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Last active December 4, 2020 11:36
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Iptables cheatsheet.

Iptables cheatseet

Good to know: Iptables reads rules from top to bottom, stopping at the first rule that matches.


chain: group of rules (Default ones are INPUT, OUTPUT and FORWARD).

target: What to do with a packet (Often used are ACCEPT, DROP (No echo/"offline"), REJECT (Echoes back 'not authorized icmp')).


Targets are what the firewall with do with a packet.

Commonly used targets:

Target Description
ACCEPT Accepts a packet
DROP Drops a packet (Makes it look like the host is offline)
REJECT Drops a packet and replies with 'Not authorized'.
RETURN Returns from a subchain to the main chain. (Immediately stops processing the subchain).

Default policy

To change the default policy of a chain, use the following command:

iptables -P chain target

where chain is the chain name and target is one of DROP, ACCEPT, REJECT.


iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT			// change INPUT table policy to ACCEPT
iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT			// change OUTPUT chain policy to ACCEPT
iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT			// change FORWARD chain policy to ACCEPT
iptables -P chain DROP            	// change custom chain default to DROP

Manage chains

To create a chain run the following command:

iptables -N chain_name

To rename a chain:

iptables -E new_name old_name

To delete a chain:

iptables -X chain_name

To redirect a packet to be processed by a (sub)chain:

iptables -A INPUT -p icmp -j new_chain

Redirect packets from default chain INPUT with icmp protocol to custom chain 'new_chain'

Manage rules

List rules:

iptables -L								// list all rules of all chains
iptables -L -v							// display rules and their counters
iptables -L -t nat						// display rules for a specific chain
iptables -L -n --line-numbers			// listing rules with line number for all chains
iptables -L INPUT -n --line-numbers		// listing rules with line number for specific chain

Manage rules:

iptables -A chain <rule>			// append rule to bottom of chain
iptables -I chain [rulenum] <rule>	// insert rule at specific position
iptables -R chain rulenum <rule>    // replace rule at position
iptables -D chain rulenum <rule>    // delete rule at position
iptables -D chain <rule>			// delete rule by full syntax

Flush (delete all rules):

iptables -F

Recommended to use this only after you ran default accept for all chains (This could kill your SSH connection!).

Rule syntax/modifiers


-p tcp

Usually TCP, UDP or ICMP.

Port filtering:

--destination-port 443

Sometimes also used as --dport (Does not work in all distros as far as I tested). To use this parameter, you have to specify the protocol.

IP Filtering:


Makes this rule apply only to this SOURCE (incoming/external packet) IP.


Makes this rule apply only to destination (usually internal) IP.



Either ACCEPT, DROP, REJECT or a name of a custom chain to continue processing.

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