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Created September 8, 2016 15:45
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# A method that takes one array of any size as an argument and prints faild when the average total grades is 50 or more and pass when its less than 50
def calculate(grades)
# countes the number of objects in the array and assign it to subjects varible to use it latter for calculating the average
subjects = grades.count
# sums all of the array objects and assign them to the varible sum
sum = grades.inject(:+)
# compares sum with the passing grade and prints the resuts
if sum / subjects >= 50
puts "Faild"
puts "Passed"
# tests
calculate([20, 43, 5, 49, 32, 38, 22]) # passed
calculate([87, 95, 85, 77, 60, 100, 74]) # faild
calculate([88, 90]) # faild
calculate([20, 40, 49]) # passed
calculate([50]) # faild
# output
[faisal@X260 ruby]$ ruby calc_method.rb
[faisal@X260 ruby]$
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