
let minH = this.minH
let maxW = this.maxW
let maxH = this.maxH
const aspectFactor = this.aspectFactor
const [gridX, gridY] = this.grid
const width = this.width
const height = this.height
const left = this.left
const top =
const right = this.right
const bottom = this.bottom
if (this.lockAspectRatio) {
if (minW / minH > aspectFactor) {
minH = minW / aspectFactor
} else {
minW = aspectFactor * minH
if (maxW && maxH) {
maxW = Math.min(maxW, aspectFactor * maxH)
maxH = Math.min(maxH, maxW / aspectFactor)
} else if (maxW) {
maxH = maxW / aspectFactor
} else if (maxH) {
maxW = aspectFactor * maxH
maxW = maxW - (maxW % gridX)
maxH = maxH - (maxH % gridY)
const limits = {
minLeft: null,
maxLeft: null,
minTop: null,
maxTop: null,
minRight: null,
maxRight: null,
minBottom: null,
maxBottom: null
limits.minLeft = left % gridX
limits.maxLeft = left + Math.floor((width - minW) / gridX) * gridX
limits.minTop = top % gridY
limits.maxTop = top + Math.floor((height - minH) / gridY) * gridY
limits.minRight = right % gridX
limits.maxRight = right + Math.floor((width - minW) / gridX) * gridX
limits.minBottom = bottom % gridY
limits.maxBottom = bottom + Math.floor((height - minH) / gridY) * gridY
if (maxW) {
limits.minLeft = Math.max(limits.minLeft, this.parentWidth - right - maxW)
limits.minRight = Math.max(limits.minRight, this.parentWidth - left - maxW)
if (maxH) {
limits.minTop = Math.max(limits.minTop, this.parentHeight - bottom - maxH)
limits.minBottom = Math.max(limits.minBottom, this.parentHeight - top - maxH)
if (this.lockAspectRatio) {
limits.minLeft = Math.max(limits.minLeft, left - top * aspectFactor)
limits.minTop = Math.max(limits.minTop, top - left / aspectFactor)
limits.minRight = Math.max(limits.minRight, right - bottom * aspectFactor)
limits.minBottom = Math.max(limits.minBottom, bottom - right / aspectFactor)
return limits
move(e) {
if (this.resizing) {
} else if (this.dragging) {
handleDrag(e) {
const axis = this.axis
const grid = this.grid
const bounds = this.bounds
const mouseClickPosition = this.mouseClickPosition
const tmpDeltaX = axis && axis !== 'y' ? mouseClickPosition.mouseX - (e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX) : 0
const tmpDeltaY = axis && axis !== 'x' ? mouseClickPosition.mouseY - (e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY) : 0
const [deltaX, deltaY] = snapToGrid(grid, tmpDeltaX, tmpDeltaY, this.scale)
const left = restrictToBounds(mouseClickPosition.left - deltaX, bounds.minLeft, bounds.maxLeft)
const top = restrictToBounds( - deltaY, bounds.minTop, bounds.maxTop)
if (this.onDrag(left, top) === false) {
const right = restrictToBounds(mouseClickPosition.right + deltaX, bounds.minRight, bounds.maxRight)
const bottom = restrictToBounds(mouseClickPosition.bottom + deltaY, bounds.minBottom, bounds.maxBottom)
this.left = left = top
this.right = right
this.bottom = bottom
this.$emit('dragging', this.left,
moveHorizontally(val) {
const [deltaX, _] = snapToGrid(this.grid, val,, this.scale)
const left = restrictToBounds(deltaX, this.bounds.minLeft, this.bounds.maxLeft)
this.left = left
this.right = this.parentWidth - this.width - left
moveVertically(val) {
const [_, deltaY] = snapToGrid(this.grid, this.left, val, this.scale)
const top = restrictToBounds(deltaY, this.bounds.minTop, this.bounds.maxTop) = top
this.bottom = this.parentHeight - this.height - top
handleResize(e) {
let left = this.left
let top =
let right = this.right
let bottom = this.bottom
const mouseClickPosition = this.mouseClickPosition
const lockAspectRatio = this.lockAspectRatio
const aspectFactor = this.aspectFactor
const tmpDeltaX = mouseClickPosition.mouseX - (e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageX : e.pageX)
const tmpDeltaY = mouseClickPosition.mouseY - (e.touches ? e.touches[0].pageY : e.pageY)
if (!this.widthTouched && tmpDeltaX) {
this.widthTouched = true
if (!this.heightTouched && tmpDeltaY) {
this.heightTouched = true
const [deltaX, deltaY] = snapToGrid(this.grid, tmpDeltaX, tmpDeltaY, this.scale)
if (this.handle.includes('b')) {
bottom = restrictToBounds(
mouseClickPosition.bottom + deltaY,
if (this.lockAspectRatio && this.resizingOnY) {
right = this.right - (this.bottom - bottom) * aspectFactor
} else if (this.handle.includes('t')) {
top = restrictToBounds( - deltaY,
if (this.lockAspectRatio && this.resizingOnY) {
left = this.left - ( - top) * aspectFactor
if (this.handle.includes('r')) {
right = restrictToBounds(
mouseClickPosition.right + deltaX,
if (this.lockAspectRatio && this.resizingOnX) {
bottom = this.bottom - (this.right - right) / aspectFactor
} else if (this.handle.includes('l')) {
left = restrictToBounds(
mouseClickPosition.left - deltaX,
if (this.lockAspectRatio && this.resizingOnX) {
top = - (this.left - left) / aspectFactor
const width = computeWidth(this.parentWidth, left, right)
const height = computeHeight(this.parentHeight, top, bottom)
if (this.onResize(this.handle, left, top, width, height) === false) {
this.left = left = top
this.right = right
this.bottom = bottom
this.width = width
this.height = height
this.$emit('resizing', this.left,, this.width, this.height)
changeWidth(val) {
const [newWidth, _] = snapToGrid(this.grid, val, 0, this.scale)
let right = restrictToBounds(
(this.parentWidth - newWidth - this.left),
let bottom = this.bottom
if (this.lockAspectRatio) {
bottom = this.bottom - (this.right - right) / this.aspectFactor
const width = computeWidth(this.parentWidth, this.left, right)
const height = computeHeight(this.parentHeight,, bottom)
this.right = right
this.bottom = bottom
this.width = width
this.height = height
changeHeight(val) {
const [_, newHeight] = snapToGrid(this.grid, 0, val, this.scale)
let bottom = restrictToBounds(
(this.parentHeight - newHeight -,
let right = this.right
if (this.lockAspectRatio) {
right = this.right - (this.bottom - bottom) * this.aspectFactor
const width = computeWidth(this.parentWidth, this.left, right)
const height = computeHeight(this.parentHeight,, bottom)
this.right = right
this.bottom = bottom
this.width = width
this.height = height
handleUp(e) {
this.handle = null
if (this.resizing) {
this.resizing = false
this.$emit('resizestop', this.left,, this.width, this.height)
if (this.dragging) {
this.dragging = false
this.$emit('dragstop', this.left,
removeEvent(document.documentElement, eventsFor.move, this.handleResize)
computed: {
style() {
return {
transform: `translate(${this.left}px, ${}px)`,
width: this.computedWidth,
height: this.computedHeight,
zIndex: this.zIndex,
...(this.dragging && this.disableUserSelect ? userSelectNone : userSelectAuto)
actualHandles() {
if (!this.resizable) return []
return this.handles
computedWidth() {
if (this.w === 'auto') {
if (!this.widthTouched) {
return 'auto'
return this.width + 'px'
computedHeight() {
if (this.h === 'auto') {
if (!this.heightTouched) {
return 'auto'
return this.height + 'px'
resizingOnX() {
return (Boolean(this.handle) && (this.handle.includes('l') || this.handle.includes('r')))
resizingOnY() {
return (Boolean(this.handle) && (this.handle.includes('t') || this.handle.includes('b')))
isCornerHandle() {
return (Boolean(this.handle) && ['tl', 'tr', 'br', 'bl'].includes(this.handle))
watch: {
active(val) {
this.enabled = val
if (val) {
} else {
z(val) {
if (val >= 0 || val === 'auto') {
this.zIndex = val
x(val) {
if (this.resizing || this.dragging) {
this.bounds = this.calcDragLimits()
y(val) {
if (this.resizing || this.dragging) {
this.bounds = this.calcDragLimits()
lockAspectRatio(val) {
if (val) {
this.aspectFactor = this.width / this.height
} else {
this.aspectFactor = undefined
minWidth(val) {
if (val > 0 && val <= this.width) {
this.minW = val
minHeight(val) {
if (val > 0 && val <= this.height) {
this.minH = val
maxWidth(val) {
this.maxW = val
maxHeight(val) {
this.maxH = val
w(val) {
if (this.resizing || this.dragging) {
if (this.parent) {
this.bounds = this.calcResizeLimits()
h(val) {
if (this.resizing || this.dragging) {
if (this.parent) {
this.bounds = this.calcResizeLimits()
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