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Created August 17, 2017 21:16
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Ansible RethinkDB dynamic inventory module
#!/usr/bin/env python
import json
import rethinkdb as r
from os import environ as env
HOST = env.get('RETHINK_HOST', '')
PORT = env.get('RETHINK_PORT', 28015)
DB = env.get('RETHINK_DB', 'inventory')
GROUP = env.get('RETHINK_GROUP', 'dev')
r.connect(HOST, PORT, DB).repl()
groups = {'_meta': {'hostvars': {}}}
def get_groups(group):
group = r.table('groups').get(group).run()
if not groups.get(group['id']):
groups[group['id']] = group
for g in group.get('children', []):
if 'hosts' in group:
hosts = r.table('hosts').get_all(*group['hosts']).run()
for host in hosts:
if 'vars' in host:
groups['_meta']['hostvars'][host['id']] = host['vars']
# Would probably want to implement --list and stuff here,
# but since _meta is included Ansible should never call --host
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