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Last active May 7, 2019 03:16
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Codes for graphs
import plotly
from plotly.offline import iplot, init_notebook_mode
def trace(data, mode = 'markers', name="data"):
x_values = list(map(lambda point: point['x'],data))
y_values = list(map(lambda point: point['y'],data))
return {'x': x_values, 'y': y_values, 'mode': mode, 'name': name}
def trace_values(x_values, y_values, mode = 'markers', name="data", text_values = []):
return {'x': x_values, 'y': y_values, 'mode': mode, 'name': name, 'text': text_values}
def layout(x_range = None, y_range = None, options = {}):
layout = {}
if isinstance(x_range, list): layout.update({'xaxis': {'range': x_range}})
if isinstance(y_range, list): layout.update({'yaxis': {'range': y_range}})
return layout
def plot(traces = [], layout = {}):
if not isinstance(traces, list): raise TypeError('first argument must be a list. Instead is', traces)
plotly.offline.iplot({'data': traces, 'layout': layout})
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