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Last active September 8, 2016 15:54
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# an empty array to store the grades
grades = []
# variables for the passing grade and the total number of subjects. You can change them from here.
pass_grade = 50
subjects = 7
# loops until reaches the the number of subjects on the subjects variable
while grades.count < subjects
# prints the message
puts "Please enter a grade:"
# takes the input and assign it to grade varible and then adds it to grades array
grade = gets.to_i
grades << grade
# prints the saved grades for confirmation.
puts "Your grades are: #{grades}"
# sums all the of the saved grades in grades array into total varible
total = grades.inject(:+)
# prints the total grades from the total varible
puts "Your total grades is #{total}"
# divides the total to the number of subjects to get the average and assign it to sum varible
sum = total / subjects
# compares the sum with the pass_grade and prints the results as message.
if sum >= pass_grade || sum == pass_grade
puts "You failed!"
puts "You passed."
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