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Fabien Henon FabienHenon

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iex(node2@> Swarm.members(:notification_sender)
[#PID<0.794.0>, #PID<0.824.0>, #PID<0.792.0>, #PID<24706.878.0>]
iex(node2@> *DBG* 'Elixir.Swarm.Tracker' receive info {'DOWN',#Ref<0.3005574842.2392326147.106534>,process,<24706.878.0>,
noconnection} in state tracking
[debug] [swarm on node2@] [tracker:handle_monitor] lost connection to "7a20ed8c-98b8-4db5-bb59-dfa9d038aae1" (#PID<24706.878.0>) on node1@, node is down
[debug] [swarm on node2@] [tracker:handle_topology_change] topology change (nodedown for node1@
[debug] [swarm on node2@] [tracker:handle_topology_change] #PID<0.792.0> belongs on node1@
[error] Scheduler BEGIN_HANDOFF %{}
[debug] [swarm on node2@] [tracker:handle_topology_change] ModNotifications.Workers.Scheduler has requested to be resumed
[warn] [swarm on node2@] [tracker:broadcast_event] broadcast of event ({:untrack, #PID<0.792.0>}) was not recevied by [:"
[info] [swarm on node1@] [tracker:init] started
[info] Running API.Endpoint with Cowboy using http://localhost:4000
Interactive Elixir (1.6.0) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(node1@> *DBG* 'Elixir.Swarm.Tracker' receive info cluster_join in state cluster_wait
[info] [swarm on node1@] [tracker:cluster_wait] joining cluster..
[info] [swarm on node1@] [tracker:cluster_wait] no connected nodes, proceeding without sync
*DBG* 'Elixir.Swarm.Tracker' consume info cluster_join in state cluster_wait
iex(node1@> *DBG* 'Elixir.Swarm.Tracker' receive info {nodeup,'node2@',[{node_type,visible}]} in state tracking
FabienHenon / node1@
Last active February 2, 2018 10:25
Swarm issue fixed
[info] [swarm on node1@] [tracker:init] started
[info] Running API.Endpoint with Cowboy using http://localhost:4000
Interactive Elixir (1.6.0) - press Ctrl+C to exit (type h() ENTER for help)
iex(node1@> *DBG* 'Elixir.Swarm.Tracker' receive info cluster_join in state cluster_wait
[info] [swarm on node1@] [tracker:cluster_wait] joining cluster..
[info] [swarm on node1@] [tracker:cluster_wait] no connected nodes, proceeding without sync
*DBG* 'Elixir.Swarm.Tracker' consume info cluster_join in state cluster_wait
iex(node1@> :observer.start
*DBG* 'Elixir.Swarm.Tracker' receive call {track,<<"1fc15cb6-8dcb-4377-91e8-02932acc9075">>,
defmodule ModContact.Import.CsvAdapter do
use GenServer
def start_link(name, path) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [name: name, path: path])
def init(opts) do
defmodule ModContact.Import.CsvAdapter do
use GenServer
def start_link(name, path) do
GenServer.start_link(__MODULE__, [name: name, path: path])
def init(opts) do
defmodule RedisApp.Application do
use Application
def start(_type, _args) do
import Supervisor.Spec, warn: false
children = [
worker(RedisApp, [])
defmodule Redis do
@name {:global, :redis}
def start_link do
Agent.start_link(&, name: @name)
def set(key, value) do
Agent.update(@name, &Map.put(&1, key, value))
defmodule ModContact.Types.FieldTypes do
import Utils.Gettext
@external_resource field_types_path = Path.join([__DIR__, "res", "field_types.json"])
# Loads field types in module attributes
Module.register_attribute __MODULE__, :field_types, accumulate: true
{:ok, json} =
with {:ok, body} <-,
retrieve_subscriptions() # Returns a stream with active subscriptions and users
|> Flow.from_enumerable(max_demand: 2) # Start flow
|> Flow.partition(max_demand: 5, stages: 10, hash: fn {u, s} -> {{u, s}, rem(, 10)} end) # Partition dispatching by user id to be able to keep unique users
|> Flow.uniq_by(fn {user, _} -> end) # Keep unique users
|> Flow.partition(max_demand: 5, stages: 10) # Partition
|> # Retrieve best place for user
|> Flow.partition(window: Flow.Window.count(100), stages: 1) # Partition and creating window bound for reduce
|> Flow.reduce(fn -> [] end, fn item, list -> [item | list] end)