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Last active July 9, 2024 07:35
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The Ultimate Probability Controller Script for Games in Unity
//Full Youtube Tutorial on this Script:
//The script doesn't have any kind of Input Validation you should added to the lists before calling the functions
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class ProbabilitiesController : MonoBehaviour
#region Basic Probability check
//this is the basic Probability function that will take the item chance is 30% and then check if you'll get or not
public bool ProbabilityCheck(int itemProbability)
float rnd = Random.Range(1, 101);
if (rnd <= itemProbability)
return true;
return false;
#region Normal items Probability from 100
List<float> cumulativeProbability;
//This function is called with the Item probability array and it'll return the index of the item
// for example the list can look like [10,25,30] so the first item has 10% of showing and next one has 25% and so on
public int GetItemByProbability(List<float> probability) //[50,10,20,20]
//if your game will use this a lot of time it is best to build the arry just one time
//and remove this function from here.
return -1; //when it return false then the list excceded 100 in the last index
float rnd = Random.Range(1, 101); //Get a random number between 0 and 100
for (int i = 0; i < probability.Count; i++)
if (rnd <= cumulativeProbability[i]) //if the probility reach the correct sum
return i; //return the item index that has been chosen
return -1; //return -1 if some error happens
//this function creates the cumulative list
bool MakeCumulativeProbability(List<float> probability)
float probabilitiesSum = 0;
cumulativeProbability = new List<float>(); //reset the Array
for (int i = 0; i < probability.Count; i++)
probabilitiesSum += probability[i]; //add the probability to the sum
cumulativeProbability.Add(probabilitiesSum); //add the new sum to the list
//All Probabilities need to be under 100% or it'll throw an exception
if (probabilitiesSum > 100f)
Debug.LogError("Probabilities exceed 100%");
return false;
return true;
#region Normal items Probability By Rarity
List<float> cumulativeByRarity;
//This function is called with the Item probability array and it'll return the index of the item
// for example the list can look like [10,25,30] so the first item has 10% of showing and next one has 25% and so on
public int GetItemByProbabilityRarity(List<float> probabilityRarity)
//if your game will use this a lot of time it is best to build the arry just one time
//and remove this function from here.
float rnd = Random.Range(1, 101); //Get a random number between 0 and 100
for (int i = 0; i < probabilityRarity.Count; i++)
if (rnd <= cumulativeByRarity[i]) //if the probility reach the correct sum
return i; //return the item index that has been chosen
return -1; //return -1 if some error happens
//this function creates the cumulative list
void MakeCumulativeByProbabilityRarity(List<float> probabilityRarity)
float probabilitiesSum = 0;
cumulativeByRarity = new List<float>(); //reset the Array
float ProbilityModifier = GetprobabilityByRarityModifer(probabilityRarity);
for (int i = 0; i < probabilityRarity.Count; i++)
probabilitiesSum += probabilityRarity[i] * ProbilityModifier; //add the probability to the sum
cumulativeByRarity.Add(probabilitiesSum); //add the new sum to the list
//No need to check if it's bigger than 100 because it'll always be 100 max
//This function is used to get a modifer to be able to get the probabilityRarity List to fit in the cumulativeByRarity list from 0 to 100
float GetprobabilityByRarityModifer(List<float> probabilityRarity) // 5 , 20 , 2
float itemRaritySum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < probabilityRarity.Count; i++)
itemRaritySum += probabilityRarity[i];
return 100 / itemRaritySum;
#region Normal Probability Num In Num
//This Function will return true if the item is lucky enough to be picked by a small chance of one in something
//and 100% chance to get the item if its 1 in 1 ... XD
public bool OneInProbability(int In)
float rnd = Random.Range(1, In + 1);
if (rnd <= 1)
return true;
return false;
//This Function will return true if the item is lucky enough to be picked by a small chance of num in something
//This can be used instead the first one without passing the second variable
public bool ChanceInProbability(int In, int chance = 1)
float rnd = Random.Range(1, In + 1);
if (rnd <= chance)
return true;
return false;
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