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Created September 28, 2018 14:31
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import canvasSketch from "canvas-sketch";
import { random } from "canvas-sketch-util";
import _ from "lodash"; = "#A08BED";
const settings = {
animate: true,
duration: 15,
dimensions: [2048, 2048],
fps: 60
const params = {
numCircles: _.range(20),
squareSize: 30,
circleRadius: 80
const palette = ["#C484EC", "#8a6feb", "#AC58E2", "#7f5fef"];
const sketch = () => {
const { squareSize, numCircles, circleRadius } = params;
const renderSquare = (ctx, x, y, rotation, fill) => {
ctx.fillStyle = fill;
// ctx.translate(x + squareSize / 2, y + squareSize / 2);
// ctx.rotate(rotation);
// ctx.translate(-1 * (x + squareSize / 2), -1 * (y + squareSize / 2));
ctx.fillRect(x, y, squareSize, squareSize);
// HINT: Treat this like a render method!
return ({ context: ctx, width, height, playhead, time }) => {
ctx.fillStyle = "#850fd0";
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);
// Sketch here:
// HINT: For an element around a centre at (x, y), distance r, the element's centre should be positioned at:
// (x + r cos(2kπ/n), y + r sin(2kπ/n))
// TODO: Have every circle be a different color iterating in color
const center = {
x: width / 2,
y: width / 2
const t = Math.sin(playhead * Math.PI);
for (const j in numCircles) {
const isEvenOrOneven = j % 2;
const circleT = isEvenOrOneven ? t * 1.5 : t;
const isReverse = isEvenOrOneven ? t * -1 : t;
const numSquares = _.range(j * 10);
for (const i in numSquares) {
const angle = (i / (numSquares.length / 2)) * Math.PI;
const radius = j * circleRadius;
center.x +
radius * Math.cos(angle + isReverse) -
squareSize / 2,
center.y +
radius * Math.sin(angle + isReverse) -
squareSize / 2,
Math.cos(angle) / 180,
palette[Math.floor(j / palette.length)]
canvasSketch(sketch, settings);
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